
Seeing greatness from the truth, military writer Wu Dongfeng told the miracle of life of the founding general

author:Yangcheng faction

Text/Yangcheng Evening News all-media reporter Sun Leitu/Organizer courtesy of the photo

Recently, Wu Dongfeng, a famous military writer, shared his observations and insights in the process of interviewing the founding general with the theme of "The Miracle of the Founding General's Life". Sponsored by the Guangzhou Municipal Federation of Literature and Literature, the eighth session of the "Learning Party History, Passing on Classics, Promoting New Works" reading salon series of theme reading activities was held at the New Era Station in Haizhu District. (For more news, please pay attention to Yangcheng Pie

Seeing greatness from the truth, military writer Wu Dongfeng told the miracle of life of the founding general

From the perspective of battlefield trauma, the suffering and glory of the generals are reproduced

Wu Dongfeng, a former military reporter for Xinhua News Agency, interviewed a large number of military generals during his tenure, including many founding generals who had been tempered by many wars.

He recalled: "General Xu Shiyou was one of the first founding generals I interviewed and impressed the most, and during the war, he participated in the death squad 7 times and was wounded many times. In an interview, he said: 'To be a good commander, we must first be a good combatant, and we must not be afraid of death.' I was deeply touched by this sentence. ”

Seeing greatness from the truth, military writer Wu Dongfeng told the miracle of life of the founding general

Since then, Wu Dongfeng has interviewed more than 200 founding generals. He found that the vast majority of these generals had experienced being wounded in battle. To this end, he consciously cut from the perspective of "battle creation" and reproduced the suffering and glory of these generals.

At the scene of the event, Wu Dongfeng classified the injuries according to the injuries, and introduced the injuries of more than ten founding generals such as Liu Bocheng and Su Yu. For example, General Su Yu was injured by a shell in the Battle of Shuinan in 1930, and three pieces of shrapnel remained in the skull for 53 years. Su Yu's wife Chu Qing once recalled: "Headache and dizziness have been torturing Su Yu for decades. He often flushed his head with cool water or wore a brain appliance on his head to relieve pain. ”

In the cruel environment of war, the founding generals performed a mighty and majestic and thrilling miracle of war with the heroic spirit of charging forward, fighting heroically, not being afraid of sacrifice, and following the successors. Wu Dongfeng concluded: "The accumulated war wounds of the founding generals are the heroic flowers and glorious flowers they watered with their lives and blood on the battlefield of your life and death. ”

It is important to interview the person concerned, and authenticity is extremely important

At the scene of the event, Yang Xi, deputy director of the editorial department of Guangzhou Literature and Art Newspaper and Periodicals and deputy secretary general of the Guangzhou Writers Association, believed that traditional war history often follows the timeline to list events, while Wu Dongfeng's works with the founding general as the target of expression incorporate a large number of historical details, making the reader's memory of the hero more solid and long-lasting, and constituting a visual supplement to the history of war.

Wu Dongfeng said that when creating works on the theme of the founding generals, he regarded authenticity as extremely important. His purpose of writing is that he must interview the person concerned and record the events and details that he heard and subsequently verified. Wu Dongfeng said: "The creation of revolutionary war themes cannot deceive oneself, deceive others, or deceive history. ”

His consistent quest for authenticity allowed him to learn about the moving deeds of many founding generals and thus see the charm of "authenticity": "I often feel that the pristine experiences told by these generals are more powerful than imagined stories. ”

Founding General Chen Xilian was once shot through the waist during the battle. In the process of interviewing him, Wu Dongfeng learned that after being injured, once, Chen Xilian inspected the wound and saw no blood, so he instructed the guards to move his body so that the wound was facing down, and soon there was blood flowing out of the abdominal cavity. "Chen Xilian recalled: 'Fortunately, I have experience, otherwise the blood in the stomach can not swell people to death?' This legendary deed vividly shows his courageous and resourceful image characteristics. ”

Remembering history is about better facing the present. Wu Dongfeng believes that although it is in the era of peace, some of the spiritual characteristics of the founding generals still need to be inherited and carried forward. "In particular, their sense of charge, which is a pioneer and gives up others in the face of danger, cannot be lacked in any era."

Source | Yangcheng Evening News Yangcheng Pie

Editor-in-charge | Zhou Xinyi

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