
The Story of the Office (1)

author:Tenori wire

I've been retired for several years, and sometimes I think of the smiles of my colleagues I worked with and the funny people and things I've done with my teachers.

People say that three women are a play, and we were ten female teachers working in one office, and how many funny things and things were performed every day. Tell the story of the office.

"Alas, alas, everyone pay attention, I went to the principal's office to talk about things, and saw a new teacher, the new class teacher of class 4.2." This is the number one news that everyone recognizes as a well-informed teacher, Sha Yan, to tell everyone about the opening of the school. "What did Teacher Wu, the director of Class 4.2, do this semester?" "Teacher Wu has a good temper and can't manage the class, and parents often complain to the principal." "Alas, people have a good temper, and they can't do it." Everyone talked about Teacher Wu, the 4.2 class teacher. Seems to be upset for her. Speaking of this teacher Wu, he is really a funny and strange character in the school.

Her home is far from the school, and she does not come home at noon and brings her own food. Teacher Wu has a good life, has a good husband, and the daily meal is prepared for her by her husband.

One day at noon dinner, she opened the lid of the jar, a confused look, I looked over, it was full of tea water, "Alas, how did I take the wrong one, in the morning in the car I listened to the jar when it was a bang, thinking that my husband made me soup noodles." "We laughed." Don't you take it yourself and don't look at it? The two jars were the same and put together again. Usually my husband packed it for me, but today I packed my own bag and took it wrong. Teacher Wu himself was embarrassed to laugh. This has also become a joke passed down by teachers.

Teacher Wu is relatively fat, has a good temperament, and does not work in a hurry or slowly. In class, you hear in the hallway that their class is very messy, as if there is no teacher, and then go to the office to read the class schedule, this is Teacher Wu's Chinese class, she is in the classroom. Her voice in the lecture was very thin and light, and she couldn't stop the students from screaming and shouting.

She invented the scoring class, three large groups of competition discipline scores, one class down, there are 5000 points on the blackboard, there are 3000 points, there are 800 points of chalk prints. Every lesson of the students is in the entertainment of teaching, but the parents are unwilling, so that the students' learning will be different, what to do in the small ascension? He went to the principal to complain and asked for a teacher change.

Our school is a municipal key window school, can create a good reputation, are teachers with practical work, here the teachers are more capable than one, one more shrewd than one. So Teacher Wu's style of doing things does not work in this school, and this semester class 4.2 has changed the class teacher.

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