
Jiaxing celebrity 丨 Cao Rong

author:Jiaxing drawer

(1613-1685) Character Jie Gong, number Qiu Yue, nickname Tired Garden. A native of Xiushui (present-day Jiaxing). Chongzhen Ten Years (1637) Jinshi, Official Imperial History. He still served the original official. Li Shuntian Xuezheng, Taibu Temple Shaoqing, Zuo Tongzheng, Zuo Vice Capital Yushi, Guangdong Zuo Bu political envoy. In the thirteenth year of Shunzhi (1656), shanxi yanghe dao was demoted. In the seventeenth year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1678), he cut the vacancy and returned to The Li, built the house Jintuoli, the name of the tired garden, planted bamboo with flowers, and wrote and collected books for pleasure. Its Jing Ti Tang has a collection of books, and there are many ancient books of the Song and Yuan Dynasties. Works of poetry. The poem is on a par with Gong Dingxiao, known as "Gong Cao". The word opened the Zhejiang Western word school first. The article is contemplative and lush, the body is majestic, and the sketch is particularly exquisite. He is the author of "Continuation of the Expedition", "Biography of the Fifty Auxiliary Ministers of Chongzhen", "The Deeds of Liu Yu", "Jinshi Table", "The Record of the Tired Garden", "Yue Youcao", "Jing Ti Tang Words", "Jing Ti Tang Poetry Collection" and so on.

Source: Jiaxing City Library

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