
Jianghua Village, Wenyang Town, Feicheng City: The taste of happiness wafts out of the "happiness canteen"

author:Nine factions view the world

In recent years, with the increase in rural young and middle-aged people going out to study, employment and migrant workers, the scale of empty nest elderly people in rural areas has become increasingly large, and the problem of old-age care has become a major event in people's livelihood that has attracted much attention. In view of this prominent problem, Wenyang Town combined with the study and education of party history, taking the practical activity of "I do practical things for the masses" as an opportunity to build a pilot "happy canteen" in Jianghua Village, focusing on solving the problem of rural left-behind elderly people and elderly people living alone.

Jianghua Village, Wenyang Town, Feicheng City: The taste of happiness wafts out of the "happiness canteen"

Recently, in the "Happiness Canteen" in Jianghua Village, the elderly people who came to eat were full of people who came to eat, the stir-fried vegetables that had just come out of the pot were steaming hot and fragrant, and the staff enthusiastically helped the elderly people to take dishes and chopsticks, beat rice, and serve dishes, and the canteen was full of laughter. "The elderly love to eat soft food, when we stir-fry vegetables, we specially fry soft and rotten, but also pay attention to less oil, less salt and low sugar, so that the elderly can eat at ease and health." said the staff. It is understood that the "happiness canteen" in Jianghua Village is integrated by using four houses in the village, with an investment of more than 200,000 yuan, which was completed and used in September, aiming to provide free lunch for the elderly over 80 years old in the village. Not only that, there is also a library and recreation room next to the canteen to provide a place for the elderly to learn, communicate, rest and entertain.

Jianghua Village, Wenyang Town, Feicheng City: The taste of happiness wafts out of the "happiness canteen"

Since the "Happiness Canteen" was put into operation, it has been unanimously praised by the villagers. "I can't cook my own meals when I'm older, and the kids work outside the home all year round and are always worried that I won't be able to eat well. Now the village has built a 'happiness canteen' to provide free lunch for the elderly over the age of eighty, the meals are mixed with meat and vegetables, nutritious, the children are assured, I feel very happy! Eighty-two-year-old Uncle Zhang said happily. The construction of "Happy Canteen" can not only solve the problem of eating for the elderly, but also provide opportunities and space for the elderly to communicate with each other, and they eat while nagging at home, which greatly alleviates the loneliness. The small canteen allows the elderly not to leave their neighbors and hometowns, and at the doorstep of their homes, they can realize the old people's support, the old people's dependence, and the old people's happiness, which can be described as "warm heart and warm stomach".

Jianghua Village, Wenyang Town, Feicheng City: The taste of happiness wafts out of the "happiness canteen"
Jianghua Village, Wenyang Town, Feicheng City: The taste of happiness wafts out of the "happiness canteen"
Jianghua Village, Wenyang Town, Feicheng City: The taste of happiness wafts out of the "happiness canteen"
Jianghua Village, Wenyang Town, Feicheng City: The taste of happiness wafts out of the "happiness canteen"

In the future, Wenyang Town will earnestly build the "Happiness Canteen" into a warm-hearted station for the elderly, continue to promote the key work of "supporting the elderly", strive to explore the old-age work policy of "party and government leadership, social participation, and national care", focus on improving the satisfaction of the masses, solving the practical problems of the elderly, further meet the needs of the elderly for the elderly, strive to improve the quality of life of the elderly at home, and comprehensively improve the happiness index of the elderly in the town.

【Source: Feicheng Hotline】

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