
In just five years, he has accumulated more than 800 steles, how much does Cao Rong love beituo in the early Qing Dynasty?


At the time of the Ming and Qing dynasties, "the production of Huxiu was twice as great as that of other counties", and the real prosperity of Jiaxing's town economy also began here, with the countryside "mulberry forests everywhere", the market towns "silk into the city", and the urban and rural "endless sounds of the machine axis". At the same time, there are many library buildings in Jiaxing area, and government schools, colleges, and private schools have penetrated the learning channels of all classes, and more than 730 people in the Ming and Qing dynasties have also been the result of cultural accumulation. Most of the literati wrote well, and had the spirit of exploration, from the beginning of Zhu Yizun's search for ancient monuments in the early Qing Dynasty, to Zhang Tingji's pursuit of ancient artifacts in the middle of the Qing Dynasty, and then to the study of oracle bones in the late Qing Dynasty, the accumulation of these studies was directly applied to the creation of calligraphy, some of whom became calligraphers and also influenced the calligraphy atmosphere of the entire Jiaxing region of the Qing Dynasty.

In just five years, he has accumulated more than 800 steles, how much does Cao Rong love beituo in the early Qing Dynasty?

Qing Zhu Yizun Lishu Jiaxing Museum Collection

The calligraphy style of Jiaxing in the early Qing Dynasty is basically consistent with the development process of calligraphy in the entire Qing Dynasty, which can be simply summarized into three development veins: one is the Jinshi scholar represented by Cao Rong and Zhu Yizun, amateur and calligrapher; the second is Chen Bangyan and Zha Sheng as the official calligraphers who pursue the trend of Dong Feng; and the third is Chen Yixi as the calligrapher representing both theory and practice and dares to make breakthroughs.

In just five years, he has accumulated more than 800 steles, how much does Cao Rong love beituo in the early Qing Dynasty?

Qing Zhu Yizun Xingshu Part 1 Yuhang Museum Collection

In the early Qing Dynasty, when Thessophy was dominant, some remnants consciously or unconsciously pursued a calligraphy art form different from the mainstream to strengthen their sense of identity. In this atmosphere, Cao Rong, the "Second Minister", and Zhu Yizun, the "Cloth Relic", together with Gu Yanwu and Yan Ruoxuan, jointly searched, copied and exchanged evidence with each other, and discussed the stele with Fu Shan and other calligraphers. Under the leadership of this group of forerunners, the exchange of inscription rubbings and research and research by scholars has become a popularity, which has influenced a group of calligraphers to pursue the calligraphic charm of inscriptions in practice.

In just five years, he has accumulated more than 800 steles, how much does Cao Rong love beituo in the early Qing Dynasty?

Qing Zhu Yizun Xingshu Part II Yuhang Museum Collection

Cao Rong and Zhu Yizun were not passed down to the world by title, Cao Rong's achievements were in poetry and books, and Zhu Yizun's achievements were in literature and scholarship, as Chen Qirong said: "Mr. Zhuyuan of Wu County's study of archaeology is valued by the world at that time, and his title in the golden stone is only left in the ear." However, the essence of his appreciation, the quality of his examination, is enough to see that his profound knowledge is unique."

In just five years, he has accumulated more than 800 steles, how much does Cao Rong love beituo in the early Qing Dynasty?

Cao Rong (1613-1685), also spelled Jie Gong, also spelled Jian Gong, Qiu Yue, Late Weary Old Man, Xiushui, Jiaxing, Zhejiang, chang Zhu Yizun was sixteen years old, for Zhu Yizun was both an elder, an academic guide and a patron of his economy. First of all, visiting the stele and tuobei is where Cao Rong's interest lies, and there are many such poems in his "JingTitang Poetry Collection", such as "Sending Son-in-law to Quyang Tuobeiyue Temple Stele", "Zi Yao Huan Entering Qin, Entrusting Qituo To Send Stele", "Dening Renshu Sending Han and Tang Dynasty Stele Carvings", "Cai Jiezi Transferring Canal East Tuo Ancient Stele SeeIng Compensation for Fenghuai Two", and so on.

In just five years, he has accumulated more than 800 steles, how much does Cao Rong love beituo in the early Qing Dynasty?

Qing Cao Rong Peach Forest to sit on the map to the local

Secondly, Cao Rong continued to get acquainted with his friends during the visit to the monument and collected a large number of steles. Yang Bin commented in the "Big Scoop Puppet Pen" that ancient and modern collections of Fashu inscriptions were home, and cao rong was juxtaposed with great collectors such as Xiang Yuanbian, Wang Shizhen, and Yan Song. Cao Rong also said in the preface of the "Golden Stone Table": "On the line plug, see the ancient stele between the grass, and occasionally move the thought, the ancient ruins have been lost for thousands of years, and it is a pity that they have been annihilated since my world." Search from within the territory, even far away. Accumulate five years and get more than 800 copies. The scriptures are made of tablets, the names of the writers and writers, and the places they have erected, and the years of the world." In just five years, he accumulated more than 800 steles, which shows the richness of Cao Rong's collection and the strength of his financial resources.

In just five years, he has accumulated more than 800 steles, how much does Cao Rong love beituo in the early Qing Dynasty?

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