
Star Stephen Curry's wife Ayesha is of Chinese descent

author:A brief history of women

The Us gossip media recently exposed a number of NBA star Stephen Curry's wife Aisha, from Aisha's photos, she looks very similar to the famous American female artist Vanessa Williams, once named one of the most beautiful actresses in the United States.

Star Stephen Curry's wife Ayesha is of Chinese descent

Warriors star Curry was a great success last season, in addition to winning the regular season MVP award, he also won the championship, stood on the peak of his life in one fell swoop, and also attracted a considerable number of fans, including Chinese fans. In fact, Curry and China actually have a deeper relationship, in fact, he is China's son-in-law!

Due to Curry's popularity last season, there have been many reports about him, however, there is one aspect that has rarely been explored, and that is the background of Curry's wife Ayesha.

Ayesha Curry, whose original name was Ayesha Alexander, does not have a traditional European and American face just by looking at her appearance, on the contrary, her facial features look very Asian, resembling Malaysian singer Silas. In fact, according to Ayesha herself, she has a quarter of her Chinese ancestry!

During the Chinese Lunar New Year in 2013, Ayesha asked on social networks if there was any favorable event, and said that she had "not received red envelopes for almost 10 years." "The red envelope is a typical symbol of traditional Chinese folk culture, and unless its own family is related to China (or some Asian countries), or is a Chinese pass, it is unlikely to have such feelings."

Some netizens directly asked Ayesha if she had Chinese ancestry? Ayesha's answer confirmed everyone's suspicions. "Yes, I have Chinese ancestry!" My grandfather was Chinese," Ayesha said.

Ayesha and Curry met at a church in Charlotte when they were children, and both parents brought their children to youth events. Later, Ayesha graduated from high school, and the two met again in Los Angeles by chance, and finally walked together.

The US gossip media recently exposed a group of NBA star Stephen Curry's wife Aisha, from Aisha's photos, she looks very similar to the famous American female artist Vanessa Williams.

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