
Wang Yanxing: No matter how powerful the bank is, once it loses its professional ethics, it will be pointed out by thousands of people

author:The People's Congress is heavy

No matter how powerful the bank is, once it loses its professional ethics, it will be accused of thousands of people.

I. Evaluate bohai Bank's latest response

Bohai Bank's latest response, to be precise, the Nanjing Branch of Bohai Bank, exposes its lack of basic ethics and legal knowledge:

The so-called "Jimin Credible Knowledge of this Matter" of the Nanjing Branch of Bohai Bank is too general, easy to cause misunderstanding, and there is a suspicion of taking the meaning out of context and avoiding the important and the light.

Zhao Yuanfang, deputy general manager of the Comprehensive and Human Resources Department of Bohai Bank Nanjing Branch, accepted an exclusive interview with CCTV financial reporters, saying: "In about a year, Jimin Trust department has received three times the additional income from Huaye Petrochemical Department and the interest on deposits of our bank. Other information also shows that Jimin Trust is aware of this matter and is not a simple deposit customer as it claims to be. ”

Wang Yanxing: No matter how powerful the bank is, once it loses its professional ethics, it will be pointed out by thousands of people

Doubts about these words:

First, who, when, and through what channels did bohai Bank's Nanjing branch know about this matter?

Second, "Jimin Credible Department received an additional income from Huaye Petrochemical Department that is three times the interest on deposits of our bank", and the additional income was indirectly transferred to Jimin Credible Department by people from Bohai Bank Nanjing Branch, or was it directly transferred to Jimin Credible Department by Huaye Petrochemical Department? Is it business-to-business, person-to-person, or is it transferred by other means?

Third, in the sentence "I am aware of this matter", the concept of "this matter" is not clear, what is the matter? Is it "2.8 billion deposits pledged", or is it additional proceeds collected? In particular, if it only refers to the "pledge of 2.8 billion deposits", when did Jimin Credible know about it?

Different answers to the above key questions will inevitably greatly affect the nature of the problem. The Nanjing branch of Bohai Bank has no logic and ambiguity in its response, which can only make people think.

Obviously, the above views of Bohai Bank Nanjing Branch at least show that it lacks basic ethics and legal common sense. In particular, if the customer is at fault for charging additional income, but does not actively participate in the "pledge", then this is the customer himself, or between the customers, and has little to do with Bohai Bank Nanjing Branch. Bohai Bank's Nanjing branch disclosed this matter at this time.

In short, the Nanjing branch of Bohai Bank at this time threw out the so-called "informed theory" in the form of self-talk, which is a suspicious approach. One reasoning is that if the person who comes is not good, he does not first reflect on his own connivance or participation in "falsification and evil", but throws the burden to the customer, which is not what a bank should do.

Second, Bohai Bank's self-reflection lacks strength and sincerity

Bohai Bank Nanjing Branch said: "Bohai Bank Nanjing Branch believes that this incident has exposed the weak links in the personnel management and operation links of the sales department under the branch. Judging from the information currently available, this is a rare self-confession of Bohai Bank Nanjing Branch, and it is particularly pointed out that "admitting mistakes" may be the focus of attention in the society for this response. However, from the perspective of professionals, the cognitive level of Bohai Bank Nanjing Branch is too superficial:

First, Bohai Bank originally meant to "give up the pawn to protect the car", but it is whimsical to want to pass the customs in this way. To put it bluntly, this incident has long been involved at the level of the head office, and in any bank, the head office should list this amount of loans as the content and focus of internal control and supervision. Judging from the information that has been disclosed so far, at least in this loan, all the systems can be described as illusory for implementation. This shows that the head office is hard to blame. Moreover, such a major public opinion event has been fermented for such a long time, and the head office is still silent, which is an abnormal practice.

The second is perfunctory responsibility. Prevarication and ridicule are the core options of Bohai Bank in this matter. For example, Bohai Bank Nanjing Branch said: "If there is evidence that the branch personnel have any illegal and criminal acts, they will never conceal or cover up any clues, and will not be partial or shield anyone." "Such a large amount of money, such a long time of crime, so many departments within the bank are unimpeded, a series of violations and violations within the bank, and a pie-like deposit loan business in the sky, is this not a clue?" Banks' internal controls, loan management, risk management, and settlement management are vulnerable, are these not clues? Without long-term favoritism and cover-up, how can individual employees be bold enough to act to such an extent?

Third, the practice of forcibly slicing is illegal. A source said: "On August 25, due to Huaye Petrochemical's failure to repay the loan on the repayment date, Bohai Bank Nanjing Branch forcibly withheld 450 million yuan of hang Seng Pharmaceutical's deposit. "Taking a step back, even if it is a legal pledge, the bank does not have the power to forcibly withhold, but Bohai Bank lacks basic cognition.

Fourth, even if Bohai Bank does not strictly review the loan, it must be fully responsible for the final loss of the loan, and bear the liability for compensation for the injured customers, and also face high fines and administrative penalties imposed by the banking regulatory departments, and the people's bank's penalties for its settlement faults, and so on.

A source said: "On November 2, according to the preliminary investigation of the relevant departments in Jiangsu Province, it was found that the seals on the materials for handling the loan guarantee pledge business were suspected of being forged, and further facts need to be verified and disclosed by the relevant departments." "If this news is true, Bohai Bank should undoubtedly be primarily responsible for this case."

However, from the analysis of the current situation, bohai bank obviously did not face up to its responsibilities. For example, bohai bank Nanjing branch said: "For the pledged funds involved in this incident, we will strictly follow the investigation conclusions and final results of the judicial organs and deal with them in accordance with the law." "This is obviously a signal to shirk responsibility, because Bohai Bank should ultimately be responsible for the fault of the pledged funds, rather than simply being held responsible by the personnel involved in the business department of Bohai Bank's Nanjing branch." In the face of hard facts, basic morality and law, Bohai Bank did not need to initiate court proceedings, and by expending financial resources, it did not argue for three points.

We are very dissatisfied with Bohai Bank, which has attracted criticism due to its weak management. Because we see justice as our lives, and in addition, each of us may be a vulnerable group without the power of a chicken. If we remain silent, we may become lambs to be slaughtered, so we have to cry.

As a bank, we should always stand on the high ground of morality and law, rather than always testing the bottom line of morality and law. No matter how powerful the bank is, once it loses its professional ethics, it will be accused of thousands of people. Facts speak louder than words. (Fortune Chinese Network)

The author is a senior researcher at the Chongyang Institute of Financial Research, Chinese Min University, a consulting expert of the Internal Control Standards Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the People's Republic of China, a former deputy secretary-general of the China Banking Association, and an executive vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the Second Standing Committee of the China Banking Reputation Risk Management Association.

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