
Dancer Amina Yusufu: Let the national dance continue to inherit and innovate

author:China Youth Network

Dancer Amina Yusufu: Continuing to Inherit and Innovate Folk Dance 1/10)

Responsible editor: Qiao Jiaxin Source: Xinhua Network Writing time: 2021-03-08 16:16:00

Dancer Amina Yusufu: Let the national dance continue to inherit and innovate

Amina Yusufu filmed on March 4 at the rehearsal hall of the dance team of the Kashgar Regional Opera Troupe in Xinjiang.

Amina Yusufu is the leader of the dance team of the Kashgar Regional Song and Dance Troupe in Xinjiang, and she entered the dance team at the age of 17, and has been active on the stage for more than 20 years, almost "dancing" all over the motherland.

Amina Yusufu is a dancer and an active communicator of traditional dance. At present, Amina Yusufu is learning to choreograph, and she hopes to make the national dance continuously inherited and innovated through careful choreography. She said: "In recent years, our dance has been constantly innovating, and the enthusiastic folk dance integrates elements such as modern dance, and everyone says that it is fashionable and beautiful. In order to make the level of the dance team further, she also plans to invite mainland teachers to give lectures at the song and dance troupe.

After becoming the captain of the dance team in 2020, in addition to occasionally performing on stage, Amina Yusufu put more energy into organizing team members to practice and rehearse. She said: "We should leave the stage more to young people, let more young people come on stage to hone and show their talents." ”

Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Shadati

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