
Mr. Wu Zehao painted Xing Tong: A Vein of Literature for Six Hundred Years

author:Qilu one point

The words "love" and "fate" are originally the root of the incarnation of all things, the heavens and the earth have feelings, the causes of the laws, the artist can revel in poetry and calligraphy, and the literati and scholars can resonate with the soul and become confidants, that is, because art and literature are born of love and are bound to the relationship. The famous contemporary painter Wu Zehao and Xing Tong, the first of the four masters of late Ming calligraphy nearly 600 years ago, became acquainted, and produced the series of calligraphy and painting works of "Lyrical Birds".

Mr. Wu Zehao painted Xing Tong: A Vein of Literature for Six Hundred Years

Come to the poultry house owner Xing Tong

Xing Wu's karma originated from a cultural event 30 years ago: when Mr. Wu Zehao was invited to participate in the Xing Dong Calligraphy Festival held in Linyi County, he came to the Xing Dong Memorial Hall, and suddenly had a sense of déjà vu, Xing Dong's calligraphy authentic handwriting, the Qingzheng elegant style in "Lai Fowl Pavilion Post", awakened Wu Zehao's inspiration for many years to study Wang Youjun's writings. After returning to Jinan, he carefully studied the relevant inscriptions and poems, and deeply felt that Xing Dong's lifelong contribution to the purification of the calligraphy of the Right Army was enormous, so he had the idea of writing a history for Xing Dong's statues, which was later shelved due to a large number of official duties. After retiring at the age of 70, Mr. Wu has painted more than ten series of special works such as "Confucius of the Great House", which have aroused strong repercussions in the society. In the early summer of Gengzi, Li Xinping, a literary friend in Xing Dong's hometown, came to visit, recalled Xing Dong's past, and informed the county that it was vigorously promoting Xing Dong culture and inspiring Mr. Wu's desire to create, so he studied the historical materials and created more than 40 calligraphy and painting works with Xing Dong's deeds as the main line, completing his long-cherished wish for many years. He divided these works into five chapters, entitled "Lyrical Birds", which concentrates the context of Xing Dong's life, expresses admiration, and praises Xing Dong's historical contribution to the Chinese book world.

Mr. Wu Zehao painted Xing Tong: A Vein of Literature for Six Hundred Years

Xing Zi wishes to enter the army and the first

The first chapter, "Young Talents", with the contents of "Linyi Wanliu Village", "Luoyuan Reading", "Xingzi Wishing to Enter the Soldier and the First", etc., depicts the state of Xing Dong's reading in his youth, he can write a big book at the age of seven, Wang Pet Kaishu at the age of 13, 18 years old to take the examination for the gong, 20 years old, 24-year-old Jinshi and the first reading achievements and super talent.

The second chapter, "Spring and Autumn of the Eunuch Sea", describes his eunuch experience in three main lines: First, through the paintings of "Serving as a Southern Official", "Imperial History entering the Capital", and "Patrolling the Three Wus", Xing Dong's outstanding political achievements, praised by the people, and promoted by the imperial court were written. The second main line, "Purchase seventeen theses" and "Zhongxing Wuziwen Chasing Jian'an", depict Xing Dong's artistic pursuit of calligraphy and literature in the eunuch sea. The third main line, "Returning to the Hometown and Provincial Relatives", and other works depict the story of Xing Tong's honest administration and winning the hearts of the people.

Mr. Wu Zehao painted Xing Tong: A Vein of Literature for Six Hundred Years

Xing Dong patrolled the Three Wus

The third chapter, "The Altar of Huiyao Calligraphy", draws three major feats of Xing Dong's fine study of calligraphy and the history of Qingqing according to the "History of Ming": first, "Lai Fo guan Xing Dong jing carved seventeen thes", praising Xing Dong's purification of the calligraphy of the Qingzheng Right Army; second, praising Xing Dong for perfecting his calligraphy system through lin er wang, gongzhang grass, and carving "Lai Yan Guan Ti"; third, in the last ten years of retreating to his home, his calligraphy got rid of the influence of his predecessors, formed his own appearance, and achieved the state of being at ease with his mind and freely. "The Book Spreads from All Over the World to The Same Price as Gold" borrows Japanese and Korean people to bring gold to ask for the history of Xing Shu, highlighting the influence of Xing Dong calligraphy at home and abroad.

Mr. Wu Zehao also wrote works such as "Xing Dong's Writings on Shi Lian Xiu Sanzhi", "Xing Dong Painting Strange Stones", "Snow Water Lotus Wine Poetic Intentions" and other works, which brought together the time of Xing Dong's daily life and let people study the process of Xing Dong's ideological transformation from a deeper level. "Redemption of the White Snow Building" and "Xing Tong and Yu Shenxing's Poems on encountering rain in the Tiger Cave Cave" highlight his respect for his teacher's love and friendship.

The fourth chapter, "Wen Yun Ancient Times", uses five works to give high praise to Xing Tong's life. In "The Head of the Four Families, North Xingnan Dong", Xing Dong, standing in the center of the canvas, holds a scroll, improvises with the poetry and calligraphy Daoist friends, and the Daoist friends sitting around him all focus their eyes on him, as if they are quietly listening to the high theory, as if it is the elegant gathering of the four Xing Zhang Mi Dong of the late Ming Dynasty, and it seems to be another Lanting meeting of Wang Youjun during the Eastern Jin Dynasty. "Xing Dong, the owner of the Poultry House", "Xing Cijing, a talented woman of the Ming Dynasty", etc. depict the far-reaching influence of Xing Dong culture. "Linyi Xingdong Park" takes the lofty method and far-sighted trend of landscape painting, in the background of the pine wind, the auspicious clouds, the long sky is far away, and the Ruiyu Xianglin is coming, the majestic and elegant, clean and dignified statue of Xing Dong stands in the center of the canvas, and the distant view is the solemn Xing Dong Memorial Hall. Contemplation and painting not only allude to Xing Tong's transcendent status in the literary world and the world of literature, but also show people the long history of Chinese civilization and Chinese national culture in the long sky.

Mr. Wu Zehao painted Xing Tong: A Vein of Literature for Six Hundred Years

The head of the four families, Beixing Nandong

In the five chapters of "Poetry of Book Love", Wu Zehao wrote nearly ten poems by Xing Dong and composed two poems of seven words.

The Xing Tong series of paintings is another new topic that Mr. Wu has successfully created. Speaking of his creative experience, Mr. Wu was deeply touched, "It was Mr. Xing Tong's outstanding contribution to Chinese culture and Chinese calligraphy that infected me. His elegant artistic pursuit and rich life experience are in line with my creative intentions and inspire my creative inspiration, and I can enter the creative state with him "at first sight". As Mr. Wu said, the early-wise Xing Tong liked to learn since childhood, and after entering politics, he still worked hard to promote traditional Chinese culture. Mr. Wu was admitted to the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts with excellent results in his youth, where he was able to learn poetry, literature, history, calligraphy and painting, and then succeeded in his studies and cultivated a lot, especially in the Jinan Municipal Federation of Literature and Literature and the Jinan Municipal CPPCC for decades, only to prosper Chinese culture and art as the main task, so that the prosperity and development of Jinan's cultural and artistic undertakings in that year, the national attention. After retiring at the age of 70, he held more than ten cultural series of special painting exhibitions to promote national culture. This experience and pursuit is close to Xing Dong, which is one of the reasons why Mr. Wu and Xing Dong are related. Mr. Wu believes that Chinese culture and Chinese philosophy are the foundation of Chinese painting and calligraphy, and only by injecting the cultivation of Chinese culture into calligraphy and painting can we achieve the highest state of Chinese painting and calligraphy. Therefore, he has insisted on enhancing the cultural connotation of poetry and literature and history for decades, in order to have a higher breakthrough in art. And Xing Tong also realized his own life value in the comprehensive cultivation of poetry, calligraphy and painting. This is a kindred spirit with Mr. Wu.

Based on the above, Wu Zehaofang has successfully created a series of Xing Dong paintings with the brush and ink and cultural connotations of many artistic elements and techniques of the Hai School, the Lingnan School and the Qilu Cultural Context, and has dedicated an artistic treasure to the enrichment and development of traditional Chinese culture. It is reported that the "Lyrical Bird" painting exhibition will be held in Linyi in the near future.

(The author Li Xinping is the deputy director of the Art Theory Committee of the Shandong Provincial Art Association)

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