
A Dodge "classic car" that carries fond memories of childhood

author:Beijing Chronicle
A Dodge "classic car" that carries fond memories of childhood

Before 1958, my family lived in the Supreme People's Procuratorate compound on Justice Department Street, and in the southwest corner of the compound was a convoy of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and a black old Dodge car was parked on the south wall of the convoy. Listen to the adults said that this classic car was once the national government in the anti-Japanese government before the official car, long years do not use, has long been scrapped, the old Dodge there sleeping for many years, the tires of the car have long been lost, is supported on the ground by its 4 iron wheels, the car chassis under the space is less than a foot high, the ground of the car chassis is very shady, with grass and small mushrooms. This low-slung space became a place for children in the compound to avoid parental scolding or play games of hiding cats and cats. The car in the old Dodge lane is extraordinarily large, and it is estimated that it was designed because of the large size of the foreigner. Although it has been lying on the nest for nearly 20 years, the cowhide sofa seats in the car have been well preserved, the doors of the car have been shaken back and forth with ease, the steering wheel, the clutch, the throttle, the brake brake... Several of the large parts of the car are still very strong, and children regard it as a paradise.

A Dodge "classic car" that carries fond memories of childhood

Decades later, the partners became retired elderly people, chatting about the story of the nest Dodge by the south wall of the High Inspection, still elated, with endless interesting things and good memories: no matter how cold it is in winter, they can't stop these fart children from squeezing into the car like a forced sammy bag, squeezing and singing loudly: "Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze shit!" The water dripping outside turned into ice, but inside the car was the body temperature superimposed, warm and melting. Only in the summer it was miserable, the car was sunburned into an iron stove, and the car was stuffed with mountains of children, skin and flesh, smelly sweat. Since everyone thinks of themselves as something that is inferior to, what is this hot thing? Keeping the air in the car clean is definitely an iron discipline, and which dares to emit turbid gas in the car will definitely arouse the anger of the crowd and beat them up. Time into the 21st century, the friends in the Dodge car have long passed the age of flower armor, but the carnival story of the old Dodge is tireless, and it is self-satisfied in front of the younger generations.

In 1956, I remember the day of the Eighth National Congress of the Party in Beijing, my father bought a five-lamp tube radio for the family. At that time, it was still a very fresh thing, which attracted the envy of the same hospital partners. At that time, the radio broadcast Mr. Lian Kuoru's commentary "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" every day at noon, and I listened to it like a drunkard. In the compound, I was in the upper grades, and I was considered the eldest brother, and the little brothers loved to hear me "replay" the commentary "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" for them. There was no good place to talk about books in the compound, and the brothers decided to turn old Dodge into a story hall, and the brothers begged me to go to the car after school to talk about the Three Kingdoms. When I was a child, I had a very good memory, even if I only listened to the Three Kingdoms that Mr. Li said, I could almost memorize it, and the big guys would rather squeeze it again, and please let me, Mr. Storyteller, be in the best position in the middle of the back seat. Therefore, I learned the style of Mr. Lian's storytelling, and talked about the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" in a colorful way. With the processing and exaggeration of myself, Mr. Lian's half-hour commentary can make me blow it for the boys, and make my friends crazy. Decades later, when the brethren met, they could still shout in unison, "Guan Gongyun chief, step down from the red rabbit horse, hold the green dragon crescent knife in the palm of your hand, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Old Cai Yang is cold and big begonia! "The story of Guan Yun's long beheading of Cai Yang in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, accompanied by the screams and excited shouts of his friends, echoed in the sweat smell of the old Dodge car.

A Dodge "classic car" that carries fond memories of childhood

A few years ago, a long-established Old Friend of Dodge, who had made a fortune, led the dating of the compound partners to get together in a restaurant, and the old brothers met each other, embraced warmly, and shouted in unison: "Thinking of you, old Dodge, I am afraid (pia)!" This strange pronunciation of "fear" originally came from a book by Mr. Lian Kuoru in that year, when Mr. Lian Kuoru said that when he said the word fear, because of a slip of the tongue, he did not say "fear" as a pia tone, and the master reacted quickly, playing on the radio scene, and he made a strange theory of the mistake, saying that the Northern Han people in the Three Kingdoms era would say that the word fear was harmful when they were extremely afraid. You see, how calm and clever Lian Kuru is, how good at improvisation. He could even say that one of his slips of the tongue was a special term. After only half an hour of his performance, fans in Beijing City suddenly came up with a new term - "pia" (fear)! The boys in the Dodge car shouted at the newly learned evil Pia, raised their palms as a large knife, and learned to slash at the neck of the partner in the Dodge car like Guan Dasheng, and the slasher pretended to be a posture, holding his head and crying: "Don't kill me, I hurt Pia!" "Hahaha, Dodge's old car is laughing wildly!"

In the 1950s and 1960s, most of the cars running on the streets of Beijing were foreign-made, and in 1957, I was in junior high school at Xishiku Houku Beijing No. 4 Middle School, and I took the No. 13 bus to school every day. Route 13 was a famous bus pacesetter convoy in the country that year, and their convoy drove the old Dodge car in the United States for a long time. Listening to the old people say that the Dodge car driven by the 13 road was modified by the military truck of the Kuomintang army, the car engine was in the shape of the big head car outside, the space inside the car was small, the passengers were extremely inconvenient to enter and exit, and the conductor got on and off the car to take care of the passengers. It is known for safe driving and warm and thoughtful service, and has been rated as a model pacesetter fleet of national buses. Dodge cars are the mainstream military trucks in the United States during World War II, it is such a poor bus, the drivers of the 13 road are particularly fond of it, I ride it to school every day, especially dislike its simple door control board. The simple door switch is opened and closed by the inertia principle of the car when it is stopped, and the driver holds a 2-foot-long and 3-inch wide wooden board that can be flipped up and down at 90 degrees, and when stopping, the wooden board is lifted, and the door automatically rushes into the door gap under the wooden board. When driving, the use of the car's habitual automatic closing reset, the driving car, under the top of the wooden board, the door is stuck to death, no driver to move, who does not want to open the door, is indeed a clever design. The capital is the window of the country, but the staff of the 13th Road is so conservative, willingly driving the old American Dodgers, who are still happy to drive on their own routes, looking so proud.

By chance, I understood the mystery, that day after school, the car arrived at the Sanlihe terminal, in that passionate years, striving to do good things has become a social trend, I discussed with another classmate, to do good things for the 13 road. As soon as the car stopped, the two of us grabbed the broom and rags, carefully cleaned up the carriage, and while the two of them cleaned, they quietly discussed: "Why does The 13 road always carry forward the style, driving this broken Dodge car every year, it's really stupid!" But the classmate bit my ear and whispered to me, "You are wrong, 13 is not stupid, they can be fine, the other day I personally heard a driver praise this American car in public!" Saying that the old Dodge was comfortable to drive, Skoda couldn't compare at all. Speaking of excitement, he spat out droplets in his mouth, and praised the old Dodge for being an oil brake brake, the foot man gently stepped on it, the custodian car can be nailed to the road, not to set a national safety record is not strange, do not call this old Dodge, OK? "That's right! I laughed at the drivers for trying to drive safely, to the point of being so superstitious about the old Dodge. However, now it seems that the 13-way workers are of high level, and people know that safety is the most important thing in the last century and understand the fundamental service purpose of "people-oriented".

A Dodge "classic car" that carries fond memories of childhood

For many years, whether it was returning to Beijing from the army to visit relatives or going to the streets on weekdays, I paid special attention to the changes in the old Dodge on the 13th Road. The old Dodge of the 13 road seems to have been used until after the reform and opening up. Although the old Dodge is retired, its calm style of industrious driving on the Beijing Road will always be hidden in the memory of the citizens who love it. Old Dodge, carrying many good memories of our childhood, we still remember it to this day, and the laughter is still endless.

Wen 丨 Yin Xilin

A Dodge "classic car" that carries fond memories of childhood

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