
Shen Peng is the former chairman of the China Book Association, why is there a saying that "contemporary calligraphy began to be chaotic in Shen"?

author:Lu Feng Xuan

Mr. Shen Peng, a titan of contemporary calligraphy, is a famous poet, art critic, expert enjoying special allowances of the State Council, and has successively served as executive director, vice chairman, acting chairman, chairman and honorary chairman of the Chinese Calligraphers Association. Since becoming the acting chairman of the China Book Association in August 1992, Mr. Shen Peng has directly led the China Book Association for nearly ten years and is a leading figure in the book world with an important influence on the contemporary book world.

So, why is there a saying that "contemporary calligraphy began to be chaotic in Shen"? Lu Fengxuan believes that there are at least the following reasons:

Shen Peng is the former chairman of the China Book Association, why is there a saying that "contemporary calligraphy began to be chaotic in Shen"?

First of all, the cursive writing written by Shen Peng is quite controversial.

Shen Peng's calligraphy is mainly cursive, and a single work has sold for nearly 6 million yuan. His cursive writing is not like any of the ancients, there are more personal things, less ancient law inheritance, especially in later works, the lines have the phenomenon of "dead snakes hanging trees". Although the calligraphy given to him in the circle is highly evaluated, the controversy behind it is relatively large, and for many people who do not like this style, or do not understand it, the image is called "earthworm body", and even some people list it as an "ugly book".

Shen Peng is the former chairman of the China Book Association, why is there a saying that "contemporary calligraphy began to be chaotic in Shen"?

Secondly, Shen Peng's elite class has cultivated many "calligraphy geeks".

Mr. Shen Peng used his personal influence to hold a so-called "elite class" at the National Academy of Painting, and most of the calligraphers currently active in the front line have successively invested in his disciples, which is equivalent to accepting them as disciples, especially launching the so-called "Seven Sons of Shenmen", which is suspected of forming gangs. This elite class takes Zeng Laide as an assistant teacher and executive mentor, encouraging personality and innovation, like the famous "Roaring Book Master" Zeng Xiang, who is a student in Shen Peng's elite class and becomes the class teacher of the second phase.

Shen Peng is the former chairman of the China Book Association, why is there a saying that "contemporary calligraphy began to be chaotic in Shen"?

Third, some of Mr. Shen Peng's calligraphy concepts are debatable.

Mr. Shen Peng once proposed the famous "sixteen characters" policy of calligraphy, that is, "promoting originality and respecting individuality; inside and outside the book, art and art go hand in hand". It should be said that there are many merits in this formulation. However, shen Peng, who studied art history and art criticism, frequently publicized in the later period that "I am not very pro-post", "calligraphy can be written as much as you want, don't think about how others look at me, don't think about how the ancients wrote", "I would rather write badly, but also write my own personality". Carefully analyzing these arguments of Mr. Shen Peng, we will find that there are many imprecise, one-sided, subjective and debatable points, and even become a shield for "ugly books".

Shen Peng is the former chairman of the China Book Association, why is there a saying that "contemporary calligraphy began to be chaotic in Shen"?

It is precisely for the above reasons that it can be said that Shen Peng is a figure with great influence in the contemporary book world, but also a controversial figure. Some people say that Shen Peng is a big man in the contemporary calligraphy world, but he is not a generation of calligraphy masters, some people have named him a titan in the calligraphy world, and some people think that he is the originator of modern ugly books, the first to open up the atmosphere, so some people in the street have no taboo to say that "contemporary calligraphy began to be chaotic with Shen" - of course, this statement is not necessarily objective.

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