
Office Story 1 Na's identity

author:Qi Lin 527

——The first time I saw Na, I only felt that my face was cold and shrewd, and I spoke and did things fiercely.

When she first joined the company, Na appeared as a company leader. She gave orders to the others, and the others acted subservient.

But she never made her identity clear to me, only mentioned one sentence: in the past, when she was doing real estate sales, everyone thought that she was doing well in other things, so she began to manage the company. This created a huge mystery about her identity at the beginning.

And the big boss of the company, an elderly man. Sometimes the tone and posture of Na talking to the big boss make people feel familiar and informal, far beyond the boundaries of business, coupled with Na's appearance experience, it is easy for people to start guessing in a not very good direction.

The overall atmosphere of the office is that there is no private communication, and everyone sits in their seats and does their own things. In addition to reporting the epidemic two-dimensional code every day, the company group is silent, unlike the boss of the previous company, the employees will organize a group to drink tea from time to time and communicate about the company's affairs. What is even more bizarre is that during the New Year's Festival, the group is also silent, and it is as silent as death.

From the beginning of the unaccustomed, to the later is not bad, you can also accept this kind of social as long as the work of the setting. But in the daily contact with Na's work, the mystery still bubbles up from time to time.

But the subsequent development was unexpected by me, because the big boss lady came to the company.

When the big boss lady came, the momentum was quite huge, a personal secretary in front opened the way, a driver in the back carried various bags, and a group of people traveled all the way to the big boss's office without squinting. Look closely at the lady boss, when she was young, she should have been a big beauty, and now she is still well maintained and pearlescent. The big boss's office was noisy all morning, but Na had been missing. I was secretly frightened, was it afraid of encountering the big room, and the soles of my feet were greased? Or does the king not see the king? After all, such incidents are seen too much in society, and everyone has formed a conditioned reflex.

This was the first time the big boss lady came, but the second time she came was quiet.

Because there was a document that needed to be signed by the big boss, I knocked on the door and entered, and suddenly saw the big boss lady making tea gently and virtuously next to the big boss. I smiled and nodded to the big boss lady, who also smiled. This subverted my first impression of the big boss lady, and made me feel that the feelings of the big boss and the old husband and wife were actually not bad.

Later, the big boss lady came more often, and finally met a scene where Na and the big boss lady were facing each other, which deepened my doubts. Only to see Na calmly walk into the big boss's office, the big boss lady stuck out a head in the nearby lounge and beckoned Na with her hand. Na muttered impatiently and slowly walked into the lounge. Long...... There were no discordant sounds coming from inside.

I was so amazed by this that I saw a document one day to solve the mystery in my heart.

The document was impressively written with the name of the big boss lady, with Na a surname. I suddenly felt like I had been struck by lightning and had an epiphany. Looking at her two faces more carefully, it seems that there is indeed a blood connection.

At this point, I can only shamefully admit that I am psychologically dark and my brain is too much.

Therefore, many superficial things in society are not necessarily what you see, and more social experience does not mean that everything is commonplace and clear, and there is always something unexpected.

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