
Wordless romance – Verlaine

author:Wang Xiliang


Wordless romance – Verlaine

Born in Lorraine, France in 1844, Verlaine was the "King of Poets" of French Symbolist poetry, along with Maramé and Rimbaud, the "Troika" of Symbolist poets.

Verlaine originally entered the poetry world as a Banasian poet, but his tone and temperament were very different from the Poetry of the Banas. Verlaine was a melancholy poet, and his first collection of poems published in 1866 was titled Melancholy Poems, and melancholy ran throughout his life's writing.

Verlaine often immersed his inner feelings into natural situations, which seemed to him to be like strange dreams. Although most of Verlaine's works are melancholy, some of the works with a clear and light style, fresh and natural are more famous.

In 1867, Verlaine was introduced by a friend to the poets Motel de Fölvelle, and in the course of their association with them, they fell in love with their daughter Matilte, and after more than a year of dating, the two were formally engaged in 1869. In Verlen's heart his wife Mathilde was as holy as an angel, and he loved her deeply and wrote many beautiful poems for her.

In 1871, Verlaine became acquainted with Arthur Rimbaud, and the two wandered together in Belgium and England, during which time Verlaine wrote The Wordless Romance. Verlaine and Rimbaud were very close, they were both masters of symbolist poetry, but in 1874, Verlaine and his wife's relationship was completely frozen, and he was sentenced to two years in prison for injuring Rimbaud with a pistol in a drunken accident. After suffering a series of blows, Verlaine's poetic style fell into an irrepressible pain, and in "I Am Crying in My Heart...", he wrote: "What kind of worry should I cry in my heart, sprinkle like rain on the streets, and sneak into my heart? ”

In 1894, after the death of the great poet Legunte de Lear, Verlaine was put on the throne of the "King of Poets" by the French poetry scene, and at the age of fifty, Verlaine, together with Rimbaud and Malamé, pushed the french art of poetry to a new height.

In his later years, Verlaine lived in poverty, but his fame in the poetry world was still rising. In 1895, Verlaine published his last collection of poems, Death. Verlaine died in Paris in 1896 at the age of 52.

In his lifetime, Verlaine published poems such as "Sentimental Collection", "Costume Amusement Chart", "Wisdom Collection", "Parallel Collection", "Love Collection", "Good Song Collection", and although Verlaine's poetic style was rebellious, it did not lose the poetry of traditional poetry, which won him a high reputation in the French poetry world.

Typography/Shao Qiuyang

Text Editor/Zhang Mengge