
Lü Buwei "strange goods can be lived in", and achieved the first emperor of Qin Shi Huang for thousands of years

author:Fun Records

In 246 BC, the State of Qin ushered in its sixth reign, the thirteen-year-old Yingzheng.

At this time, on the surface, the world was still a situation in which Qi, Chu, Yan, Han, Zhao, Wei, and Qin were competing for hegemony. But in fact, the Qin state, with Guanzhong as its base camp, has been the best of the princes in terms of comprehensive national strength and military strength after several generations of painstaking management. Especially after the heavy defeat of the Zhao state in the Battle of Changping, the six Kwantung kingdoms were basically unable to resist the Qin state, and they could only angrily call the Qin army a tiger and wolf division.

Lü Buwei "strange goods can be lived in", and achieved the first emperor of Qin Shi Huang for thousands of years

It was only a matter of time before the Qin state unified the world.

However, the long-cherished wish of the Qin people for hundreds of years was finally realized by Yingzheng, a thirteen-year-old doll monarch, which is probably unexpected by many people.

Yingzheng came from a humble background, suffered a lot in his youth, and was eventually able to become the King of Qin and the Emperor of the Ages, which was also full of hardships and drama.

Yin Zheng's father was Prince Chu of Qinzhuang, his grandfather was King Yingzhu of Qin Xiaowen, and his grandfather was the famous King Zhaoxiang of Qin.

King Yingji of Qin Zhaoxiang, who was also the son of Empress Dowager Mi Yue of Qin and Duke Xiao of Qin. He set a record for the longest reign of the King of Qin, ruling for 56 years. Even looking at the entire history of China, the reign of King Zhaoxiang of Qin can enter the top ten. He also lived surprisingly long, dying at the age of 75.

The high life expectancy of King Zhaoxiang of Qin was not good news for the heir to the throne. His eldest son, the crown prince of the State of Qin, did not wait for the day he succeeded to the throne and died early. King Zhaoxiang of Qin had to send the black-haired man to the white-haired man. WinZhu, who became the crown prince, was also consumed by his father as a little old man, and he was 53 years old when he took over the throne.

Yin Zheng's father, King Xiang of Qinzhuang, was called Yiren when he was young. His luck wasn't much better, or worse.

When Win Zhu did not become the King of Qin, he was given the title of An Guojun. Although he did not have the longevity of King Zhaoxiang of Qin, he was extremely fertile and had a son's life, and the harem beauties gave birth to more than thirty sons for him. It is a bit funny that an energetic An Guojun and his favorite Chu princess, Lady Huayang, did not have a child.

Lü Buwei "strange goods can be lived in", and achieved the first emperor of Qin Shi Huang for thousands of years

The mother of the stranger is called Xia Ji, who is from a mediocre background, and her posture is not very outstanding, and she is not favored by An Guojun. The brotherhood of the inhuman is not up and down in the middle. Whether An Guojun knew that there was a son of Yiren, and whether King Zhaoxiang of Qin knew that there was a grandson of Yiren, were all big question marks.

If such a birth and position want to stand out as a candidate for the throne of the Qin Kingdom, it is simply delusional and daydreaming, and it is simply impossible.

This is not to mention, the strangers who were not welcomed in the Qin Kingdom were sent to the Zhao State as hostages long ago. In the situation at that time, the State of Zhao was the strongest vassal state outside the State of Qin, and also the main opponent of the State of Qin to unify the world. It was only a matter of time before Qin and Zhao fought a final decisive battle, and sending hostages to each other was no more than the strategy of King Zhaoxiang of Qin.

Inhumans are hostages in enemy countries, and the situation can be imagined.

Zhao Guo did not treat him as a prince and a guest at all, and he was still difficult everywhere, reducing and withholding a large amount of living materials, so that the basic eating and dressing of the strangers became a problem.

At this time, the inhumans are thankful to be able to live! As for what is rich and noble, what is inherited from the throne, it is something that dare not be imagined.

But the fall of a character from the sky completely turned the fate of the inhuman upside down.

This person is Lü Buwei.

Lü Buwei "strange goods can be lived in", and achieved the first emperor of Qin Shi Huang for thousands of years

Lü Buwei was a native of the Chu state, and lady Huayang, who was favored by Win, was a fellow countryman.

Lü Buwei is a businessman who goes south to do business in the north. He is well-informed in all aspects, has extensive contacts, is in the needs of business trading, and the nature of men, he is very concerned about the politics of the world, and pays close attention to and ponders the domestic situation of the Qin State, the world's largest power.

In Lü Buwei's view, the political strongman King Zhaoxiang of Qin will eventually die, and the elderly An Guojun will not reign for too long. The question is, Lady Huayang, the most favored compatriot of the Chu state, has no sons, and in the future, when An Guojun returns to the west, who will inherit the throne of the Qin state?

Lü Buwei, who was scheming, pondered that if he could find a son for his fellow lady Huayang and push her to the throne of Qin, this would be a big deal that could not be bigger.

But where can I find this son? Lü Buwei arrived at Handan, the capital of the Zhao Kingdom, with such a grand idea, to deal with business matters.

Wait until you see the fallen, inhuman Prince of Qin. His eyes lit up, wasn't this the candidate for the son he was looking for? There is really no place to step on the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get there.

Therefore, Lü Buwei greeted him with good food and drink, and generously gave the stranger five hundred taels of gold. For the great benevolent man who descended from the sky, the poor stranger was also confused by the second monk.

After drinking and eating, Lü Buwei pulled the yiren to his designated club in Handan and told the yiren about his Hongda concept of finding a monarch for the Qin state.

The stranger listened to it with a stunned, and his first reaction was how this was possible, it was simply a fantasy.

Lü Buwei "strange goods can be lived in", and achieved the first emperor of Qin Shi Huang for thousands of years

But after all, Yiren is the prince of the Qin Kingdom, and the Qin throne has a natural magic power for him. He also quickly calculated that he promised and cooperated with Lü Buwei without taking any risks, nor did he have to contribute money and efforts, just hanging a name, which was a capital protection transaction that made steady profits and did not lose money.

If he can really succeed, then he is the majestic monarch of the Qin Kingdom. Even if he didn't succeed, he didn't have any losses, and it was a big deal to continue to live as a hostage in zhao guo.

The positive response and cooperation of the inhuman made Lü Buwei extremely excited. The two began to celebrate wildly, saying that the brothers and brothers frequently raised a glass. Lü Buwei, who drank to the fullest, also specially called his secret lover Zhao Ji in Handan to dance to help him.

This Zhao Ji came from a large household in Handan, her appearance and figure were first-class and good, and her soft body was matched with a beautiful dance posture, and any man who looked at it had to be fascinated. Yiren was also in his early twenties at that time, it was the age of Fang Gang, who was full of wine and food, and he was touched by the beautiful Zhao Ji, and he also moved the careful thinking that every man had, and even moved his hands and feet in front of Zhao Ji in front of Lü Buwei.

Lü Buwei on the side was definitely unhappy at first, but when he thought of the grand plan of "strange goods can be lived", Lü Buwei did not pay attention to such a small thing as "a simple woman". He also made a Shunshui favor and gave the beautiful Zhao Ji to yiren as his wife.

The two lived together for less than a year, and Zhao Ji gave birth to a big fat boy, that is, Yingzheng. Many of the great figures of the pre-Qin Dynasty were born with strange myths and stories. For example, the birth of the ancestors of the Qin Kingdom was conceived because his mother and sister-in-law ate the eggs of the Birds.

Later, he became the emperor of the ancients, and his birth seemed too bland.

Lü Buwei "strange goods can be lived in", and achieved the first emperor of Qin Shi Huang for thousands of years

In any case, with the generous support of Lü Buwei, the poor and destitute life was finally improved, and they also formed their own small family. But after all, yiren is not a commoner of the Zhao Kingdom, he is the prince of the Qin State who took a hostage in the Zhao Kingdom, and it is impossible to live a peaceful and stable life of his wife and children.

The uncertainties in the relations between Qin and Zhao have been passed on to the lives of foreigners, that is, today they are searched by the Zhao government and interrogated by officials tomorrow, endlessly, full of ups and downs and fears.

It was in this state of mindfulness that Yingzheng spent his childhood.

Yingzheng also did not have a few playmates and good friends. The only recorded childhood friend was Ji Dan, the son of King Yan, who was also a hostage in the Zhao Kingdom. It was later that the assassin Jing Ke was sent to assassinate Prince Dan of the Yan Kingdom.

After settling down Yihe and Zhao Ji, Lü Buwei rushed to Xianyang with a large number of rare treasures purchased in Handan City to officially promote the implementation of the big deal he had conceived.

After arriving in Xianyang, Lü Buwei took advantage of the special relationship of the Chu country's fellow villagers and opened the way with money to find the door of Lady Huayang's sister.

Lü Buwei presented rare treasures, saying that these were all filial piety and greeting gifts sent to Lady Huayang by Prince Ziyi, who was held hostage in Handan. Madame Huayang's sister was actually unimpressed by Ziyi, but she couldn't close her mouth when she saw qianye.

The clever Lü Buwei naturally knew this, and he took advantage of this enthusiasm to make a detailed recommendation and introduction of Ziyi. In Lü Buwei's introduction, Zi Yi is handsome and mighty, wise and courageous, and has friends all over the world, and is one of the top young talents in Handan City. The most important thing is that Zi Yi is very worried and misses An Guojun and Lady Huayang.

It was another gold and silver treasure, and it was sweet talk, and Lady Huayang's sister probably understood the meaning of this Fellow of the Chu Kingdom, so she took Lü Buwei to see Lady Huayang.

Lady Huayang, who was in the courtyard of the Xianyang Deep Palace, saw the fellow countrymen of Chu and heard the familiar hometown sounds, felt very cordial and happy, and chatted with Lü Buwei very hotly.

After getting acquainted, Lü Buwei went straight to the subject and explained to Lady Huayang that she was now young and beautiful, and was loved by An Guojun in every way, and the glory and wealth could not be enjoyed endlessly. But the appearance of this thing will always grow old one day, the lady has no son, a hundred years after an Guojun, the throne of the Qin state is inherited by others, then what can the lady do?

Lü Buwei said only a few words, and directly poked At The sore spot of Madame Huayang. This was also a big problem that she thought about day and night, but she couldn't give birth to a son, and she really couldn't do anything about it.

Lü Buwei then came up with the idea that An Guojun had more than twenty sons, so why didn't his wife choose one of them to be reliable to inherit and support him to become the crown prince. In this way, the lady will be rich and prosperous, and there will be no worries!

Wake up the dreamer with a word!

The suggestion of the step-son made Lady Huayang shine, this idea is good! Lü Buwei took the opportunity to repeat the words of praise for Ziyi again, and Lady Huayang made up her mind to recognize Ziyi, who had a vague impression, as her son.

After identifying Ziyi as her son, Lady Huayang did everything in her power to blow the wind from the side. An Guojun not only agreed to the request to pass on the son to Lady Huayang as a son, but also established a letter promising to make Ziyi the prince in the future.

Lady Huayang, who had reached the goal, changed her son's name, and Zi Yi became Zi Chu. Lady Huayang also gave Lü Buwei a lot of money, asking him to do his best to assist and take care of Zi Chu (Zi Yi) in Handan.

Lady Huayang really saw her son Zichu, who was thinking about it day and night, it was seven or eight years later.

In the fiftieth year of King Zhaoxiang's reign (256 BC), he launched a new round of offensive against the State of Zhao, encircling the capital of the State of Zhao, Handan.

Zhao Guo, who was powerless to fight against the Qin army, was ready to pour his anger on the human proton Chu and prepare to kill him!

Zi Chu, who was in a critical situation, still relied on Lü Buwei's planning and help to bribe the officers and soldiers defending the city with six hundred gold, and was able to escape the danger and return to the Qin capital Xianyang.

After Zi Chu escaped, his wife and children were still trapped in Handan, when Yingzheng was only three years old, and became the target of Zhao Guo's key wanted and arrested. Fortunately, Zhao Ji's mother's family was a large family in Handan City, with extensive contacts and energy, and it took Zhao Ji's mother and son to hide before they escaped the disaster.

Six years later, in the 56th year of King Zhaoxiang of Qin (250 BC), the 75-year-old Yingji finally completed his life path, and the 53-year-old An Guojun Yingzhu succeeded to the throne, and Zi chu became the crown prince. Yin Zheng and his mother Zhao Ji returned to the Qin State after ending their exile in the Zhao State, which was also the first time that the nine-year-old Yin Zheng set foot on the land of the Qin State.

It was in the suffering and danger of the Zhao kingdom of Handan that Yin Zheng had deep feelings for his uncle's family. After becoming emperor, he also returned to Handan specifically, and executed all those who had festivals or grudges with his uncle's family with the power of the emperor.

An Guojun, who had waited hard to wait for the throne of the Qin Kingdom, may have been overindulged, or perhaps he was overexcited, and he died only a year later.

The 30-year-old crown prince Chu successfully became the King of Qin.

Lady Huayang retained her glory and wealth, and was crowned Empress Dowager Huayang by her son Chu, and her poor birth mother Xia Ji also received the title of Empress Xia. Needless to say, Lü Buwei, who was in charge before and after, was made the Chancellor of the State of Qin, the Marquis of Wenxin, and the 100,000 households in Luoyang, Henan Province, becoming a hot political figure in the State of Qin.

Zi Chu from hostage to king of Qin, Lü Buwei from businessman to minister, less than ten years before and after, just in response to that sentence, although the road of life is long, but the key is only a few steps.

But Zi Chu was a man with a short life after all, only three years as the King of Qin, and he also gave up and returned to heaven, this year he was only 33 years old. The young and beautiful Zhao Ji became a widow, and her only son, Yingzheng, was only 13 years old.

Before Zi Chu died, only Lü Buwei could trust and rely on him.

He entrusted qin guo, Zhao Ji, and Yin Zheng's orphans and widows to Lü Buwei, and asked Yin Zheng to bow down to Lü Buwei as his father. The so-called xiang father is not only the minister who assists Yingzheng in governing the country, but also the father who teaches Yingzheng to be a man.

Lü Buwei's position in the political situation of the Qin State became more special and important.

But for the pursuit of the Qin state to unify the world, these are all children's feelings and historical details. As the King of Qin, all Yingzheng has to do is to bravely go with the flow, grandpa can't do it, dad can't do it, only he can continue the ancestor's great cause of unifying the world.

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