
To prepare the fried taro cake

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
To prepare the fried taro cake

Taro is rich in protein, carotene, mucus saponin and a variety of vitamins, is an alkaline food, can neutralize the accumulated acid substances in the body, adjust the acid-base balance of the human body, produce beauty and beauty, black hair, and taro fluoride content is higher, with clean teeth anti-caries, protect teeth. Now it is the season of fresh taro on the market, this taro cake, the taste of crispy outside and soft cotton, fried well while taking advantage of the hot food, very delicious Oh, when breakfast or after the meal snack are very good it!

by summer_ Summer_

Taro 300g

Flour 30g

Sticky rice flour 80g

1 piece of soup soup

Onion to taste

Half a red pepper

Two shiitake mushrooms

A little corn oil

To prepare the fried taro cake

1: Peel and cut into small pieces of taro, shiitake mushrooms, green onion and red pepper.

To prepare the fried taro cake

2: Put the chopped shiitake mushrooms, a piece of soup in a taro bowl, put it in a rice cooker, steam it in water, about 15 minutes.

To prepare the fried taro cake

3: Stir the steamed taro with a spoon to form a puree.

To prepare the fried taro cake

4: Add sticky rice flour and flour.

To prepare the fried taro cake

5: Add the green onion and crush the red pepper (the green onion I just need is white).

To prepare the fried taro cake

6: Mix and knead into a ball (rub with gloves, otherwise it will stick to the hands).

To prepare the fried taro cake

7: Divide into 8 equal parts.

To prepare the fried taro cake

8: Knead the dough into a triangle.

To prepare the fried taro cake

9: Heat the pancake bell, brush with a layer of corn oil, put in the cake embryo and close the lid.

To prepare the fried taro cake

10: Fry for about 5 minutes.

To prepare the fried taro cake

11. Finished product map!

To prepare the fried taro cake

12. Finished product map!

To prepare the fried taro cake

13. Finished product map!

The soup contains salt, so there are no other spices, if not, please adjust the amount of spices yourself. Knead the dough with gloves once, otherwise it will be very sticky, too sticky can be appropriate to add some flour. There is no electric cake bell can be used in a frying pan, fry until both sides are golden brown.


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