
Song Renzong: All his life he was frugal and loved the people, and even beggars wept bitterly after his death

author:Roc tells history

Today, I would like to comment on an emperor of the Song Dynasty, who is Zhao Zhen of Song Renzong. Friends who are familiar with my works should know that I once commented on Song Renzong Zhao Zhen, but now that I think about it, the Song Renzong I commented on at that time was not satisfactory, so I decided to re-establish the coffin for the emperor's life today. Well, it is still the old rule, before commenting on Song Renzong, let me briefly introduce this emperor to you.

Song Renzong: All his life he was frugal and loved the people, and even beggars wept bitterly after his death

Emperor Zhao Zhen (12 May 1010 – 30 April 1063 CE), the sixth son of Emperor Zhenzong of Song and his mother li chenfei (李宸妃), was the fourth emperor of the Song Dynasty (r. 23 March 1022 – 30 April 1063 AD). In the seventh year of song (1014 AD), he was enfeoffed as the Duke of Qingguo, in the eighth year of Song Dazhongxiangfu (1015 AD) he was enfeoffed as the King of Shouchun County, in the first year of Song Tianxi (1017 AD) he was enthroned as the Prince of Sheng, and in September of the same year he was made crown prince and given the name Zhao Zhen. In February of the first year of Song Qianxing (1022 AD), Emperor Zhenzong of Song died, and Emperor Renzong took the throne at the age of 13, and in 1023 AD he changed his name to Yuan Tiansheng. Song Jiayou died in the eighth year (1063 AD) at the age of 54 at the age of 54. Emperor Renzong of Song reigned for forty-two years, the longest reigning emperor during the two Song dynasties. Historians summarize the period of Emperor Renzong's reign and pro-political state as "Emperor Renzong's reign".

To comment on Song Renzong, we must first start before Song Renzong's death. On February 14, the eighth year of Song Jiayou (1063 AD), Song Renzong fainted again, and this time, the chancellor was taken directly into Song Renzong's residence, the Western Pavilion of the Great Inner Funing Hall. Han Qi and the others were stunned by what they saw in front of them, this is the room of the co-lord of the world?! Inside the curtain, there was only a dull plain futon, and the futon looked like it hadn't been replaced for a long time. At this time, Emperor Renzong had already woken up, and he saw that the minister was constantly looking around, and said very plainly:

"In the palace of the fallen dwelling, self-worship is like this, and this is also the anointing blood of the people, which can be spent lightly!"

Oh gentlemen, think about what kind of extravagant days you usually live, and think about your emperor, are you ashamed?

Emperor Renzong's condition improved slightly, and by March he was able to serve in the imperial court, and presided over the thirteenth scientific expedition during his reign, and all indications were that he had survived another disaster until the evening of March 29.

On that day, Renzong was normal, eating and living as usual during the day, until he went to sleep. In the middle of the night, he suddenly sat up, and the internal servant hurried forward to support Renzong, at this time, he was already speaking incoherently, as if he had a premonition of something, he directly commanded: "Quick, please come to the empress!" When the empress came, the medical officers were already rescuing her, and Emperor Renzong was speechless, and could only point to his heart with his hands, his face full of pain. All kinds of healing were ineffective, and it was almost midnight when Emperor Renzong finally closed his eyes forever in the Funing Palace where he had lived for many years. He died, and it was only then that people discovered that it was the Day of Wisdom, and that the moon could not be seen all night.

Emperor Renzong reigned for forty-two years, the longest reign of eighteen emperors of the Song Dynasty. Regarding the comments on him, I think it should be divided into two parts, one part is about Renzong, because he is an emperor, and this part is summarized very objectively in the "Song Shi Renzong Benji", which may wish to be borrowed:

During his reign of forty-two years, the officials were lazy and did what they despised; the criminal law seemed to be lax, and the prison was more than a peaceful person. The kingdom is not without merit, but it is not enough to accumulate the body of the world; the dynasty is not without a villain, and it is not enough to overcome the spirit of the good. The heart of compassion and loyalty of the monarchs and subjects has the foundation of cultivating the Song Dynasty for more than three hundred years. When the descendants correct their deeds, they will be tamed into chaos. The "Biography" says: "To be a king, to stop at benevolence." "Emperor Cheng is not ashamed.

This is a true comment, no matter who has a unique insight, it cannot erase Zhao Zhen's uniqueness as a "Renzong". Through the history books, there have been emperors in all dynasties who have received the temple title of "Renzong", such as: YuanRenzong, Akihito, Qingrenzong, etc. Yuanrenzong can be ignored, not to mention the various defects of the Mongols in the ruling system, it is said that he himself took the throne from his brother, promised to pass the throne to his nephew after his death, but he died and succeeded to the throne or his son, without faith, can this be said to be "ren"? Akihito's reign was only ten months, what kind of contribution can he make to the world? The history books say that he "developed production and rested with the people", sorry, ten months, how many breaths can the people breathe? Emperor Qingrenzong loved Shinjue Luo, who could make the Tianli Sect and the White Lotus Sect revolt, and there was a civilian assassin who killed the king, and the more than a hundred guards in his entourage did not react at all, only one imperial prince escorted him, and the emperor could laugh at this for eternity.

Song Renzong: All his life he was frugal and loved the people, and even beggars wept bitterly after his death

Only Zhao Zhen, Emperor Renzong of Song, died, and the military and people of Kaifeng were "wreaking havoc on the same day, for several days", and even beggars and children bought paper money and burned them in front of the palace to cry bitterly. They cried, not only a feudal emperor, but a humane father and brother, and even the emperor of the Liao Kingdom "honored his royal appearance as an ancestor!" "The benevolent may not be invincible, but they will always live in people's hearts."

On the other hand, what Zhao Zhen misses is his side as a "person". Why? I would like to summarize Zhao Zhen's life in two sentences. The first sentence was: He did not know that he was a child living in misery. Because he did not know who his biological mother was in his childhood, he did not even see him when he died, which became the pain of his life. The second sentence is: he does not know that he lives in prosperity and happiness. Gui was the emperor of the most prosperous dynasty in history, and he was frugal all his life, not only the furnishings in his bedroom were so simple, but even the meals were very simple. The history books record that in a certain court banquet, there was a plate of fresh food, it was twenty-eight crabs, Renzong asked how much each one was, answered each one thousand dollars, Renzong was furious: "I have always warned you to be frugal, always do not listen, a bet is twenty-eight thousand dollars, how can I eat it!" "At that meal, Renzong didn't touch a single crab.

In his lifetime, he had countless money in his hands, but the country was worried about external troubles, and he never dared to spend a penny, nor did he dare to build a palace like his father and grandfather. Speaking of this, I will always flash the portraits of the emperors of the Song Dynasty in front of my eyes, and whenever I meditate, I feel that the temperament of each emperor will be shown from the appearance, for example: Zhao Kuangyin, the founding prince of the country, sitting on the dragon chair, his eyes are slightly closed, moody and angry, not angry, that is an emperor who has a heart for all things, looks at the world, and lifts a heavy weight; Emperor Taizong Zhao Guangyi is a standing statue, with his hands folded in his sleeves, his posture is condensed, he smiles slightly, he appears to be polite and polite, he has great ideals, and he really looks like a good leader who is diligent in governing the country. No matter what step he did, at least he worked hard; Zhenzong Zhao Heng, tolerant of beautiful hair, full of joy, in his life, every time he was fierce, there was no disaster, maybe there was really a reincarnation of Tianzun, let him live in his own world, has always lived very comfortably and comfortably; then look at Emperor Renzong Zhao Zhen, wearing a red robe, sitting on a dragon chair, his body leaning forward slightly, his shoulders somewhat raised, appearing weak and overthinking. Among the eighteen emperors of the Song Dynasty, only this emperor's eyes are pure and pure, just like a child staring at a long distance, this is the truth of his life: emperor, is his profession, he never looked forward to being an emperor, and at the same time did not have fun.

Song Renzong: All his life he was frugal and loved the people, and even beggars wept bitterly after his death

There was a pure land in the depths of Zhao Zhen's soul, and although he was in the center of the world's most devious power vortex, after forty-two years of wind, frost, rain and snow, it did not change his kind and generous character background. Zhao Zhen is an outlier, in the five thousand years of cold and ruthless history of the Chinese nation, Zhao Zhen has his own unique mark.

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