
Let the relocated people live comfortably 丨 Implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "July 1st" important speech at the grassroots level

author:Current affairs report in Guizhou

 Move into a new house and live in "happiness". In the Xingli Community of Yuezhao Street in Liupanshui Zhongshan District, infrastructure such as schools, clinics, and multi-functional party and mass service halls is readily available, and the relocated masses enjoy one-stop service here.

  Seeking happiness for the community masses is the original intention of Wan Bi'e, secretary of the party branch of the community in Happiness. "As the secretary of the party branch of the relocated poverty alleviation community, I feel very honored to be able to solve the problems of the masses." Wan Bi'e said that the community will take the relocation of the masses as the goal to increase income, seize every opportunity, actively strive for employment projects, and continuously enhance the happiness of the community.

Let the relocated people live comfortably 丨 Implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "July 1st" important speech at the grassroots level

Liupanshui Zhongshan District Yuezhao Street Happiness Community Liupanshui Zhongshan District Yuezhao Street Happiness Community

  "As a cadre who has been involved in the relocation of poverty alleviation, I have carefully studied the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's 'July 1st' important speech and am deeply encouraged. I will contribute more to the follow-up support work of poverty alleviation and relocation. Wu Taixi, secretary of the Party Working Committee of Ruihao Street in Zheng'an County, said.

  At present, Zheng'an County takes "letting residents move at ease, allowing residents to live smoothly, and residents live comfortably" as the starting point, implements the work requirements of "stable, employable, and gradually able to get rich", and makes every effort to build the "five systems" of basic public services, training and employment services, cultural services, community governance, and grass-roots party building, and makes every effort to do a good job in the "second half of the article" of poverty alleviation and relocation.

  In the opening year of the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan", the cadres of the ecological migration system in the province took the opportunity of party history study and education, took the practical activity of "I do practical things for the masses" as the carrier, solved the worries, worries and worries of the relocated masses with a strong sense of professionalism, a high sense of responsibility and a firm sense of initiative, and worked hard to improve the sense of gain, happiness and security of the relocated masses, and contributed to the creation of a colorful new future for Guizhou with the prosperity of the people and ecological beauty.

  "General Secretary Xi Jinping's important 'July 1st' speech has pointed out the way forward for us. As cadres who serve the relocated masses, we must temper our political character of not forgetting our original intentions, unite the spiritual strength of officials to start a business, and be quick actors, loyal implementers, and exemplary practitioners. After in-depth study of the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "July 1st" important speech, Zheng Yi, deputy director of the Planning and Planning Department of the Provincial Ecological Migration Bureau, said.

  "The times flow endlessly, and the spirit is passed on from generation to generation. As a Chinese youth in the new era, I want to take the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's 'July 1st' important speech as the fundamental guide, and contribute my youth and strength to the new journey of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. As the first secretary of the Provincial Ecological Migration Bureau stationed in the Lijing community in Sinan County this year, Yuan Youhong said that in the new post, he will always adhere to the original intention of serving the people, and do practical and good things for the relocated masses.

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