
Liang Jun, Guangdong Academy of Social Sciences: Party Building in State-Owned Enterprises - Stronger and More Solid "Roots" Cast the Living "Soul"

author:State-owned assets report
Liang Jun, Guangdong Academy of Social Sciences: Party Building in State-Owned Enterprises - Stronger and More Solid "Roots" Cast the Living "Soul"

Editor's Note

On the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the state-owned enterprise party building work conference, the 10th issue of the state-owned assets report magazine in 2021 launched a special plan "High-quality party building leads high-quality development", combing and summarizing the remarkable results achieved by party building in leading the reform and development of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises, specially invited a number of theoretical articles by heads of central enterprises, experts and scholars, wrote and refined the typical experience of a number of state-owned enterprises to strengthen party building and promote development, and showed the magnificent practice of state-owned enterprises in multi-dimensional and full-scale perspectives to show the strong roots of state-owned enterprises and state-owned enterprises to forge the soul and lead the world-class. In order to better promote the strengthening, optimization and large state-owned enterprises, give play to the strategic supporting role of the state-owned economy, accelerate the construction of world-class enterprises, cohesion, and cheering.
Liang Jun, Guangdong Academy of Social Sciences: Party Building in State-Owned Enterprises - Stronger and More Solid "Roots" Cast the Living "Soul"
Today, I would like to bring you the third expert viewpoint "Party Building in State-Owned Enterprises: Stronger and More Solid "Roots" Cast the Living "Soul""" for you.

Party building of state-owned enterprises:

Stronger and more solid "roots" cast the living "soul"

Text · Liang Jun

Associate researcher of Guangdong Academy of Social Sciences

State-owned Assets Report Magazine, No. 10, 2021

Liang Jun, Guangdong Academy of Social Sciences: Party Building in State-Owned Enterprises - Stronger and More Solid "Roots" Cast the Living "Soul"

In October 2016, General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the National Conference on Party Building in State-Owned Enterprises, profoundly expounding a series of major theoretical issues in the reform and development of state-owned enterprises and party building, and is a programmatic document for strengthening party building in state-owned enterprises under the new situation.

In the past five years, the state-owned assets system has been fully mobilized and deployed, deeply studied and understood, continuously improved the ideological construction, organizational construction, and capacity building level of party building work, closely linked to the theme of reform and development, and achieved remarkable results in strengthening party building, grasping reform, and promoting development.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that adhering to the party's leadership and strengthening party building is the glorious tradition of China's state-owned enterprises, the "root" and "soul" of state-owned enterprises, and the unique advantages of China's state-owned enterprises.

The state-owned assets system focuses on strengthening the roots and casting the soul, and in the four aspects of adhering to the party's leadership over state-owned enterprises, adhering to service production and operation, adhering to the leadership and gatekeeping role of party organizations in the selection and employment of state-owned enterprises, and adhering to the construction and strengthening of grass-roots party organizations in state-owned enterprises, the party's leadership is integrated into all aspects of corporate governance, and the enterprise party organizations are embedded in the corporate governance structure, and the modern enterprise system with Chinese characteristics is further improved.

There is no end to strengthening party building in state-owned enterprises.

At present, it is necessary to further closely combine the "root" and "soul" thesis put forward by General Secretary Xi Jinping with the "two consistent" requirements, learn and understand at a deeper theoretical level, promote practice in a higher political position, build a stronger and more solid "root", and create the living "soul".

Building a Solid "Root" for The Ideological Construction of Leading Cadres

In-depth study of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era is the primary task of the party committee (party group) of state-owned enterprises. Only by studying and understanding thoroughly, integrating and penetrating, clarifying the direction of reform, understanding the core essence, and mastering the requirements of practice can we firmly establish ideologically the firmness and consciousness that state-owned enterprises must and will certainly be able to do a good job.

It is necessary to highlight the key points of political study. It is necessary to take General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the national conference on the work of party building in state-owned enterprises and a series of important expositions on the reform and development of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises as the top priority of political study content, systematic study, repeated study, deep thinking, deep understanding, and then study and re-comprehension, so that it will become a solid ideological foundation for leading cadres of state-owned enterprises to take the lead in vigorously grasping strong roots and forging souls and promoting reform and development, and internalize them in their hearts and externalize them in their actions.

It is necessary to raise the ideological and political standpoint. It is necessary to view the extreme importance of state-owned enterprises to the cause of the party and the people from the political height of those who cherish the "great power of the country," take a clear-cut stand in stressing politics, continuously enhance the political judgment, political understanding, and political execution ability of leading cadres of state-owned enterprises, and ensure that state-owned enterprises are at any time and under any conditions an important pillar and a force to rely on for the party's ruling and rejuvenating the country, and are the "first square" for enhancing the "four consciousnesses," strengthening the "four self-confidences," and achieving the "two safeguards."

It is necessary to give prominence to the ideological and political characteristics of state-owned enterprises. It is necessary to study the history of the CPC, the history of new China, the history of reform and opening up, and the history of socialist development in light of the history of the development of state-owned enterprises, correctly understand the two "mutual non-negations," clarify the historical logic and theoretical logic of upholding the status of the main body of socialist public ownership, feel the historical merits and contemporary mission of the "eldest son of the republic," and enhance the sense of glory, mission, and responsibility for reform and development.

Building a solid "root" for the construction of a strong organizational system and system

To strengthen party building in state-owned enterprises, we must make real efforts and real efforts in organizational guarantees, institutional guarantees, and mechanism guarantees, integrate the party's leadership into all aspects of corporate governance, embed the party organizations of enterprises into the corporate governance structure, and ensure that the organization is implemented, the cadres are in place, the responsibilities are clear, and the supervision is strict.

Organizational implementation should be accelerated and quality-improved. In accordance with the requirements of unified deployment, it is necessary to complete the prescribed actions such as the requirements for party building work to enter the charter within a time limit, the "four synchronizations", "four docking" and "two-way entry and cross-appointment" of party building work. Accelerate the introduction of a rigidly binding evaluation index system for party building in state-owned enterprises. Accelerate the formulation of party building work system norms for mixed ownership enterprises under different equity ratios, and form experience and practices that can be copied and promoted. Further enhance the attractiveness of party affairs jobs to outstanding management talents from a system point of view.

Cadres in place must firmly grasp and grasp the work. It is necessary to select and properly match the "key minority" of leading personnel of state-owned enterprises and make them a "general engine" for strengthening party building in state-owned enterprises and promoting reform and development. On the basis of strengthening the "one post and two responsibilities", further analyze the positioning of the "one post and three responsibilities", organically integrate the direction of the party committee (party group), manage the overall situation, and promote the implementation of responsibilities with the board of directors to set strategies, make decisions, prevent risks, and manage managers, grasp implementation, and strengthen management, and play a key role through the "key minority" to realize the seamless connection, effective implementation, and penetration of all aspects of the party's leadership and enterprise decision-making implementation and supervision.

Performing duties and responsibilities must be new and brilliant. On the basis of the main responsibilities of party committees (party groups) in taking the direction, managing the overall situation, and promoting implementation, it is necessary to further analyze and divide the specific work responsibilities of the "unified high-level," "joint middle-level," and "lower grass-roots level." Strengthen the ideological and political leadership of the three types of leading personnel of enterprise directors, supervisors, and seniors, closely contact and care about cultivating the middle-level cadre team of enterprises, and sink their hearts, sink their bodies, and sink their strength to the frontline of the grass-roots level to carry out investigation and research work. In light of the many new situations and characteristics of the new era, we should explore new ways and new ways for party organizations to play a leading role in enterprise workers' and young women's organizations, and root the party's leadership in the most grass-roots and forefront of enterprises.

Building a dense "root" for the construction of reserve talent teams

To strengthen party building in state-owned enterprises and promote reform and development, in the long run, ultimately depends on a contingent of high-quality party members and cadres whose talents are constantly emerging. We must uphold the leadership and gatekeeping role of party organizations in selecting and appointing people, speed up the pace, and intensify efforts to cultivate the young generation of party affairs work and enterprise management personnel.

The promotion of cadres should be clearly oriented. It is necessary to discover, train, and promote outstanding young party members and cadres in an open and upright manner. While looking at ability and emphasizing performance, we should also increase the weight of ideological and political character considerations. Increase the proportion of cadres with political identity among party members, establish a orientation for selecting and employing people in state-owned enterprises that is different from the general market mainstay, form a good atmosphere for young talents to move closer to party organizations and learn from outstanding party members, and expand the "talent pool" for party organizations to select and employ people.

Cadres should care for and care for their use. It is necessary to correctly handle the relationship between the professional manager system and the contractual management reform of the tenure system and the management of party members and cadres. Under the same conditions, priority is given to the selection of professional managers with the political identity of Party members; attention is paid to the development of Party members from the ranks of selected professional managers. Encourage and support party members and cadres to have the courage to accept the challenges brought about by the contractual management of the tenure system, and at the same time pay attention to the care and support and policy support for party members and cadres whose performance evaluation does not meet the standards, and maintain the ideological stability and high morale of the party members and cadres.

The training of cadres should be comprehensive and diverse. It is necessary to establish institutional arrangements for the two-way circulation of party affairs work and management cadres. It will open up the gap between the two thinking and styles of party affairs work and operation and management, expand the space for the development of the career of party affairs cadres, and also inject fresh blood into party affairs work. It is necessary to make the party affairs post an important platform for the growth of enterprise talents, and strive to cultivate management talents of composite enterprises who are competent for the requirements of "one post and two responsibilities".

Cast the "soul" activated by the reform and development of the party member cadre team

Strengthening the party building of state-owned enterprises is the core content of improving the modern enterprise system with Chinese characteristics, and the ultimate purpose is to promote the reform and development of state-owned enterprises. It is necessary to take the spirit of the party-member cadre contingent and the entrepreneurship of the officers and entrepreneurs, as well as the real performance of reform and development, as the orientation, as an important indicator for testing the performance of party building work.

It is necessary to vigorously carry forward the spiritual character of communists who dare to be the first, concentrate on giving play to the vanguard and exemplary leading role of party members, and strive to enhance the spirit of the contingent of party members and cadres who dare to make innovations and dare to shoulder heavy burdens. It is necessary to crack the "code" of mutual communication between the quality of leading cadres of state-owned enterprises and the market-oriented entrepreneurial spirit, and open up the connection point between the enhancement of the "four consciousnesses" of party members and cadres and the strengthening of market awareness. It is necessary to conscientiously transform the party's major policies and policy decisions and arrangements for state-owned enterprises into the political ability, strategic vision, and professional level of the cadre contingent, and implement it through the initiative of the cadre contingent. It is necessary to enable every party member and cadre to be able to open up their hands and feet and start a business under the guidance of party building and the protection of the system, have the courage to innovate, govern enterprises well, and prosper enterprises.

Cast the flexible "soul" of the modern enterprise system with Chinese characteristics

The key to implementing General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition of "two consistent" lies in the scientific understanding and accurate grasp of "integration" and "embedding". The leadership style in which the party committee (party group) plays a role should be seamlessly connected with all aspects of the company's governance, so that the operation is more coordinated and the checks and balances are more effective.

It is necessary to comprehensively summarize the positive and negative experiences of state-owned enterprise party building work since the National Conference on Party Building in State-owned Enterprises in 2016, systematically sort out the various manifestations and root causes of "sorting" instead of "integration" and "plug-in" instead of "embedding", seriously clarify some theoretical understanding misunderstandings and policy interpretation deviations, timely correct such as taking the party committee (party group) as the decision-making and command center for enterprise production and operation, equating the party committee (party group) with the formation of opinions in the front-end decision, and equating the non-overall situation and non-major events. Non-key enterprise decision-making matters are all submitted to the party committee (party group) for study and discussion of erroneous manifestations such as "insurance".

It is necessary to continue to promote the institutionalization, standardization and procedural construction of integrating the party's leadership into all aspects of corporate governance, and adhere to the unity of decision-making quality and decision-making efficiency. Those who should be submitted to the party committee (party group) for prior study and discussion will never sneak away or rush away; those who should implement the decision of the party committee (party group) should be implemented through the decision-making of the enterprise and the implementation of legal procedures, and will never be absent or independent; those who should be exercised by the directors, supervisors, and senior management in accordance with the law will never overstep their positions or replace each other; those who should assume responsibility and take the initiative will never be afraid of their hands and feet, and will not be afraid of each other and blame each other.

Cast the "soul" of the red traditional gene corporate culture

State-owned enterprises are an important material and political foundation of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and an important pillar and relying force for the party to govern and rejuvenate the country. This special status determines the "state-owned enterprise surname party", and also determines the corporate culture characteristics of state-owned enterprises that are different from the general market entities. This is the proper meaning and inevitable result of strengthening party building in state-owned enterprises.

It is necessary to empower party members and cadres in the construction of ideological and work style, and integrate the strong will and character characteristics of the CPC into the blood of state-owned enterprises firmly, deeply, persistently, and strongly through the ways and means of building corporate culture, and become a unique red competitiveness of state-owned enterprises that cannot be copied and surpassed by ordinary market players.

The first is to dare to struggle and be good at struggle. State-owned enterprises should be confident in the advantages of the continuous improvement of the modern enterprise system with Chinese characteristics and the vitality of the driving force for reform and development that is constantly bursting out, and dare and be good at fair competition with any market player. The second is not to be afraid of ghosts, not to believe in evil, and not to be soft-bones. In the face of high-intensity containment and suppression by western developed countries, and in the face of all kinds of stigmatization and privatization remarks and attempts, state-owned enterprises must be fearless of challenges, calmly cope with battles, be brave and good at war, and stop wars with war. The third is to dare to overcome all difficulties without being overwhelmed by any difficulties. In the field of key core technologies and "card necks", state-owned enterprises should abandon their illusions, face difficulties, and firmly follow the development path of self-reliance, self-reliance and self-reliance.

Liang Jun, Guangdong Academy of Social Sciences: Party Building in State-Owned Enterprises - Stronger and More Solid "Roots" Cast the Living "Soul"
Liang Jun, Guangdong Academy of Social Sciences: Party Building in State-Owned Enterprises - Stronger and More Solid "Roots" Cast the Living "Soul"

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