
Promoting the High-quality Development of Grassroots Party Building The first plenary (expanded) meeting of the Leading Group for Party Building work of the Thirteenth District Committee was held Ye Xiutang attended and spoke Wang Zhonghua presided

author:Nanchang Qingyunpu released

On the afternoon of November 5, the first plenary (expanded) meeting of the 13th District Committee Party Building Work Leading Group was held to learn and convey the spirit of the relevant meetings of the central and provincial party committees, implement the spirit of the 12th Municipal Party Congress and the 13th District Party Congress, and deploy and promote the key tasks of the grass-roots party building work in the whole district. He stressed that it is necessary to know the responsibility in mind, effectively enhance the political consciousness of managing the party and governing the party; take responsibility for oneself, continue to promote the comprehensive improvement of quality and efficiency of grass-roots party building; perform one's duties, strive to create the "first work" of grass-roots party building, and provide a strong organizational guarantee for the construction of "ecological and humanistic urban area and industrial innovation future city" in Qingyunpu District.

Promoting the High-quality Development of Grassroots Party Building The first plenary (expanded) meeting of the Leading Group for Party Building work of the Thirteenth District Committee was held Ye Xiutang attended and spoke Wang Zhonghua presided

Wang Zhonghua, deputy secretary of the district party committee, district chief, and first deputy head of the leading group for party building work of the district party committee, presided over the meeting. Li Jianhong, member of the Standing Committee of the District CPC Committee, director of the Organization Department, and deputy head of the Leading Group for Party Building Work of the District CPC Committee, interpreted the "Work Plan for the Establishment and Implementation of the Timely Appraisal of Grassroots Party Building Work in Qingyunpu District (for Trial Implementation)" and Teng Zuopeng, member of the Standing Committee of the District CPC Committee, director of the Propaganda Department, and deputy head of the Leading Group for Party Building Work of the District CPC Committee, and Xu Zhiyong, member of the Standing Committee of the District CPC Committee, secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, director of the Supervisory Commission, and deputy head of the Leading Group for Party Building Work of the District CPC Committee, attended the meeting.

Promoting the High-quality Development of Grassroots Party Building The first plenary (expanded) meeting of the Leading Group for Party Building work of the Thirteenth District Committee was held Ye Xiutang attended and spoke Wang Zhonghua presided

On solidly promoting the work of grass-roots party building at present and for some time to come, Ye Xiutang stressed

It is necessary to be aware of one's responsibilities and earnestly enhance the political consciousness of managing the party and administering the party

Party organization secretaries at all levels throughout the region should firmly establish the concept that doing a good job in party building is the greatest political achievement, earnestly enhance their political consciousness in managing the party and administering the party, concentrate on grasping party building, grasp party building at a higher level, and consistently grasp party building, and conscientiously plan and implement well all work tasks in party building.

Truly learn and truly understand, and be a "person who understands" politics. A correct political line must be guaranteed by a correct organizational line. Party organizations at all levels in the region should deeply study Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, accurately grasp the basic requirements for implementing the party's organizational line in the new era, and support the consciousness of performing their responsibilities with theoretical sobriety.

Really grasp the real management, be the "leading goose" in action. Strengthen the awareness that "doing a good job in party building is a natural duty, not grasping party building is dereliction of duty, and failing to grasp party building is incompetent," and firmly put the responsibility of managing the party and administering the party firmly in our hearts, resisting on our shoulders, and grasping it in our hands. Further strengthen the working mechanism of "grasping the secretary and grasping the secretary", and form a demonstration effect of first-level work for the first-level to see and the first-level cadre to carry out the first-level work. The secretary's party building project is an important carrier and an important method for doing a good job in the grass-roots party building work in the new period, and it is necessary to plan well the party building project next year, and all units should come up with solid projects and solve down-to-earth problems in combination with their respective functions.

Really check and really change, and be the "vanguard" in promotion. Benchmarking against the table "three questions on party building", comparing with the requirements of the central, provincial, and municipal party committees, solidly promoting the rectification and reform of problems, making up for shortcomings and weaknesses, firmly establishing a clear orientation of rewarding the good and punishing the inferior, creating a strong atmosphere of seeking truth and being pragmatic and really doing solid work, and forming a good situation in which grass-roots party building dares to grasp good management and do good work.

Take responsibility for yourself Continue to promote the overall improvement of quality and efficiency of grass-roots party building

Since the beginning of this year, the "three modernizations" of grass-roots party building in the whole region have been steadily promoted and achieved good results, but according to the requirements of the central, provincial, and municipal party committees, there are still many shortcomings to be filled. It is necessary to attach great importance to tackling difficult points and unblocking points, adhere to precise force and global advancement, and achieve the improvement of quality and efficiency of grass-roots party building work in the overall situation of the service guarantee center.

Focus on the change of work style, and promote the party building of organs to achieve "three demonstrations". Demonstrate in forging a strong style. Focus on the special rectification action of "changing the style of work and improving the image of the tree of efficiency", and strive to promote the party building of the organs to be in the forefront and set an example in the party building work in various fields. It is an example at the grass-roots branches of the great grasp. Strictly supervise the education, management, and supervision of party members, and properly implement the system of "three meetings and one lesson," so that every party member will become a bright red banner and every branch will become a fighting fortress where the party flag flies high. Demonstrate the integration of party building business. Party committees (party groups) should focus on party building around the center, do a good job in party building and promote business, so that party building work and central work complement each other and promote each other.

Focus on key breakthroughs, and strive to improve the level of urban grassroots party building work. It is necessary to give full play to the "axis" role of urban grass-roots party building and further promote the modernization of the grass-roots governance system and governance capabilities. Complete and improve the interconnection and interaction mechanism. Strengthen the overall coordination function of street party organizations and the bastion aggregation role of community party organizations, make good use of the joint party building meeting and the twinning system, and promote grass-roots party organizations in all fields of the jurisdiction to go in the same direction and jointly solve the problem of the masses' "urgent difficulties and expectations". Accelerate the promotion of the "quality improvement" action of community activity venues, promote the construction of the function of the community party and mass service system, promote the "red property" attack action, and build the property management force into the party's mass task force, so as to achieve effective and effective governance. It is necessary to consolidate and expand the effective coverage of emerging areas. Solidly promote the transformation of party building in non-public enterprises and party building in social organizations from physical coverage to effective coverage, and continue to expand the coverage of party organizations and party work in emerging fields such as Internet enterprises, commercial buildings, professional markets, and the "gig" economy.

Focus on global improvement, and promote the comprehensive progress and comprehensive excellence of grass-roots party building. Continue to improve the organizational system that runs from top to bottom, and comprehensively promote the construction of grass-roots party organizations and party members in all fields. In rural areas, it is necessary to focus on promoting party building and promoting rural revitalization, deeply implement the "three-year strong village plan", and further deepen the "party building + rural old-age service". In state-owned enterprises, the chairman of the board of directors and the party secretary of the party committee are fully implemented to "shoulder to shoulder", the party building is implanted into the corporate governance structure, and the branch is fully implemented to build on the project. In the education system, it is necessary to firmly grasp the leadership initiative of ideological work in the field of teaching, and focus on the integration of party building work and teaching activities in primary and secondary schools. In the health system, it is necessary to grasp party building and promote services, improve and perfect the party building work mechanism of private medical institutions, and promote the health and health undertakings of the whole region to a new level.

Fulfilling Responsibilities and Striving to Create the "First Work" of Grassroots Party Building

To do a good job in the grass-roots party building work in the whole region, we must be one step ahead of others, one shot faster, one step ahead of others, and take the initiative to stand in the coordinate system of the whole province and even the whole country to seek positioning. It is necessary to take the high standard positioning of "creating first-class, striving for advancement, and setting an example", find out the difference between the standards, concentrate on making efforts, form a party building brand with the characteristics of Qingyunpu District, create first-class in the city, set an example in the province, and bravely compete for the lead in the country. To achieve this goal, we must come up with "three momentums".

Take out the motivation of "don't whip yourself up". Adhere to the concept of doing the best and doing the ultimate. In accordance with the principle that no one has me, people have my superiority, and people have superiority, in the spirit of nails, hammer after hammer, one link after another, grasp the results, grasp the brand, and grasp the advanced.

Take out the tenacity of "holding on to the green mountains and not relaxing". Carry forward the spirit of "dripping water through stones, long-term achievements", further give play to the traditional advantages of community party building and social organization party building, strive to closely combine party building with key tasks such as key project promotion, transformation of old communities, normalization of epidemic prevention and control, and creation of civilized cities across the country, and strive to create more grounded, warm, and popular party building brand matrix.

Take out the "do not fear the floating clouds to cover the eyes" of the vigor. It is necessary to promote the upgrading of the party building brands of "people's sentiments and home visits", "sunshine station road" and "books and fragrances and qingyun". On the one hand, we should broaden our minds and make good use of the party and the masses to serve the position. We must "improve the quality of the stronghold" through community activity venues, build the most image, the most high-quality, and the most large-scale community party and mass service center system in the central urban area, and create a warm red service position and party and mass service brand. On the other hand, it is necessary to make overall plans to build a global party building brand. Relevant departments should think seriously, pool their wisdom and efforts, and pay close attention to refining a new global party building brand, promote the high-quality development of urban grassroots party building, and strive for the "first work" of grassroots party building in the new era.

Promoting the High-quality Development of Grassroots Party Building The first plenary (expanded) meeting of the Leading Group for Party Building work of the Thirteenth District Committee was held Ye Xiutang attended and spoke Wang Zhonghua presided

Wang Zhonghua stressed in the chair

It is necessary to improve the position of the station and quickly implement the unified thinking. The secretaries of party committees (party groups) at all levels and in all departments of the whole region should earnestly fulfill the responsibility of being the "first responsible person" for grasping the responsibility system for grass-roots party building work, not only to set an example and take the lead in setting an example, but also to transmit responsibility and transmit pressure at all levels, and truly implement the responsibility system for grass-roots party building work.

We must really do solid work and anchor the goal to charge the sprint. All units should conscientiously check the problems in light of the negative list, promptly check and fill in the gaps, and rectify and improve within a time limit. Anchor the high-standard positioning of "creating first-class, striving for advancement, and demonstrating", manage the team well and lead the team at the above rate, and earnestly take the lead in forging a strong work style, vigorously grasping the integration of grass-roots branches, and party building business, and conscientiously complete the key tasks of grass-roots party building in the provincial party committee, municipal party committee, and district committee.

We must work hard and strive to be first-class in the face of difficulties. Party organizations at all levels should firmly grasp the bottleneck and restrict the problem, exert efforts against the problem, call out to the difficulties, strive to promote the party building work in the whole region to achieve new results, and provide a strong organizational guarantee for the comprehensive construction of an "ecological and humanistic urban area and an industrial innovation future city".

The District Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau and the District State Investment Group respectively made exchange speeches on the action of "improving the quality of community activity venues". The principal responsible comrades of the party (work) committees of various neighborhoods, towns, and agglomeration areas, and the principal responsible comrades of the party committees (party groups) of various departments of the district party committees and units directly under the district attended the meeting.

Contributed by: Chen Zhenzhen, District Rong Media Center, Organization Department of Comprehensive District Committee

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