
Chen Geng was elected as an alternate member of the Central Committee, patted the chairman's shoulder and asked: What is called an alternate? The humorous general joked about the chairman behind the matter, dissatisfied with the candidate, although he was an alternate, but he had made great achievements in the battle of a generation of generals, old and humorous

author:History of small essay reviews

From childhood to adulthood, the Chinese generals we know are solemn and stable, and they have fought in brutal wars in order to make China stronger, so the impression left on the world is very serious and solemn. However, we are all confused by its superficiality, in fact, not every general is unsmiling, majestic and solemn.

Leaving the battlefield, the generals were as approachable as ordinary people, and they were all very humorous and funny in private. Chiang Kai-shek was ridiculed by him, Premier Zhou was blocked in the toilet, and sometimes even Chairman Mao was teased by him.

Chen Geng was elected as an alternate member of the Central Committee, patted the chairman's shoulder and asked: What is called an alternate? The humorous general joked about the chairman behind the matter, dissatisfied with the candidate, although he was an alternate, but he had made great achievements in the battle of a generation of generals, old and humorous

Figure 1 General Chen Geng

General Chen Geng proved to us with practical actions that not every general is mighty and domineering, and does not smile. And in the face of such a humorous and funny General Chen Geng, in life, there will certainly be many interesting things happening, let's take a look at it together,

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="18" > the humor behind The General</h1>

On February 27, 1903, General Chen Geng was born in Xiangxiang, Hunan Province, after shogun, and his grandfather fought side by side with Zeng Guofan. At a very young age, he was more intelligent and naughty, and often punished evil and promoted good, so General Chen Geng learned some self-defense kung fu from his grandfather from an early age.

When he was 13 years old, General Chen Geng wanted to join the Xiang Army, so he sneaked away from home alone and began to run into life, and since then General Chen Geng has carried a large gun half a head higher than him on his back, and this resistance is four years, and in these four years, a scabies and full of disappointment have fallen on General Chen Geng's body.

Chen Geng was elected as an alternate member of the Central Committee, patted the chairman's shoulder and asked: What is called an alternate? The humorous general joked about the chairman behind the matter, dissatisfied with the candidate, although he was an alternate, but he had made great achievements in the battle of a generation of generals, old and humorous

Figure 2 He Shuheng

In 1921, General Chen Geng, who had come to Changsha, went to He Shuheng's bookstore, where he read many progressive books. Later, under the introduction of He Shuheng, General Chen Geng came into contact with Chairman Mao.

In May 1924, General Chen Geng entered the Whampoa Military Academy, and not long after entering the school, General Chen Geng became the focus of attention among all the cadets by virtue of his rich life experience and humorous temperament in the Xiang Army and as a railway clerk.

One day, when Premier Zhou Enlai, the newly arrived political director, was about to inspect the cadets' dormitory, Premier Zhou saw a very conspicuous General Chen Geng and saw all kinds of expressions on his face, which turned out to be a skit of "Hungry short people eating long noodles." The humorous General Chen Geng used his unique performance method to make the students laugh. After watching the performance for a while, Premier Zhou was spotted by General Chen Geng standing among the students.

After seeing Premier Zhou, General Chen Geng immediately sorted out his clothes, put on his military hat, and saluted immediately. When Premier Zhou saw the situation, he immediately and happily pulled General Chen Geng to his side and happily told him: "Just like that, the first time we met, General Chen Geng left a deep impression on Premier Zhou with his own exquisite performance.

Chen Geng was elected as an alternate member of the Central Committee, patted the chairman's shoulder and asked: What is called an alternate? The humorous general joked about the chairman behind the matter, dissatisfied with the candidate, although he was an alternate, but he had made great achievements in the battle of a generation of generals, old and humorous

After General Chen Geng's sketch was seen by Premier Zhou Enlai, Premier Zhou Enlai thought that he was very talented for literary and artistic things. Therefore, Premier Zhou Enlai asked General Chen Geng to select people with more artistic cells from among the trainees and set up a drama club together, and named this drama club "Blood Flower Drama Society".

Chen Geng was elected as an alternate member of the Central Committee, patted the chairman's shoulder and asked: What is called an alternate? The humorous general joked about the chairman behind the matter, dissatisfied with the candidate, although he was an alternate, but he had made great achievements in the battle of a generation of generals, old and humorous

Figure 4 Sketch performed by General Chen Geng

Slowly, with several amateur performances, General Chen Geng's reputation at the Whampoa Military Academy was almost unknown. However, in addition to the performance, General Chen Geng is also known for his special pranks, and at that time, the Whampoa Military Academy has always had such a saying: "No matter how fast Jiang Xianyun's pen is, or how fast He Zhihan's mouth is, it is not as fast as Chen Geng's legs!" "You can imagine how famous General Chen Geng's pranks were at that time.

Chen Geng

General Chen Geng, who could not move, lay there for two hours before he was found and saved by our army during the counter-offensive and sent to the Gospel Hospital in Changting for surgery

For this situation, the dean decided to amputate the limbs of General Chen Geng, and as soon as the news came out, General Chen Geng was frightened and discolored, and immediately said in an anxious voice: "If I don't have this leg, how can I walk normally, how can I lead the soldiers to fight?" General Chen Geng held a branch to support his body, and complained loudly about the enemy in the hospital, and indeed, it was almost like taking his life to make a person who was active and chaotic every day lose the ability to walk on one leg.

Chen Geng was elected as an alternate member of the Central Committee, patted the chairman's shoulder and asked: What is called an alternate? The humorous general joked about the chairman behind the matter, dissatisfied with the candidate, although he was an alternate, but he had made great achievements in the battle of a generation of generals, old and humorous

Figure 5 General Chen Geng

When he was about to be discharged from the hospital, General Chen Geng found Dr. Fu Lianzhang and said gratefully: "Doctor, you are a good person, you are my savior, and I will definitely give you a birthday every year after that." General Chen Geng really did not renege on his word once since then, and every time it came to Dr. Fu Lianzhang's birthday, he would definitely personally make a birthday, and if he was not there, he would definitely write a letter of congratulations. When it came to his deathbed, he did not forget to instruct his family to congratulate Dr. Fu Lianzhang.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="31" > quipped the chairman, dissatisfied with the candidate</h1>

During the War of Resistance Against Japan, in order to have a better operational plan, the central leaders would hold various meetings to discuss the plan. So he looked around the meeting, and happened to have a water cup in front of Chairman Mao, and without saying a word, he walked over to Chairman Mao, and at that time the other leaders thought he was going to express his opinion, so all eyes were focused on General Chen Geng.

Chen Geng was elected as an alternate member of the Central Committee, patted the chairman's shoulder and asked: What is called an alternate? The humorous general joked about the chairman behind the matter, dissatisfied with the candidate, although he was an alternate, but he had made great achievements in the battle of a generation of generals, old and humorous

Figure 6 Chairman Mao

Who knew that General Chen Geng picked up the cup of water in front of Chairman Mao and began to drink, and at the same time told Chairman Mao with a smile: "I am a little thirsty, come and drink some water, there is nothing wrong." After saying that, he returned to his position, and the others couldn't help but laugh when they saw it. Chairman Mao smiled and asked him, "You drank my water, what should I do?" Of course, we don't know General Chen Geng's answer, but it also allows us to see General Chen Geng's humorous and informal personality.

Chen Geng was elected as an alternate member of the Central Committee, patted the chairman's shoulder and asked: What is called an alternate? The humorous general joked about the chairman behind the matter, dissatisfied with the candidate, although he was an alternate, but he had made great achievements in the battle of a generation of generals, old and humorous

Figure VII The Seventh National Congress

After a while, the voting results came out, and General Chen Geng was appointed as an alternate member of the Central Committee, and this position was not called General Chen Geng's clothes, but General Chen Geng was still a little uncomfortable in his heart when he did not become a member of the Central Committee. Therefore, when everyone took a group photo after the meeting, General Chen Geng began to tease Chairman Mao, patting Chairman Mao's shoulder and asking: "What are the candidates among the alternate members of the Central Committee, and who do I want to wait for?" ”

Chairman Mao told him that when he finished taking the picture, I would tell you that when I saw Chairman Mao, I did not immediately tell myself that our General Chen Geng took up the posture of never giving up and kept questioning Chairman Mao, and when he saw Chairman Mao crying and laughing, General Chen Geng stopped asking questions.

Soon, word spread about the incident, and the soldiers below laughed at General Chen Geng for not knowing what the candidate meant.

Chen Geng was elected as an alternate member of the Central Committee, patted the chairman's shoulder and asked: What is called an alternate? The humorous general joked about the chairman behind the matter, dissatisfied with the candidate, although he was an alternate, but he had made great achievements in the battle of a generation of generals, old and humorous

General Chen Geng in Figure VIII delivered a speech

What's more, General Chen Geng was not ambiguous when he tuned himself. When chatting with his subordinates, he directly told them: "Now I have a party ginseng inserted in my ass, which is a "backup", you must respect me, you can't mess with me." Soon, this matter somehow spread to Chairman Mao, who said with a helpless face: "This Chen Geng who has a personality like a child really does not grow up." ”

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="40" > is a candidate, but it has achieved great success</h1>

General Chen Geng's "alternate" incident allows us to see how mischievous General Chen Geng is. However, we should not question the ability of General Chen Geng because of this, even if he is only an alternate member of the Central Committee, General Chen Geng's ability is very strong.

On February 14, 1946, HouMa was attacked by the Kuomintang 13th Group Army, and seeing this, General Chen Geng led his troops to quickly attack them, and under the persecution of General Chen Geng, the Jinnan Armistice Agreement was signed by the commander-in-chief of the 13th Group. In July of the same year, Southern Jin was attacked by The South of Huzong, and General Chen Geng led his troops to fight in Wenxi and Xia Counties, dealing a heavy blow to the enemy.

Chen Geng was elected as an alternate member of the Central Committee, patted the chairman's shoulder and asked: What is called an alternate? The humorous general joked about the chairman behind the matter, dissatisfied with the candidate, although he was an alternate, but he had made great achievements in the battle of a generation of generals, old and humorous

Figure 9 Chen Geng on the battlefield

General Chen Geng spent a month to destroy more than 12,000 enemy personnel and liberate 5 counties. General Chen Geng attacked quickly and fiercely, leaving the enemy powerless to fight back. After seeing General Chen Geng's combat capability, the central leaders and other leaders praised him very much, and even issued a circular specially praising General Chen Geng, entitled "Circular on the Victory of The Chen Geng Column in Combat."

In 1947, the Jinnan Counteroffensive Was launched, and under the leadership of General Chen Geng, the army destroyed more than 18,000 enemy personnel, and 22 county towns were conquered, causing heavy losses to Hu Zongnan, an old classmate of the Whampoa Military Academy. In the same year, with the perfect cooperation with the East China Field Army, the Pinghan Line was taken in one fell swoop, more than 20,000 enemies were eliminated, and 23 counties were liberated. General Chen Geng used his powerful combat ability to win many victories in the war.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="43" > generation of generals, old and humorous</h1>

Not only that, But General Chen Geng also had various heroic achievements, but because of his humorous personality, he was not really understood by the soldiers. In 1955, the heroic General Chen Geng was awarded the rank of Great General by the Party and the state, when General Chen Geng joked: "Although I am only a great general now, I think I also lived like a marshal and led several generals." ”

Chen Geng was elected as an alternate member of the Central Committee, patted the chairman's shoulder and asked: What is called an alternate? The humorous general joked about the chairman behind the matter, dissatisfied with the candidate, although he was an alternate, but he had made great achievements in the battle of a generation of generals, old and humorous

Figure 10 General Chen Geng

As soon as this remark came out, many people did not believe it, and at the same time, many soldiers knew that General Chen Geng was a brave general in battle.

After the ceremony of conferring military ranks, General Chen Geng returned home wearing the general's uniform, and when General Chen Geng's children saw it, they chased after him and asked him what general he had conferred, and General Chen Geng replied in a joking tone that he was a sesame general, so General Chen Geng let the children believe it to be true, and when others asked the children, what is your father, the children said solemnly, It is the sesame general, and when they heard this, everyone couldn't help but laugh.

In his old age, General Chen Geng could not resist his own mischievous heart, and often joked with the people around him.

Chen Geng was elected as an alternate member of the Central Committee, patted the chairman's shoulder and asked: What is called an alternate? The humorous general joked about the chairman behind the matter, dissatisfied with the candidate, although he was an alternate, but he had made great achievements in the battle of a generation of generals, old and humorous

General Chen Geng spoke in The Kazakh military industry

However, no matter how unorthodox General Chen Geng seemed, he never had the slightest sloppiness in national issues. After General Chen Geng retired, he was busy building the Kazakh military industry until his death. Kazakh military industry is a base for specially cultivating military personnel, and it was established to make China's national defense force stronger, which is of great significance.

Chen Geng was elected as an alternate member of the Central Committee, patted the chairman's shoulder and asked: What is called an alternate? The humorous general joked about the chairman behind the matter, dissatisfied with the candidate, although he was an alternate, but he had made great achievements in the battle of a generation of generals, old and humorous

Figure XII Sculpture of General Chen Geng

When we walked into the Kazakh military industry, the mighty and tall statue of General Chen Geng was the most conspicuous, and seeing it was as if we saw The outstanding style of General Chen Geng in those years. In this way, General Chen Geng used his unique character characteristics to leave a unique impression on the world and single-handedly made Chinese people remember him.

Moreover, he has been evaluated as the sunniest general, and he has worked hard for the cause of communism all his life, we must respect this great general, we must learn from his optimism and loyalty to the country, and his humorous and childlike personality charm, we must retain it, so that everyone will be more cheerful and broad, and our country will be better.

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