
Understand the tea sister said that tea | to explore the difference between Wuyi daffodils and phoenix daffodils like to drink tea and understand tea is two different things, like does not mean necessarily understand, you love to drink tea, then please also know how to correctly choose tea to buy tea, correctly brew tea and drink tea. Drinking tea is not a blind preference, you understand tea, tea will naturally understand you

author:Geography of Tea Sources in China

Wuyi Daffodil and Phoenix Daffodil two old cong daffodils, both "xianfeng Dao bone", afternoon tea tasting two different "old cong daffodils", one is Wuyi daffodil, the other is phoenix daffodil. The most asked questions by tea lovers is what is the difference between the two?

Wuyi Rock Tea Old Cong Daffodils

Understand the tea sister said that tea | to explore the difference between Wuyi daffodils and phoenix daffodils like to drink tea and understand tea is two different things, like does not mean necessarily understand, you love to drink tea, then please also know how to correctly choose tea to buy tea, correctly brew tea and drink tea. Drinking tea is not a blind preference, you understand tea, tea will naturally understand you

Chaozhou Phoenix Town Old Cong Daffodil

Understand the tea sister said that tea | to explore the difference between Wuyi daffodils and phoenix daffodils like to drink tea and understand tea is two different things, like does not mean necessarily understand, you love to drink tea, then please also know how to correctly choose tea to buy tea, correctly brew tea and drink tea. Drinking tea is not a blind preference, you understand tea, tea will naturally understand you

Both teas are called "Old Cong Daffodils", the same name, the appearance, soup color, aroma, taste, leaf bottom, charm are very different. Rock tea old bush daffodils, strips of tight knots and fat, dark brown has treasure light, sand texture, soup color orange yellow bright red, rich and calm aroma, taste mellow and soft with slight sweetness, black belt brown at the bottom of the leaf; phoenix daffodils, the cord is tight and slender, the color is dark brown, the soup color is golden and bright, the aroma is natural floral fragrance, long and lasting, the taste is fresh and sweet, the sand texture of the waterway is cool, and the leaf bottom is yellow and green soft and bright.

Tea lovers compare the sensory tastings of two different teas

Xiaobian to view the relevant information, tea friends respectively take three different types of Wuyi Daffodil and Phoenix Daffodil comparative evaluation, and then summarized as follows, tea friends can refer to understand.

Understand the tea sister said that tea | to explore the difference between Wuyi daffodils and phoenix daffodils like to drink tea and understand tea is two different things, like does not mean necessarily understand, you love to drink tea, then please also know how to correctly choose tea to buy tea, correctly brew tea and drink tea. Drinking tea is not a blind preference, you understand tea, tea will naturally understand you

There are obvious differences between Guangdong Phoenix Daffodil and Fujian Wuyi Daffodil in terms of aroma, taste, soup color and leaf bottom: the strips of Phoenix Daffodils are tighter and straighter, and the strips of Wuyi Daffodils are fatter and looser:

The fermentation degree of Wuyi Daffodil is heavier than that of Phoenix Daffodil, and the soup color of Phoenix Daffodil is bright orange and yellow: the soup color of Wuyi Daffodil is obviously orange yellow and reddish:

The phoenix daffodil aroma shows a distinctly long-lasting floral and fruit nectar aroma, and the Wuyi daffodil aroma shows a strong and long-lasting baked incense with a rice fragrance:

Phoenix Daffodil has a strong taste and strong astringency, and Wuyi Daffodil tea has a strong taste and weak astringency.

The analysis of biochemical components showed that the extract content and tea polyphenol content of Phoenix Daffodil were higher than those of Wuyi Daffodil, while the content of Water Soluble Sugar was higher than that of Wuyi Daffodil.

Wuyi Daffodil (Fujian Daffodil) Old Cong

The similarities and differences between Wuyi Daffodil and Phoenix Daffodil

Understand the tea sister said that tea | to explore the difference between Wuyi daffodils and phoenix daffodils like to drink tea and understand tea is two different things, like does not mean necessarily understand, you love to drink tea, then please also know how to correctly choose tea to buy tea, correctly brew tea and drink tea. Drinking tea is not a blind preference, you understand tea, tea will naturally understand you

Whether it is called "Wuyi Daffodil", or "Northern Fujian Daffodil", or "Jianyang Daffodil", "Jian'ou Daffodil", "Fujian Daffodil", "Shui ji Daffodil", and even including the "Zhangping Daffodil" in southern Fujian, if you count from the tree species, they are all the same tea tree variety, "Daffodil" species, there is a certain origin relationship. If they are used as commercial teas, they are only different in origin, and they are distinguished by the name of the place of origin. And because of the different places of origin and different development routes, the process naturally has subtle differences, and even obvious differences, such as "Zhangping Daffodil", the appearance is four square small blocks, fermentation is lighter.

Therefore, Wuyi Daffodil can refer to both "tea plant varieties" and the name of the commodity "tea", that is, "Northern Fujian Daffodil" tea and "Wuyi Shuixian" tea in the Oolong tea category. At the same time, it can also refer to one of the five major categories of Wuyi rock tea. Wuyi rock tea is divided into five categories: Da Hong Pao, Ming Cong, Daffodil, Cinnamon, and Odd Species. The Phoenix Daffodils in Fenghuang Town, Chaozhou, Guangdong Province, are not the same tree species as Wuyi Daffodils in terms of botanical tree species, although they are called "Daffodils".

In 1984, the National Tea Plant Fine Seed Approval Committee identified a number of national fine seeds, and Fujian Daffodil and Phoenix Daffodil were listed as national fine species with different numbers. Fujian Daffodils are named "GSCT9", and Phoenix Daffodils are numbered "GSCT17". From this point of view, it also shows that the two are two different varieties of tea trees.

Understand the tea sister said that tea | to explore the difference between Wuyi daffodils and phoenix daffodils like to drink tea and understand tea is two different things, like does not mean necessarily understand, you love to drink tea, then please also know how to correctly choose tea to buy tea, correctly brew tea and drink tea. Drinking tea is not a blind preference, you understand tea, tea will naturally understand you

Phoenix Narcissus Old Bush has in common:

They are all small trees (individual phoenix single bushes are considered to belong to trees), are medium and large leaf species, the leaf shape is oval, the leaf color is green or dark green, can be made of famous good tea according to the oolong tea or black tea process, and most of them have flower and fruit aromas, orchid fragrance, etc., and both places have a history of living in the She.


Wuyi Daffodil, which is triploid, is cloned and cut off; while the Phoenix Daffodil, which is diploid, can reproduce sexually. According to expert research, "phoenix daffodils are closer to the wild type than Fujian (Wuyi) daffodils and are highly resistant to stress." (Zhuang Ren's Chinese Tea Classic. Tea Article")

Wuyi Daffodils are late-growing species at the germination stage, while Phoenix Daffodils are early species. Wuyi Daxian , originating in Dahu Village, Xiaohu Township, Jianyang, Fujian Province; Phoenix Daffodil, native to Fenghuang Mountain, Chao'an, Guangdong, was called "red fungus tea" and "bird's mouth tea" in the early days. Wuyi daffodils, the current market is mostly suitable for making oolong tea, black tea, and white tea; and phoenix daffodils, mainly oolong tea, black tea.

Wuyi Daffodil (Fujian Daffodil) tea leaves

Understand the tea sister said that tea | to explore the difference between Wuyi daffodils and phoenix daffodils like to drink tea and understand tea is two different things, like does not mean necessarily understand, you love to drink tea, then please also know how to correctly choose tea to buy tea, correctly brew tea and drink tea. Drinking tea is not a blind preference, you understand tea, tea will naturally understand you

Another important point, phoenix daffodil species, due to the selection of raw materials and the degree of fineness of production, when making commercial tea, according to the quality of the finished product from low to high can be divided into: phoenix daffodil, phoenix wave vegetables and phoenix single bush three grades. Among them, the most famous "Phoenix Single Bush" commercial tea is a high-quality product that uses the excellent single tea plant selected from the Phoenix Narcissus group species and then cultivated, picked and processed. The second is the Phoenix Lang cuisine tea, and the second is the Phoenix Daffodil tea.

That is to say, the phoenix daffodil, like the Wuyi daffodil, is both the name of the tea tree species and the name of the "commodity tea". Therefore, Phoenix Single Bush Tea, from the tree species, it is the Phoenix Daffodil Species! That's right, that's exactly what it is! And Wuyi Daffodil (Fujian Daffodil) and Phoenix Daffodil, the specific academic and botanical order, logical relationship, internal relationship, what "distant relatives" or "close association", which requires the exploration and discovery of tea experts.

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[This article is compiled and published by the understanding tea sister of the Yingde Sisters Tea House, reproduced please explain, hereby declared! 】 Have any questions direct message or add private message I understand tea girl communication Oh ~

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