
Toxic, can be fatal, no special medicine, this seafood can not be eaten or sold! Nine people in Taizhou were sentenced

author:Shangguan News

Supper Three Treasures

Lobster, grill, stir-fried sauce snail

But below this snail

Contains highly toxic

Don't eat it!

Toxic, can be fatal, no special medicine, this seafood can not be eaten or sold! Nine people in Taizhou were sentenced

△ Textured snail

Commonly known as sea snail, sea snail, wheat snail or white snail, etc., the weaved snail is a poisonous aquatic product prohibited by the state from being harvested, processed and sold for consumption.

There is no specific antidote after poisoning!!!

It is understood that the weaved snail is widely distributed in Coastal Provinces such as Zhejiang, Fujian, and Guangdong, and its appearance characteristics are pointed tail, slender and slender, with a length of about 1 cm and a width of about 0.5 cm.

The snail contains paralytic neurotoxins, which are more toxic in the spring and summer of each year, and can be poisoned after consumption, mild can cause dizziness, vomiting, numbness of the lips and fingers, and can lead to death, and the incubation period of poisoning is as short as 5 minutes and as long as 4 hours. There is currently a lack of effective treatment for food poisoning caused by snails.

↓↓↓ The weave snail grows like this

Toxic, can be fatal, no special medicine, this seafood can not be eaten or sold! Nine people in Taizhou were sentenced

Incidents of poisoning caused by the consumption of textured snails occur from time to time, and the Announcement of the National Health and Family Planning Commission No. 13 [2012] on the Prevention of Food Poisoning of Textured Snails clearly stipulates that no food production and trading unit shall purchase, process and sell textured snails.

It is still sold knowing that it is poisonous

Nine people were sentenced

Zheng Mou, 39, runs a lobster restaurant in Qinggang Town, Yuhuan City, and when the lobster sales season comes, the small shop business is very prosperous, and there are many old customers. However, lobster sales are sometimes orderly, and every year the spring lobster has not yet been listed, and the business is a bit green. Zheng mou pondered the development of some novel dishes to attract customers and make more money.

"Why don't you make some textured snails to sell?" Running a catering business for many years, customers often ask Zheng whether there is any seafood such as textured snails and puffer fish. Zheng Mou is well aware of the psychology of the gourmets who are curious about this kind of dish, so he started the idea of selling textured snails.

Toxic, can be fatal, no special medicine, this seafood can not be eaten or sold! Nine people in Taizhou were sentenced

Zheng found a seafood vendor who usually had business dealings, and found a way to buy 68.5 kilograms of textured snails at a price of 4795 yuan, and processed them into dishes to sell to familiar customers in lobster shops.

When he was caught, Zheng sold a total of 50 kilograms of weave snails, with a sales amount of 5,000 yuan and a profit of 1,500 yuan, and the remaining 18.5 kilograms of weave snails were seized.

Recently, the Yuhuan Municipal People's Procuratorate filed a public prosecution against Zheng for selling food that did not meet food safety standards. In the end, the court sentenced him to six months' detention and fined him 5,000 yuan.

Toxic, can be fatal, no special medicine, this seafood can not be eaten or sold! Nine people in Taizhou were sentenced

△ The web snail that was seized

Since the beginning of this year, 9 people in Yuhuan have been convicted of selling food that does not meet safety standards for selling textured snails, and have been sentenced to prison terms ranging from one year to three months of detention, and fined.

In order to effectively safeguard the "safety on the tip of the tongue" of the masses, the procuratorial organs have actively played the role of legal supervision while performing their duties and handling cases, organized cadres and policemen to visit major vegetable farms and catering shops in Yuhuan, increased publicity to vendors, and made suggestions to the market supervision departments on the situation of visits, giving full play to the deterrent and preventive role of criminal justice.

The Prosecutor reminds in particular

At present, it is the flood season of the weaved snail and puffer fish, and it is also the time when the toxicity is the strongest, and the general public must not be lucky!

1. The general public should improve their awareness of self-protection and not buy and eat textured snails.

2. If it is found that the food production and trading unit purchases, processes and sells the texture snail, it shall promptly report to the relevant regulatory departments.

3. After accidentally eating the texture snail, if symptoms of nervous system poisoning such as lip numbness occur, you should go to the hospital immediately

Life is precious

Don't eat the textured snail!

Source: Yuhuan Procuratorate

Column Editor-in-Chief: Qin Hong Text Editor: Li Linwei Caption Source: Taizhou Traffic Radio Photo Editor: Shao Jing

Source: Author: Taizhou Traffic Radio

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