
"Big Rescue Drive" at the top of the list of yunnan top ten famous dishes To see how Tengchong people are attached to TA

author:Tengchong Cultural Tourism

This morning, I ate fried bait blocks - the big rescue. One bite down, fragrant and soft, smooth taste; A bowl of green dragon across the sea soup, in this rainy weather, refreshing, removing moisture... In fact, Tengchong people generally do not use the "big rescue" to do breakfast, generally used as the main meal or complementary food, why go to eat the "big rescue car" early this morning? Because of this exciting news below!

It is reported that on September 10, 2018, the first "Chinese Cuisine" activity released to the world and the large-scale exchange meeting of classic famous dishes and famous banquets in the province of The whole country were held in Henan Province. At this event, the final list of 34 regional cuisines, 340 regional classic dishes and 273 themed banquets across the country was produced.

"Big Rescue Drive" at the top of the list of yunnan top ten famous dishes To see how Tengchong people are attached to TA

Not only the editor, there are still many Tengchong people who are boiling up, and they have come up to show their kung fu of "frying" bait blocks (big rescue driving)...

Feng Lihua of Qushi Middle School

When it comes to Tengchong, my heart is always warm. This warmth comes from this land with beautiful mountains and rivers, from the nostalgic memories of cooking smoke, and from the attachment on the tip of the tongue from childhood to adulthood.

Tengchong has a lot of food, but the taste of bait silk is definitely a memory that every Tengchong person can't erase. In the morning, a bowl of bone broth boiled clear soup bait, sprinkled with green onions, coriander, plus roast meat, fresh meat foam, crispy meat, the heart is extremely satisfied. Or a bowl of thin bean flour bait silk, the softness of the bait and the golden color of the thin bean flour mixed together, and then put sesame oil, garlic oil, chili oil, peanut oil, dried coriander root, green onion, coriander and other spices, the fragrant smell makes every ordinary day become very beautiful.

"Big Rescue Drive" at the top of the list of yunnan top ten famous dishes To see how Tengchong people are attached to TA

Municipal Government Li Yumei

In fact, eating fried bait feels like our lives: simple and ordinary, but full of happiness.

When it comes to Tengchong cuisine, there are countless. However, bait silk and bait blocks occupy an important position in Tengchong cuisine with unique charm.

Every morning, most people in Tengchong wake up for breakfast without a bowl of bait, clear soup, sour soup, mixed sauce bait, thin bean flour bait, accompanied by pork, beef, chicken... There are many ways to eat.

And bait silk sister bait block, but is another way to eat, that is, fried to eat, that is, fried bait block, she also has a resounding name - the big rescue, fried bait block is not only Tengchong people love to eat food, but also become a foreign tourists to Tengchong must eat a delicacy, Tengchong restaurants, every family will do this dish, foreign friends do not have to worry about not eating.

"Big Rescue Drive" at the top of the list of yunnan top ten famous dishes To see how Tengchong people are attached to TA

Xinhua Township Government Liu Danying

It is said that the condiments in Tengchong cuisine are the most, so that the condiments and main dishes are silly and unclear, but they will still add that it is really delicious, as if it is impossible to leave anything.

I think that the dish that best reflects the complementarity of the main dish in Tengchong cuisine is the great rescue! Lean meat, eggs, tomatoes, cabbage, pickles, the same can not be less, the amount must be appropriate, although the bait piece is the protagonist, but also become the foil of many condiments, this "big rescue" has also become a model of Tengchong dishes.

In Tengchong, chai rice oil and salt these flat and straightforward human fireworks, can always be soaked in hospitality, frank family concept, we like to set up a family banquet to entertain guests, even if it is just a plate of "big rescue", but also express full sincerity; even if it is the usual home cooking, "big rescue" as an occasional romantic embellishment, will become the best time we are spending! “

"Big Rescue Drive" at the top of the list of yunnan top ten famous dishes To see how Tengchong people are attached to TA

Hu Jian Manor Jiang Hongwei

Whether it is an old friend of the same window, or a distant relative, or even a heavyweight guest visiting, there is a dish that appears on the table of Tengchong people's own family, small restaurants on the street are also everywhere, of course, the five-star hotel banquet does not dare to lack its figure, more than three hundred years ago, it was filled for a fallen emperor, so it was given the name of "great rescue", many years later, this plate of ordinary fried bait, such as dripping water into the sea, has become an indispensable part of the life of Tengyue people.

"Big Rescue Drive" at the top of the list of yunnan top ten famous dishes To see how Tengchong people are attached to TA

Old cadre Deng Min

A big rescue drive can glimpse the innate wisdom of Tengchong people. There are three reasons for this.

Not unusual. The baits are cut into triangular shapes, the ingredients are similar, and the methods are even more similar. However, at the same time, different places, different people, can make a thousand tastes and can eat a thousand tastes. When the children return home and fry a plate, they have a real taste of home. A small gathering of friends and a stir-fry plate is the taste of lively love. Feast on relatives and friends, stir-fry a plate, and only then will there be a taste of serious etiquette.

Regardless of elegance. When hungry, the shallots and cabbage are stir-fried over high heat, and can be eaten with a mouthful of fragrant aroma. When the high-ranking friends are full, they are accompanied by exquisite dishes and accompanied by delicious food and wine, and they can also ascend to the elegant hall. In the eyes of Tengchong people, the big rescue driver, like an ordinary friend, does not abandon it, makes his own food at home, and orders a portion when eating out. The Tengchong people who eat the big rescue are all cultural people. Talking about allusions, talking about history, everyone is full of taste.

Choose between rich and poor. The material for the big rescue is not too poor to love the rich. Bait eggs, cabbage and shallots, every family has it, and every household can make it. It can be used as a side dish and a staple food; it can be used as a meal and can be used as a supper. Used to feed the stomach, the mouth is fragrant, used for hospitality, the color and taste are excellent. Tengchong people eat big rescues, from snacks to big, but they don't eat enough. Tengchong people who eat big rescue drivers, fried big rescue drivers are the standards for measuring cooking skills. Regardless of whether it is a high-gate household or a small courtyard with a cold door, there are guests visiting, as long as they can bring out a large rescue drive, eat endlessly, and eat the guests and hosts happily, it is a full circle.

"Big Rescue Drive" at the top of the list of yunnan top ten famous dishes To see how Tengchong people are attached to TA

Zhao Jiaxing, Diantan Town

Tengchong people have a good day, starting from eating a bowl of steaming bait silk, bait and bait are originally born from the same root, a word difference, but eat different feelings. The difference is whether it is cut into strips or pieces, whether it is boiled or fried.

When I was a child, every New Year's Day, my mother would take some rice from home and exchange it for some rice rolls on the street, and occasionally, my mother would cut the rice rolls into irregular small pieces and add an egg to scramble and eat them, which was the earliest fried bait block I ate. Compared with the bait silk, the bait block is more chewy, less lubricated by the soup, but it can feel the soft glutinous in the flexibility of the bait block, and with some dry pickle soup, it is very appetizing. In that era of lack of clothes and meat, a plate of egg scrambled bait could satisfy all a child's hunger for food.

"Big Rescue Drive" at the top of the list of yunnan top ten famous dishes To see how Tengchong people are attached to TA

Lu Yanhong of the Development and Reform Bureau

When I went to a high school in the county to study, I fell in love with the big rescue driver in the school canteen.

Born in the countryside, I have been studying in the countryside, and after failing the first college entrance examination, my stubborn father felt that I should be sent to the middle school in the county town for tuition, so that I could be admitted to college. Naturally, I became a cram student at a high school in a middle school.

I remember the first time I stood in the school cafeteria window to buy vegetables, I was attracted by the big rescue car, but I couldn't call out the name of the dish, I could only point to the dish, the careful waiter instantly resolved my embarrassment, while serving me the dish while saying: "Oh, the big rescue." I blushed and said "thank you," walked quickly out of the cafeteria, and silently remembered the name in my heart. With a sour grape mentality, I carefully examined the big rescue in the bowl: Hmm, isn't it just fried with eggs, cabbage, green onions, and peppers. I also have such a strange name, I don't know how it tastes. Although I thought so in my heart, my eyes and nose would not deceive myself, and I ate most of it on the way back to the dormitory, as if it was the most delicious dish I had ever eaten in my life. Before the big rescue reached the belly, I despised my previous sour grape psychology in my heart. Later, in the dormitory, I asked my roommate, why is this dish called the big rescue? One by one, the roommates scrambled and said, "Ah, you don't know? ”

From their mouths, I know the origin of the big rescue, which is our Tengchong special snack, everyone likes to eat, and the school canteen treats it as a dish. Maybe it was listening to the stories they told, maybe I really liked to eat this dish, and in the days that followed, as long as there was this dish in the cafeteria window, it would be my first choice. In this way, the big rescue drive in the school canteen accompanied me through a year of tuition.

"Big Rescue Drive" at the top of the list of yunnan top ten famous dishes To see how Tengchong people are attached to TA

Time Restaurant Board Of Directors Book

Opened restaurants for ten years, selling countless "big rescue drivers". Its snow white and delicate sticky, soft and delicious, suitable for all ages, visitors must taste first and then fast. Because it can be cooked or main food on the table, it is fast and affordable, and it is favored by the Tengchong public.

The industrious and intelligent Tengchong ancestors carefully made high-quality rice into "bait" by boiling, steaming, scooping and other processes, and the "chance encounter" of the Yongli Emperor of the Southern Ming Dynasty spread the reputation of "great rescue". The craft of making "bait blocks" has been passed down from generation to generation, and the future generations have carried forward this cuisine.

Fresh "bait" cut into diamond shapes, with eggs, bad peppers, green onions, ham, tomatoes, cabbage and other hot oil stir-fry, a dish of red and green, snow white with golden, colorful, fragrant "big rescue" out of the pot, taste, chopsticks must not stop. There are often diners who praise the "big rescue" of the small shop, the only secret is that the selected ingredients are fresh, the "bait" made on the day can smell the fragrance of the silk rice, and the taste of the stir-fry is definitely delicious.

I did not want the "great rescue" to compete for fame overseas, attracting foreign friends from the United States, the Netherlands, and the Czech Republic to come to learn from the teacher, Tengchong "great rescue driver" can go abroad, why not enjoy it, it will widely collect "disciples", so it has taken a batch and a batch.

"Big Rescue Drive" at the top of the list of yunnan top ten famous dishes To see how Tengchong people are attached to TA

Text: Feng Lihua Li Yumei Liu Danying Jiang Hongwei Deng Min Lu Yanhong Zhao Jiaxing Dong Huishu

Photo: Teacher Wang Shihu Dong Baohao

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