
After Nian Qianyao was convicted, the two henchmen had a tragic ending, one was a first-class demonstration for ten years, and the other was better off alive than dead

author:Sato Goshi

In the early years of Yongzheng, Nian Qianyao and Long Keduo were two of the most important confidants, but I usually do not call them "Nian Dang" and "Long" Party, the situation at that time was different from that of the two powerful ministers in the middle and late Kangxi Dynasty, Suo Ertu and Mingzhu, in the middle of the Kangxi Dynasty, the power of the clan was weakened, and their power in the imperial court was very limited. In the early years of Yongzheng, the power of the clan was very strong, and in such an environment, Nian Qianyao and Long Keduo were not yet powerful figures.

After Nian Qianyao was convicted, the two henchmen had a tragic ending, one was a first-class demonstration for ten years, and the other was better off alive than dead

Therefore, when Yongzheng eradicated them, he did not implicate too many people, and in the case of Nian Qianyao, there were not many officials who were punished. However, the phenomenon of "fire at the city gate and damage to pond fish" still exists. When Nian Qianyao fell, some officials who had always been good friends with him also fell ill, of which Wang Jingqi and Qian Shiming were typical representatives.

Wang Jingqi, a native of Qiantang (Hangzhou), Zhejiang, whose father Wang Lin was a servant of the household department, is recorded in historical records that Wang Jingqi was very talented when he was a teenager, but he did not go well on the road of keju, and did not pass the examination until the fifty-third year of Kangxi, and has not been involved in the official field since then. In the second year of Yongzheng, Wang Jingqi went to Xi'an to defect to Hu Qiheng, the envoy of Shaanxi Province.

Hu Qiheng was a close confidant of Nian Qianyao, and under his recommendation, he became acquainted with Nian Qianyao, and in order to get Nian Qianyao's appreciation, Wang Jingqi wrote a letter calling Nian "the first great man in the universe", and also said that compared with Nian Qianyao, the famous Tang Dynasty general Guo Ziyi and others were only "fluorescent light to the sun and moon, spoon water to vicissitudes." After Nian Qianyao read his letters, he naturally felt beautiful in his heart, so he took Wang Jingqi under his account.

After Nian Qianyao was convicted, the two henchmen had a tragic ending, one was a first-class demonstration for ten years, and the other was better off alive than dead

Since then, Wang Jingqi has been entrusted with heavy responsibilities by Nian Qianyao's trust, and he has also done his best to hold Nian Qianyao to the sky. In order to show his loyalty, Wang Jingqi also wrote a letter to Nian Qianyao called "Heroes Cannot Do Anything". In this letter, he expressed his concern, saying that since ancient times, it was difficult for meritorious servants to do it, and the problem was that the master was suspicious and worried, and advised Nian Qianyao to carefully consider the way of being a subject, so as not to "enter the loyalty of the faithful, and retreat can not protect his wealth."

On the surface, this letter seems to advise Nian Tangyao not to be too high-profile, and to know the duty of being a subject, but if read carefully, it has another meaning, which means that since ancient times, it has been "cunning rabbit cave, running dog cooking", and the current emperor will sooner or later counterattack and count backwards, put you and die, and hope that Nian Xiangyao will have a psychological preparation.

After Nian Qianyao was convicted, the two henchmen had a tragic ending, one was a first-class demonstration for ten years, and the other was better off alive than dead

In the third year of Yongzheng, Nian Qianyao was relieved of his post as the general of Fuyuan and in September ordered his arrest and imprisonment in Beijing. In December, after the trial of the Punishment Department, the Dali Temple, the Metropolitan Inspection Yuan, and the Court Council, 92 major crimes were convicted, and Yongzheng thought that 30 of them could be beheaded, because he remembered that he had merit in the northwest and also avoided the notoriety of killing heroes, and the following year the Yongzheng Emperor gave him a self-punishment in prison.

When Yongzheng ordered people to raid Nian Qianyao's mansion, he found Wang Jingqi's letter, and Yongzheng was furious after reading it and ordered Wang Jingqi to be arrested. On the seventh day after Nian Qianyao's death, Wang Jingqi was also beheaded, in order to vent the anger in his heart, Yongzheng ordered his head to be cut off and hung on caishikou Street, without will, he could not take it, who knew that this hanging was ten years, until Yongzheng died, Qianlong took his head down and ordered someone to bury him.

After Nian Qianyao was convicted, the two henchmen had a tragic ending, one was a first-class demonstration for ten years, and the other was better off alive than dead

Qian Shiming, a native of Wujin, Jiangsu, was a kangxi scholar for forty-two years ago and a lecturer at hanlin academy. He committed the same crime as Wang Jingqi, because he and Nian Qianyao were raised in the same year in the township examination, so they have always had a good friendship. In the second year of Yongzheng (1724), after Nian Tangyao quelled the Qinghai rebellion, Qian Mingshi gave him eight poems, including the poems "Dividing the Shaanxi Jingqi Zhou Zhaobo, general from the Tiangu Jiaohan General, "Zhong Ding Ming Leshan River Oath, Fanzang Yijian Second Monument", which was quite liked by Nian Tangyao.

After Nian Qianyao was given death, Qian Mingshi was also implicated in prison. The Yongzheng Emperor first dismissed him from his post and sent him back to his original hometown, and in order to disgust this Tanhua, the Yongzheng Emperor ordered people to write a plaque of "Famous Cult Sinners" to hang on his gate, and he was not allowed to take it down without a will. After that, Yongzheng asked Wenchen to write poems denouncing Qian Mingshi, and after hundreds of Wenchen wrote good poems, Yongzheng ordered them to be sorted out and printed into a book and distributed throughout the country, so that Qian Mingshi would leave a notoriety in the history books.

After Nian Qianyao was convicted, the two henchmen had a tragic ending, one was a first-class demonstration for ten years, and the other was better off alive than dead

Judging from the encounters of Wang Jingqi and Qian Mingshi, although they were guilty, since they had already received their due fate, the Yongzheng Emperor did not have to humiliate them so much. As a human lord, this bit of heart and mind should be possessed, and from this side we can also find that the Yongzheng Emperor has the personality characteristics of "having a vendetta and not repaying a gentleman".

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