
What is the "Marchan Rule" that has nothing to do with Marchand?

author:Yang Yi Kanqiu

"Where did our foreign aid go?" Tomorrow morning, I entered the country, so why did the quarantine still isolate people? "Seeing that the first regular season of the CBA season is about to end today, fans of several teams have a big question mark in their hearts - the foreign aid they have been looking forward to has still not been able to appear on the field.

After flying to China and testing negative for nucleic acid, far more than the 14+3 quarantine period, the foreign aid who still failed to land on the CBA arena is currently known to have at least 5 people. They are: Moland of Shanxi, Dacary Johnson of Qingdao, Andrew Harrison of North Control, Devon Williams of Jiangsu, and Wilson Chandler of Guangsha. They were unable to compete for the same reason: serum antibodies tested positive for iigg. Although they tested negative and were medically proven and found safe, they lost the right to play – that is, to work – under existing CBA league rules. They can take public transportation in China normally, they can go shopping, they can have free contact with other people, but they just can't play games.

This is another huge hot spot and controversy in the CBA recently after the Li Ning fine incident. Public opinion is overwhelming, and "discrimination" is one of the most frequent words on social media.

What is the "Marchan Rule" that has nothing to do with Marchand?

Start at the beginning.

In this country where everything comes first and the world's epidemic prevention and control is the best, everything must start from safety. "Serum antibody iigg positive" is a term that is not well understood by ordinary people and needs to be explained by nouns. Its meaning is: someone is positive for igg, which means that the person has been infected with new crown pneumonia earlier, but has recovered now, and is a normal person who is not dangerous.

Academician Zhong Nanshan once said publicly that it is "completely unnecessary" to "stay away" from the new crown recovered, "because he is completely like a normal person, and he has produced antibodies, so that he will not be infected." Therefore, if there is a danger of igg positivity, Chinese embassies and consulates abroad must have issued the requirement of "boarding with an iigg negative test certificate" long ago, and it is impossible for them to fly to China.

In layman's terms, this is a group that has been infected with the new crown, but has been cured, just like normal people, but because of the medical history, it has been deprived of the right to start work again. That's why the term "COVID-19 discrimination" comes in. Just because you've had covid-19, society has closed its doors to you. In the context of the CBA League's complex operations and inconsistencies in this incident, it is not difficult to understand the anger of the clubs that have thrown real money and silver, and the foreign aid is obviously safe, but it is delayed.

Of course, you can also imagine the confusion of these foreign aid. They are all still on standby in their respective cities. They have paid a lot of time and ended the quarantine, but still don't know if their contract will work. They are like a flight that cannot receive landing instructions, obviously they can already see the runway, but they can only hover over the city indefinitely, depressed and worried.

What is the "Marchan Rule" that has nothing to do with Marchand?

The causes and regulations of this matter are summarized as follows.

On September 21, CBA issued the "Letter on Matters Related to the Preparation of the CBA League for the 2020-2021 Season (II)" (hereinafter referred to as "Letter II"). Letter II stipulates: "During the preparatory period, if an entry officer of the club tests positive for nucleic acid during the quarantine period, the person will lose the qualification for the league." During the preparation period, all the club's personnel who have been in the country (including those who have entered the country after the end of the quarantine period and joined the team) will lose the qualification for the league once they test positive for nucleic acid. ”

- "Preparation period" means that the league officially starts from September 21 to October 17.

That is to say, according to the epidemic prevention and control plan given in "Letter II", as long as the nucleic acid test of foreign aid is negative during the isolation period, it can register for the competition normally. Note that there is no mention of "serum antibodies" here.

At the end of September, North Control foreign aid Harrison entered China. On October 5, Qingdao foreign aid Dakari Johnson entered China. Both before boarding the plane and after landing, the nucleic acid test was negative, indicating that the two were in good health.

What is the "Marchan Rule" that has nothing to do with Marchand?

After this, new regulations appeared. On October 6, CBA issued the "Letter on Matters Related to the Preparation of the CBA League for the 2020-2021 Season (III)" (hereinafter referred to as "Letter III"). Letter 3 stipulates: "Those entering the country after September 15, 2020 must also undergo an additional serum antibody test. In other words, as long as you have been infected with the "new crown", even if you are currently in good health, you will not be able to qualify for the competition.

Even in a country with the world's largest epidemic prevention, this provision is highly controversial. This is tantamount to depriving COVID-19 patients of the right to return to work, even if the other party has been cured. At the same time, the time of the introduction of the regulations is also a slot point, because it has entered October at this time. The new season of the CBA began on October 20, and many foreign aides have come to China and entered the quarantine period. This is equivalent to the foreign aid has come all the way and entered the quarantine, which has cost a huge time cost, and the clubs have a lot of investment, at which point you tell them: "We have added a rule, you do not meet the new one." "That's why, these foreign-aided U.S. brokerage firms are generally extremely angry, believing that CBAs are violating the basic human rights of their clients."

Letter III also sets a time limit – September 15 – which is the registration deadline for domestic players this season (which has nothing to do with foreign aid registration), and differentiates between foreign aid who enters before and after that. In other words, CBA believes that the foreign aid that entered the country before is "absolutely safe", while the foreign aid that enters the country after that has "hidden dangers". Scientifically and medically, this is a completely inexplicable division. Since it has been medically determined that a negative nucleic acid test is safe, how can the new crown virus agree with the artificial timeline? If you don't be a demon before that, after that, you may make waves?

What is the "Marchan Rule" that has nothing to do with Marchand?

To be precise, there is only one foreign aid who entered and was confirmed before September 15 and qualified for the new season, that is, Guangdong's Marzan Brooks – so clubs currently call this rule the "Marchand Rule". He entered the country on July 19 and was diagnosed with a positive nucleic acid test, and after recovering from the yin, he was granted the right to return to the team and participate in the new season of CBA. At that time, Ma Shang had already practiced with the team on August 17, so nearly 30 days had made Ma Shang an "innocent body" - three months after entering the country, he reappeared on the CBA field.

So as the clubs say, since Ma Shang can, there is no reason for others not to. It is important to be consistent and treated equally. Even if a specific time is given, the club can accept and understand. The professional league situation is special, the epidemic prevention policy is strict and beyond reproach, "additional three days of isolation", the club is also fully acceptable. However, with a one-size-fits-all timeline that is not scientific, it is indeed difficult to convince the public not to let the foreign aid that has been safely registered.

So far, Harrison and Dakari Johnson have been admitted for more than a month without a badge or knowing where to go from here. Harrison can only stay in shape on the empty field every day at the training base of North Control, when practicing in the second team.

What is the "Marchan Rule" that has nothing to do with Marchand?

In the global professional leagues, regardless of football basketball, there is no longer any league like the CBA that cancels the athlete's right to participate with "serum antibody iigg positive". There is no local Chinese Super League football league, no Serie A of Ronaldo, no NBA of Mitchell and Gobert, and no Spanish league where Chinese player Wu Lei is located.

A senior member of a CBA team told Yang Kan that some foreign agents have said that they want to go to FIBA to seek justice. In the name of "human rights", it is not only the CBA League that will suffer from the damage to its reputation.

On the one hand, there are foreign aides eagerly waiting for their posts, and on the other hand, foreign aid is a club that looks forward to crossing the autumn water. Investors real money smashed into the club, the uniform group has to be responsible for investors, the hard-earned foreign aid can not appear, can not help the team in time, the biggest loss is the investor.

But so far, CBA has not made a clear response. When it takes courage, courage and responsibility, the league company said that it can only wait until the CBA League board of directors on November 18 to vote. At that time, the fate of these foreign aides will be put in the hands of the direct competitors of these clubs, and everyone will bear the responsibility together, and then whether it is reasonable or not, it will seem to be public opinion - this is really a super high level of typical Chinese treatment.

On the morning of November 11, Yang Kan's reporter called Zhang Xiong, CEO of CBA Company, on this matter, and the other party said that "a meeting is under way, please contact Teacher Meng Xiaoqi (the person in charge of the competition) for relevant information." Since then, Yang Kan's reporter has tried to contact Meng Xiaoqi through WeChat twice, but has not received a reply to the relevant questions as of press time.

Everyone is the same, and can only continue to wait.

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