
61 new cases added to the local area! Is a domestic vaccine still valid for the Delta strain Is the domestic vaccine useful for the Delta strain? Zhong Nanshan: Effective, very safe

author:Overseas Chinese Network of China
61 new cases added to the local area! Is a domestic vaccine still valid for the Delta strain Is the domestic vaccine useful for the Delta strain? Zhong Nanshan: Effective, very safe

According to the website of the National Health and Health Commission, at 0-24:00 on August 2, 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps reported 90 new confirmed cases, of which 29 cases were imported from abroad (8 cases in Yunnan, 6 cases in Guangdong, 3 cases in Tianjin, 3 cases in Shanghai, 3 cases in Sichuan, 2 cases in Jiangsu, 2 cases in Shaanxi, 1 case in Fujian, 1 case in Shandong), 61 cases in local cases (45 cases in Jiangsu, 6 cases in Hunan, 3 cases in Hubei, 2 cases in Henan, 2 cases in Yunnan, 1 case in Beijing, 1 case in Shanghai, 1 case in Fujian) No new deaths; no new suspected cases.

On the same day, 24 new cured and discharged cases were cured, 632 close contacts were released from medical observation, and the severe cases were the same as the previous day.

There are 698 confirmed cases imported from overseas (including 13 severe cases), and there are no existing suspected cases. The cumulative number of confirmed cases is 7504, the cumulative number of cured and discharged cases is 6806, and there are no deaths.

As of 24:00 on August 2, according to reports from 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, there are 1,157 confirmed cases (including 24 severe cases), 87,400 cured and discharged cases, 4,636 cumulative deaths, and 93,193 confirmed cases, with no existing suspected cases. A total of 1102493 close contacts have been traced, and 31,783 close contacts are still under medical observation.

31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps reported 41 new cases of asymptomatic infection, including 18 cases imported from abroad and 23 cases from the mainland (15 cases in Henan, 6 cases in Hubei and 2 cases in Hunan); 4 cases were converted to confirmed cases on the same day (1 case imported from abroad); 14 cases were released from medical observation on the same day (13 cases imported from abroad); and 499 asymptomatic infected people were still under medical observation (383 cases imported from abroad).

A total of 27,751 confirmed cases were reported from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. Among them, there were 11,990 cases in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (11,715 cases discharged from hospital, 212 deaths), 59 cases in Macao Special Administrative Region (54 cases discharged from hospital), and 15,702 cases in Taiwan Region (12,884 cases discharged from hospital, 789 deaths).

61 new cases added to the local area! Is a domestic vaccine still valid for the Delta strain Is the domestic vaccine useful for the Delta strain? Zhong Nanshan: Effective, very safe

Profile picture. China News Service reporter Yang Bo photographed

< h1 toutiao-origin="h1" > domestic vaccine useful for Delta variants? </h1>

<h1 toutiao-origin="h1" > Zhong Nanshan: Effective, very safe</h1>

Is the domestic vaccine useful for the Delta strain? "Effective, very safe." Zhong Nanshan said firmly that he used a set of verified scientific data to illustrate.

Judging from the clinical immunization results, in response to the new coronavirus variant strain, the positive transpositivity rate of the immune serum vaccinated with the Kexing new crown inactivated vaccine on the Delta variant decreased slightly, reaching 87.5%; while the Sinopharm vaccine had the protective ability of the alpha strain, beta strain and delta strain, and the neutralization ability of the alpha strain decreased by 6.7%, and the protective ability remained basically unchanged; the neutralization capacity of the beta strain and the Delta strain decreased by 47% and 32% respectively. "The laboratory examination of these Chinese vaccines found that their overall killing power against the virus has decreased, but it still has a protective effect." Zhong Nanshan said.

According to him, based on the study of the outbreak of the new coronavirus Delta variant in Guangzhou in May this year, the results proved that the domestic vaccine has a protective effect. Preliminary statistics show that the protective effect of vaccines on severe diseases is 100%, and the protective effect on moderate, mild and asymptomatic is 76.9%, 67.2% and 63.2%, respectively. The relevant research results will be published in the future.

In Zhong Nanshan's view, natural immunity is unrealistic, unscientific, and inhumane. "Mass vaccination to achieve herd immunity requires a global collaboration of 2 to 3 years. At present, the number of vaccines in China is the largest, but due to the large population base, the proportion of vaccines per 100 people in China is not high. In China, 83.3% vaccination rates are needed to reach herd immunity. Zhong Nanshan believes that the next step should be to accelerate vaccination and accelerate the development of a vaccine that is more effective for the infection of the Delta variant.

Source: China News Service synthesized from China News Network, Science and Technology Daily (reporter Ye Qing)

Editor: Xu Wenxin

Editor-in-Charge: Historical Words

61 new cases added to the local area! Is a domestic vaccine still valid for the Delta strain Is the domestic vaccine useful for the Delta strain? Zhong Nanshan: Effective, very safe

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