
How to boil lamb bone soup? Add 1 more step before entering the pot than the spices work, the soup fresh meat rotten tasteless how to boil a good lamb bone soup? Regardless of the clear soup milk white soup, the most taboo to put spices, meatless soup is not fresh one, sheep bone milk white soup two, sheep bone clear soup

author:No-red cuisine

The cooking methods for boiling a pot of lamb bone soup can be varied, but the final result should be delicious and delicious, and the standard soup is fresh and tender, without a fishy odor.

Some people may say that lamb is not fat, so why eat it? It is better to eat pork, chicken, don't raise the bar Oh, lamb will definitely have a smell, this is the unique taste of lamb, want that umami taste, rather than blindly making it difficult to swallow Oh, there is a difference.

Now let's share two ways to boil lamb bone soup: one is clear soup, the other is milky white soup. No matter which method is the most taboo to put a lot of spices, can not eat the meat taste, the soup is not fresh, just the spice flavor.

How to boil lamb bone soup? Add 1 more step before entering the pot than the spices work, the soup fresh meat rotten tasteless how to boil a good lamb bone soup? Regardless of the clear soup milk white soup, the most taboo to put spices, meatless soup is not fresh one, sheep bone milk white soup two, sheep bone clear soup

In many places, people like to drink milk white lamb soup, such as book collections.

Book collection of lamb from the western Suzhou Mudu collection, has hundreds of years of history, bibliophiles have a different way of cooking lamb, they put the lamb in the cedar barrel pot to cook, the unique fragrance of cedar wood into the lamb, the taste of the roast is particularly delicious.

The most authentic and traditional way to eat the biblical lamb is the white roast lamb, which is milky white in soup color, rich in aroma, crisp but not rotten, fresh but not greasy in taste, which is praiseworthy. Season in a bowl with salt and sprinkle with a little garlic leaves, the freshness of the garlic leaves and the deliciousness of the mutton soup form the perfect match. The whole cooking process does not put any condiments, this simple and original cooking method makes people curious.

How to boil lamb bone soup? Add 1 more step before entering the pot than the spices work, the soup fresh meat rotten tasteless how to boil a good lamb bone soup? Regardless of the clear soup milk white soup, the most taboo to put spices, meatless soup is not fresh one, sheep bone milk white soup two, sheep bone clear soup

Mutton soup is delicious, the choice of lamb is the first important, lamb is not good, you have a solution can not cook a good soup. The lamb I use is the lamb from Lofoten, Norway, which is also green and ecological like a book collection. But I didn't have a barrel, I was afraid of the smell, so I added a piece of ginger.

Let's take a look at the specifics

Ingredients: 700 g of lamb with bones, 1 piece of ginger, 3 liters of water, salt to taste, a little garlic leaves


1. First soak the bone lamb in water, soak the blood water, and change the water several times in the middle. If it is frozen, it is also directly soaked in water, and it will naturally thaw. This is effective in removing the odor of the sheep's body, because the blood water is the source of the smell of the sheep's body. Therefore, this process must not be saved before the lamb is put into the pot.

How to boil lamb bone soup? Add 1 more step before entering the pot than the spices work, the soup fresh meat rotten tasteless how to boil a good lamb bone soup? Regardless of the clear soup milk white soup, the most taboo to put spices, meatless soup is not fresh one, sheep bone milk white soup two, sheep bone clear soup

2. Wash the lamb, control the water, put it in the pot, and ginger, slowly fry over low heat, sauté the bloody water.

If there is more blood and water, directly pour it out, less blood water is dried with kitchen paper, until the oil is fried, slightly yellow, pay attention not to fry the burnt, will affect the final soup color.

How to boil lamb bone soup? Add 1 more step before entering the pot than the spices work, the soup fresh meat rotten tasteless how to boil a good lamb bone soup? Regardless of the clear soup milk white soup, the most taboo to put spices, meatless soup is not fresh one, sheep bone milk white soup two, sheep bone clear soup

3. Then take a boiling pot into the sautéed lamb, throw away the ginger, add about 3 liters of water, bring to a boil on high heat, then if there is blood stain with a small colander, be sure to completely skim off.

How to boil lamb bone soup? Add 1 more step before entering the pot than the spices work, the soup fresh meat rotten tasteless how to boil a good lamb bone soup? Regardless of the clear soup milk white soup, the most taboo to put spices, meatless soup is not fresh one, sheep bone milk white soup two, sheep bone clear soup

4. Then put some clean ginger, reduce the heat, slowly cook for 1-2 hours until the meat is crispy, and finally cook on high heat for another 5 minutes to make the soup thicker and whiter.

How to boil lamb bone soup? Add 1 more step before entering the pot than the spices work, the soup fresh meat rotten tasteless how to boil a good lamb bone soup? Regardless of the clear soup milk white soup, the most taboo to put spices, meatless soup is not fresh one, sheep bone milk white soup two, sheep bone clear soup

5. Put in a large bowl, season with salt, sprinkle some garlic leaves and enjoy.

How to boil lamb bone soup? Add 1 more step before entering the pot than the spices work, the soup fresh meat rotten tasteless how to boil a good lamb bone soup? Regardless of the clear soup milk white soup, the most taboo to put spices, meatless soup is not fresh one, sheep bone milk white soup two, sheep bone clear soup

Summary of the main points of making milk white sheep bone soup:

The lamb bones are not blanched in water, first soak the lamb chops in water for at least half an hour, soak in bloody water, and clean; then use ginger slices to slowly fry over low heat, fry dry water, and the blood stains should be wiped off; then add water to boil, skim off the foam, add ginger to simmer for 1-2 hours; and finally collect the juice on high heat, so that the soup is milky.

When cooking this original juice clear soup, do not use messy spices, drink the natural flavor of lamb, just use a piece of ginger. If you are too concerned about the smell of sheep, add a green onion, or add a carrot to cook together, carrots can effectively adsorb the smell.

How to boil lamb bone soup? Add 1 more step before entering the pot than the spices work, the soup fresh meat rotten tasteless how to boil a good lamb bone soup? Regardless of the clear soup milk white soup, the most taboo to put spices, meatless soup is not fresh one, sheep bone milk white soup two, sheep bone clear soup

Ingredients: 1000 g of lamb with bones, 1 piece of ginger, 1 green onion

Production process:

1. First soak the boned lamb in water, which is to soak the blood water, the boiled soup can be fragrant and odorless, the same principle as the milk white soup above.

How to boil lamb bone soup? Add 1 more step before entering the pot than the spices work, the soup fresh meat rotten tasteless how to boil a good lamb bone soup? Regardless of the clear soup milk white soup, the most taboo to put spices, meatless soup is not fresh one, sheep bone milk white soup two, sheep bone clear soup

2. Wash the soaked lamb, put it in a pot of cold water, boil for 1-2 minutes, boil a lot of blood, pour out the dirty water, and rinse the lamb again.

How to boil lamb bone soup? Add 1 more step before entering the pot than the spices work, the soup fresh meat rotten tasteless how to boil a good lamb bone soup? Regardless of the clear soup milk white soup, the most taboo to put spices, meatless soup is not fresh one, sheep bone milk white soup two, sheep bone clear soup

3. Restart a pot of cold water, under the lamb, and green onion and ginger.

How to boil lamb bone soup? Add 1 more step before entering the pot than the spices work, the soup fresh meat rotten tasteless how to boil a good lamb bone soup? Regardless of the clear soup milk white soup, the most taboo to put spices, meatless soup is not fresh one, sheep bone milk white soup two, sheep bone clear soup

4. Bring to a boil over high heat and skim off the foam.

How to boil lamb bone soup? Add 1 more step before entering the pot than the spices work, the soup fresh meat rotten tasteless how to boil a good lamb bone soup? Regardless of the clear soup milk white soup, the most taboo to put spices, meatless soup is not fresh one, sheep bone milk white soup two, sheep bone clear soup

5. Reduce heat, cover the pot and simmer for 1-2 hours until you can easily poke through it with chopsticks. Look at this pot of soup is so beautifully cooked, the soup is clear and rich.

How to boil lamb bone soup? Add 1 more step before entering the pot than the spices work, the soup fresh meat rotten tasteless how to boil a good lamb bone soup? Regardless of the clear soup milk white soup, the most taboo to put spices, meatless soup is not fresh one, sheep bone milk white soup two, sheep bone clear soup

Summary of the main points of lamb bone broth preparation:

First of all, the bone-boned lamb is soaked in bloody water and cleaned; blanched in cold water, pour out the dirty water, clean it; change the clean water, boil it, skim the foam; then change the low heat and simmer for 1-2 hours, and get the clear and rich soup.

Today's sharing is here, no matter what kind of lamb bone broth is cooked, you can add dried peppers to the soup, but it is best not to use spices such as large ingredients, because this is not brine meat, but cooking soup, too much spices become a pot of spice water, and you can't eat meat flavor at all. What do you think, welcome to discuss in the message area, thank you for reading, see you in the next issue.