
The love of Ome

author:Triad Life Weekly

Let "Triptych Food" accompany you through every hungry night

The love of Ome

"It's still a sour plum that's delicious!"


In the spring and Jingming, the green plum has been dotted.

I have seen a thick forest of green plum trees in Dali, with overlapping greenery, plum leaves, fruit and leaves, and the two colors are almost the same, lining the green plums. The fragrance is shallow and far away. Standing under the tree, there was already a faint hint of plum fragrance wafting into the nose. The plum has just been picked off extremely sour, and tasting it makes people raise eyebrows. The glaze color of celadon is shadow blue and plum green, all of which are beautiful. Plum green is soft and sparse, it is really a very Zen and poetic color, which makes people reverie.

The love of Ome

Photo / Visual China

Ome flirts. The euphemistic lyricist Li Qingzhao has the cloud "Dotted Lips: Kicking Off the Swing":

Kick off the swing and get up to straighten your hands. Dew is thin and thin, and the sweat is lightly clothed.

See guests come in, socks cut gold noodles slip, and shy away. Leaning on the door and looking back, he sniffed the green plum.

The girl just swung off the swing, lazy, and the light sarong clothes revealed a scented sweat. Seeing that some guests came to avoid the emperor in a hurry, the shoes did not have time to wear the head and slipped off, but they folded a slanted green plum on the side of the door, sniffing and peeking at the man's abundance. It shows the innocence and liveliness of a young girl and the shyness and timidity. Green plums are green and sour, with the warmth of spring and summer, just like the first love of a girl. Unfortunately, I can't see the woman who "sniffed the plum" now, and my hometown does not produce green plums.

In the early summer of the previous year, I bought dozens of pounds of plums for the first time, soaked wine, and made all kinds of plums to eat. It is said that Ome is the most afraid of rain, raindrops smashed, some Ome Qingxiu's face is like being scratched, becoming an embarrassing and ugly hole, so it does not have to be discarded, making plum sauce is very good.

Plum sauce. Pick the green and yellow plums, pick the plum fruit stems with thin bamboo sticks, soak in salt water and put them on a dustpan to dry. Slowly boiled with a large amount of brown sugar, adding a little salt, without adding a drop of water, boiling the pulp and the core of the fruit separated, the jam tends to thicken. Sweet and sour, the aroma is breathtaking. Plum sauce with grilled toast slices, or white buns, is extremely appetizing. Or drink from the water and quench your thirst. The ancients said, "Hope for plums to quench thirst", when you think of plums, you always have to salivate in your mouth.

Cantonese people eat roast goose dipped in plum sauce, which is a must. Because the fat under the skin of the roasted goose is fat and flamboyant, it is poured under the plum sauce, and the sauce hides the watery smell of the goose meat, making the roast goose fragrant and refreshing. In my hometown, roast goose is mostly accompanied by dry spicy powder, dipped in delicate plum sauce, which must have a strange taste.

The love of Ome

There are also crisp plums. There is an account: wash the green plum, kill the green and remove the astringency (add sea salt to knead evenly), gently pat the plum to make a small gap, put it in the basin; add water to soak it for several hours to decant its bitter water, and then rinse it, and then soak in sugar water, the water is poured out; use another part of sugar water to soak, so repeatedly, and finally get a crisp and sour crisp plum. Trouble, it seems to be quite troublesome, but after all, it tastes delicious.

The most unforgettable thing is the plum wine that runs through the whole film in "Sea Street Diary". The four sisters guard the old house in Kamakura, experiencing the flow of the four seasons, and showing a warm moment with food. Tempura, fried horse pods, sardine bread, fish cake curry rice, plum wine... Plum wine must be made every year, and the plum wine left by grandma is the treasure of the sisters, and it is also this plum wine that eliminates Xiao Xing's resentment towards his mother. In Kore-eda's films, food with temperature is a gentle hometown that is always soothing.

Buying plum wine has also become a compulsory course for me in recent years. Use a clean glass container that has been detoxified, a layer of rock sugar and a layer of green plums, tired several times, and drizzle with base wine (the wine is preferably a low-degree distilled shochu). At first, the plum is still very untamed, hard and difficult, until the rock sugar melts, and its sweet silk is injected into the plum flesh, and the fresh fruit acid blends with the strong wine. The plum is not strong enough to drink, half drunk, and gradually a slight fold, plum wine has a different taste.

The love of Ome

Movie "Sea Street Diary"

In the early summer of the following year, on a sunny day, a small drink, sweet and sour, wake up. At that time, the heat began to bloom, the cicadas sounded crisp, drinking such a cup of plum wine, the stomach was cool and babbling, it was very enjoyable. A glass jar of plum wine, open and close several times, can drink a summer.

The Japanese have a strong love for plums, brewing plum wine, making plum paste, plum drinking, and also love to make plum rice balls and plum tea. In some places, there is a beautiful habit of making pre-dinner wine with green plum wine, and it is also very romantic to use fresh plum wine to mobilize appetite and increase the interest of life.

In the "Late Night Canteen", the "three sisters of tea and rice", every time they go together, they must order salmon tea to make rice and cod seed tea to make rice, and Miki is still obsessed with plum tea for several years. As if there is no problem that cannot be solved by eating a bowl of tea and making rice. The plum is appetizing, the rice is light and sweet, and Miki does not forget to open her eyes and praise it after eating: "Or the sour plum is delicious!" ”

In ancient times, the life of the Japanese commoners was miserable, and the poor could not even afford to eat pickles, so they had to use tea to make rice to fill their hunger. A little more generous topped with a sour and salty dried plum, grass is a meal.

The love of Ome

TV series "Late Night Canteen"

Chinese people also love to eat tea and make rice. The "Selected Records of Ancient Food treasures of Chinese cuisine" wrote: "Concubine Dong Xiaowan is good at cooking, sexual indifference, and has no good for sweet and fat substances, every time he eats, he uses a small pot of tea to warm rice, which is the food custom of the ancient Nanjing people, which has existed in the Six Dynasties." "Some people reprimand tea for making rice is not good for health, probably using cold green tea, if you use warm white tea black tea, to the prune to neutralize the alkaline nature of the tea leaves, occasionally eat it, it is not necessary."

The Japanese national flag bento, Yurun rice placed on a small dried plum, similar to the Japanese national flag, hence the name.

The first is to add the color of the bento, and the other is considered to be a good product with great benefits. As early as the Tang Dynasty, the Envoys sent the Tang Dynasty to bring the Chinese Wumei back to Japan and made it into a plum. At that time, umeboshi was a medicine used for detoxification and pain relief, and at first umeboshi was only popular among samurai, and later it became popular among the common people, forming a custom of eating plums.

Eryuan, Dali, Yunnan is a famous Meixiang. Dali Ancient City has a small shop specializing in plum snacks, and Fuxing Road is famous for a Zhao Ji plum. There are sweet plums, crisp plums, carved plums, preserved fruits, and plum wine. There is cold in the morning and evening, and at noon the sun is huge and friendless, tired of walking into the store to buy a package of sweet words plum crisp plum to eat, one after another, and pleasant sex.

There are many ways to eat green plums.

In summer, the small tomatoes are red and watery, slightly boiled and peeled, add honey lemons, add a few pickled plums, and the tomatoes are tender and bursting, and the acid is moving.

When I cook sweet and sour steaks, I like to add a few pickled green plums to taste, which is very flavorful. The shiny amber soup wrapped around the small rows, just looking at it, is already very exciting. Take a bite, the ribs are sweet and sour, and the fragrance of green plums looms, which is not too ostentatious and will not be obscured by sweet and sour sauce. It's a real treat!

Dali Bai people like to use green plums to make a traditional food - carved plums. The carved plum is in shape, golden and bright. The local girls picked the plump and round green plums of spring, sat there shyly, slender hands, carved a zigzag pattern on it with a knife, and then gently pressed into a chrysanthemum shape. The jagged plum cake should also be sprinkled with a little salt to remove the sourness of the plum, and it should be soaked with the best brown sugar and honey for several months, and then the plum cake can be eaten when it is golden brown.

The love of Ome

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According to the old custom, the traditional Bai girl would make her own carved plum as the first greeting gift for her mother-in-law. This special sourness, that zigzag pattern, stroke by stroke, but their twists and turns?

Carved plum wine, soft into the throat, sweet and fragrant. It can also be eaten as carved plum button meat. The meat should be thick pork belly, carefully seasoned, oiled, cut into large long thin slices, neatly stacked on a plate, covered with crystal carved plums, and slowly steamed for several hours. The steamed button meat is shiny with fragrant oil, and the plums are more smooth and clear, as if they are crystal-like. And each slice of pork is full of plums of sweet and sour, fat but not greasy, especially soft and tender and delicious.

What does "plum rain" in Jiangnan mean? Is it Ome? Some say that it is not a green plum but a bayberry, and some people have said that it is actually "mildew rain". The rainy season is mostly in June and July, and the plums have long since fallen yellow, probably because the plum rain sounds more elegant. Anyway, He Zhu's "a river of tobacco, full of city wind, plum yellow when the rain", very beautiful!

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The love of Ome


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The love of Ome
The love of Ome
The love of Ome
The love of Ome

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