
Minecraft Game Theory: Humanity was extinct as early as 2012! The Doomsday Doctrine of the Maya Civilization

author:My name is Minecraft
Minecraft Game Theory: Humanity was extinct as early as 2012! The Doomsday Doctrine of the Maya Civilization

So do you believe in the end of the world?

Do you believe that humanity actually perished in 2012?

Today we will take "Minecraft" as a logical carrier,

Explain a fact that humanity has long since perished!


Apocalyptic theory in 2012;

Minecraft Game Theory: Humanity was extinct as early as 2012! The Doomsday Doctrine of the Maya Civilization

The 2012 end of the world is a theory of doom, and this theoretical source comes from the Mayan calendar, that is, the Mayan civilization. The Mayan civilization is an ancient jungle civilization born in 1500 BC. The Maya created an astonishingly high civilization with great achievements in astronomy, mathematics, agriculture, art, and writing. They even built bustling cities.

For some unknown reason, the Maya civilization declined very rapidly. The prosperous Mayan cities were abandoned in the jungle. But the highly developed Mayan civilization left five prophecies: (the first four have all been confirmed)

(1) The Maya civilization will eventually disappear; as if the Maya had long anticipated the end of their civilization;

(2) Humans invented cars and airplanes; the Maya carved the original fantasy of the future car on the wall, which is surprisingly consistent with today's cars;

(3) The Maya predicted that the person "Hitler" would appear in history and bring great disaster to the world;

(4) The First World War, and the end of the World War II, were accurately predicted by the Maya;

(5) December 21, 2012 is the end of the world!

Minecraft Game Theory: Humanity was extinct as early as 2012! The Doomsday Doctrine of the Maya Civilization

So on that night 9 years ago, many people were quietly waiting for the so-called "end of the world" to come. However, the winter solstice in 2012 has not become the end of the world for mankind. We are still alive to this day.

However, there are a few people who believe that the earth after 2012 is no longer the earth before, and the earth that was before has been destroyed. The humanity of the old world has been erased, and the memory of the human beings of the new world has been erased.


How did Minecraft humanity perish?

Minecraft Game Theory: Humanity was extinct as early as 2012! The Doomsday Doctrine of the Maya Civilization

In 2009, Minecraft gave birth to the first biological race in history, humans. From the pre-classic to the classic era, soon after the birth of human beings, they would only wander aimlessly in this world, their AI was low, and they would not even avoid lava and the void.

By the time of infdev to beta 1.7.3, humans had learned to fight and had the ability to attack with their bare hands. Just when humanity was about to become powerful, the Creator of this world, Notch, deleted humanity, and humanity perished. New human alternatives to "villagers" emerged. Steve may have returned to this world as the only survivor of prehistoric humanity, gaining the ability to be reborn infinitely. Go explore the unknown secrets of this world.

Minecraft Game Theory: Humanity was extinct as early as 2012! The Doomsday Doctrine of the Maya Civilization

In Java Edition 1.8, the last vestiges of human AI were completely removed. Since then, the last shred of the world's memory of prehistoric humanity has been completely erased.

Now let's put it another way: Suppose Minecraft java 1.8 = real-world 2012, how would you get a very frightening argument? Yes, humanity has long since ushered in its demise, as the Maya prophesied, and a new human being has been born with memories from before its demise in 2012.


Human memory has also been erased by an Earth civilization that is the same high-dimensional civilization as Minecraft! The possibility that the earth and even the universe are just a large-scale RPG game is not without possibilities.

Minecraft Game Theory: Humanity was extinct as early as 2012! The Doomsday Doctrine of the Maya Civilization

Maybe the Mayans predicted that the end of the world in 2012 really happened, and our current existence is only a modified world, equivalent to a programming modification, a change in the memory parameters of the nbt tag, we don't remember the end of the world, but it really happened...

Doesn't anyone feel that since 2012, we're not as sensitive to changes in years as we used to be? The passage of time also seems to be faster than before? The world's day is no longer 24 hours, and there is even a conspiracy theory that there are some people in this world who know that the world has been reset, that they have uniformly turned our clocks faster, and have adapted to the faster passage of time. It's just that sentient beings don't deserve to know, let alone detect...

Minecraft Game Theory: Humanity was extinct as early as 2012! The Doomsday Doctrine of the Maya Civilization

I remember that in an episode between Rick and Morty, we talked about similar content, the grandchildren accidentally destroyed the earth, so they traveled to another parallel time and space, in which Rick and Morty just died, so they buried the "self" of this time and space and continued to live with their identities.

So the question arises: if the world of humanity in 2012 is really destroyed, will it still be yourself now?

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