
"Seven Colored Flowers": a collection of childlike stories

author:Nguyen Thanh Fei
"Seven Colored Flowers": a collection of childlike stories

The book "Seven Colored Flowers" published by Tianjin Education Publishing House includes 9 short stories such as "Seven Colored Flowers", "Flutes and Jars", "Pigeons" and "Surprises" created by soviet writer Va Kadayev (also a writer with a sense of history), among which Chinese readers should know the first story "Seven Colored Flowers", after all, who does not want to have a seven-colored flower that can meet their wishes?! And it is also that each petal can fulfill one wish, that is, it can fulfill 7 magical wishes!

In fact, the story of "Seven Colored Flowers", which I read when I was very young, was re-emphasized today, the plot is not to talk about, but I am more eager to have a seven-colored flower that can meet my wishes (after all, the life of an adult is too tired, with this seven-colored flower that can meet my wishes, I must immediately make a wish to "get rich", so that I can achieve the goal of getting out of the ranks of workers, after all, I don't want to be "a person on the top").

However, after reading the remaining 8 short stories, I found them equally interesting and cute, full of children's wonderful imaginations, the stories are simple, but they are very interesting, especially the language, but also very childlike and humorous, people can't help but laugh.

"Seven Colored Flowers": a collection of childlike stories

For example, in the short story "Surprise", the author tells the different attitudes of mom and dad to favorite plays and dislike speeches from the perspective of "I", a little boy who is only four or five years old. "I" think that "drama" and "telescope" come from the solemn and mysterious world, and every time Mom and Dad come back from watching a play, they will give me a "surprise", such as "I" like chocolate eggs, so the words "surprise" "theater" and "drama" are inseparable.

However, later they went to listen to the "speech", but when they returned, "I" did not find the chocolate egg from the sweater socks where the surprise was hidden, only two cookies. The two cookies came from our kitchen, and the sleeping parents looked a little embarrassed. "I" could only eat the tasteless cookies in disappointment.

At the end of the story, "To this day, I still love theater very much, and for me theater has a warm chocolate flavor." I don't like speeches, it's like an old-fashioned cookie, dry and tasteless." Such a humorous and profound sentence may only be written by a writer who truly understands the inner world of children and has a child's heart.

Another very interesting story, "Dear, Lovely Grandpa", is completely composed of a question-and-answer dialogue, there is no character introduction and description, there is no description of the environment and scenery, that is, a curious child pestering the grandfather who is watching TV to ask various questions, so that the grandfather can not watch TV, can only patiently answer all kinds of strange questions, and finally coax him to bed.

Such a delicate, sweet and cute grandchild, even the impatient grandfather can not resist, let alone the original patience and gentle dear, cute grandfather?

In addition, these 9 stories, each story is accompanied by a number of illustrations with bright colors and lively lines, which are rich in pictures and texts, which greatly increases the fun of reading.

However, because "Seven Colored Flowers" is a children's book for children, from the perspective of adults, the story and plot will seem a little naïve and childish. In the present, this may be an advantage, after all, it reflects the child's innocent and pure nature, and also plays a role in teaching the child by following the rules; but it can also be a deficiency, after all, the knowledge and insight that the children know and reserve now have far exceeded my adolescence, and the stories of too young children can no longer impress the children of today.

How to write a more interesting, more in line with the psychological needs of today's children, but also a certain educational significance of the story, may be a challenge that future children's book authors and publishers will face.

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