
Xu Shiyou's Shaolin disciple, who opened the big stone with one hand, easily did not show his hand, and awarded the founding lieutenant general

author:Bing said

Author: Wei Shi

Statement: Soldiers say original, plagiarism will be investigated

In the years of the revolutionary war, countless heroes emerged in our army. Many of them have stories that are more exciting than film novels. Take the legendary general Xu Shiyou, who learned martial arts in Shaolin, became the captain of the big knife, and his bold, brave, and gentle personality are all topics that people talk about. And our army is full of heroes, even if Xu Shiyou has a very strong personality, he can find similar characters. This person also studied martial arts in the Shaolin Temple for many years, and later threw himself into the revolution, wearing liver and guts, fighting all his life, and making immortal merits. He is the founding lieutenant general Qian Jun.

Qian Jun was born in 1905 to a poor peasant family in Guangshan County, Henan Province, with only "Seven Doutian" in his family. What is "Seven Bucket Fields"? It is that the land is too barren, and the hard work can only fight seven buckets of grain, which is simply not enough to eat. Therefore, when Qian Jun was 5 years old, he had to herd cattle for the landlord and suffered all kinds of abuse.

When Xiao Qianjun was young, he was a character who was not afraid of heaven and earth, and his friends said that snakes were cold, and Xiao Qianjun went up the mountain to grab one, hugged and slept, to see if it was cold in the end. Xiao Qianjun also has a strong spirit of struggle, when he was 7 years old, one day he was herding cattle, and suddenly his little friend came and told him a bad news: his little sister was sunk in the river! Say dedicated to the "bridesmaids"!

It turned out that there was a local ugly custom, every year for the "sending mother" sacrifice virgin boys and girls (in fact, there are also can not afford to raise, send birth to pray for blessings), Xiao Qianjun was filled with grief, grabbed an axe, went straight to the temple of the mother of the child, jumped on the shrine and slashed at the statue of the mother who sent the birth! The idols have been smashed to pieces. Splitting down the sending lady, Xiao Qianjun's anger did not subside, and the small gods around the sending mother were also split one by one!

Xu Shiyou's Shaolin disciple, who opened the big stone with one hand, easily did not show his hand, and awarded the founding lieutenant general

At this moment, Xiao Qianjun ran into a big disaster, and the local tycoons and inferior gentry in the countryside tied him up, and they also wanted to sink the river to pay tribute to the bridesmaids. Qian Jun's parents pleaded bitterly, wishing the whole family to be cattle and horses, and the local tycoons and inferior gentry spared Qian Jun's life.

After this storm, Xiao Qianjun could no longer stay in his hometown. He followed a painter who walked the streets and alleys to "walk the rivers and lakes", but this painter was a grumpy master, and he beat and scolded the small money. Qian Jun couldn't bear it and fled again. This time, he came to the Shaolin Temple and vowed to learn a good martial art and stop being bullied.

Qian Jun was only 11 years old when he entered the temple, and Xu Shiyou entered the temple earlier than Qian Jun according to time, which can be regarded as his brother-in-law. Interestingly, Qian Jun later recalled that he had not met Xu Shiyou in the Shaolin Temple for five years. I don't know if it's because the Shaolin Temple is too big and too many people, or for some other reason.

Xu Shiyou's Shaolin disciple, who opened the big stone with one hand, easily did not show his hand, and awarded the founding lieutenant general

Very similar to the plot in martial arts movies, Qian Jun started at the Shaolin Temple just by burning fires and doing miscellaneous things. Once, Qian Jun was chopping wood to find a wood knife and asked a fire master where to find it. The master raised his hand and said this is it, only to see him chop off a piece of firewood with his hand! Qian Jun was stunned to see him, so he worshiped him as a teacher and learned art from him. Since then, Qian Jun has followed his master and learned a lot of boxing skills.

Qian Jun not only practiced his fists and feet, but also learned luck, stepped on plum blossom piles, ran up bricks, and planted sand... Day and night, he tied "heavy sandbags" to his body.

Xu Shiyou's Shaolin disciple, who opened the big stone with one hand, easily did not show his hand, and awarded the founding lieutenant general

The best time to learn martial arts is childhood, because Qian Jun is young, is growing a body, coupled with hard practice, five years later can be described as eighteen martial arts proficient, can be done to split bricks and stones, flying cornices to walk the wall. Qian Jun went down the mountain, wanting to use his own kung fu to fight for the poor and poor.

Qian Jun later joined the Red Army and became a military general. Much like Xu Shiyou, he often holds a large knife and leads the death squad to charge and kill countless enemies.

In battle, he has been shot 15 times, and the number of small hangings is even more innumerable. Once, Qian Jun was hit in the abdomen by an enemy bullet during a battle and was unconscious. The comrades-in-arms thought he had died, so they copied an uncovered coffin from the landlord's house and buried him, covering him with a door panel. Later, the superior wanted to see his last side, opened the door panel to see, Qian Jun actually smiled at him! He also playfully said, "The king of Yama was afraid that I would take his life, and he did not dare to take me, so he put me back!" "He was able to miraculously wake up after being seriously injured, thanks to his physical fitness, and thanks to being put into an uncovered coffin, otherwise he would have been strangled to death."

There is a little difference between Qian Jun and Xu Shiyou, that is, Xu Shiyou loves to show his kung fu when he is fine, while Qian Jun never shows his kung fu in front of people. There were comrades-in-arms who had practiced martial arts who wanted to "have a close encounter" with him, but he never accepted the recruitment. Even a game like Bibi's wrist breaker, he wouldn't. When asked why, he replied, "Those who have not practiced martial arts are really different from those who have practiced martial arts." When competing, it will bring a little strength, and it is easy to hurt people. ”

Xu Shiyou's Shaolin disciple, who opened the big stone with one hand, easily did not show his hand, and awarded the founding lieutenant general

The more modest he was, the more curious he became. Finally, once, Qian Jun really couldn't hide from it, so he had to show his hand. He didn't compare himself to anyone, saying, "Who of you is going to find me a pebble?" ”

A warrior found a fist-sized stone, and Qian Jun dismissed it: "No, it's too small." ”

I found a melon as big as a melon, but Qian Jun still said it was too small.

Finally, the two warriors brought a large stone for pressing the pickle jar, and Qian Jun was satisfied. Only to see that he was full of luck, full of red light, suddenly shouted, and his right palm suddenly split into the stone, and the big stone shattered into several pieces! The comrades-in-arms looked stupid, and it took a while before they returned to God and applauded one after another. No one questioned his kung fu anymore.

[Deeply cultivate the history of war and carry forward positive energy.] Bing said that all parties are welcome to submit articles, welcome article creators to join, messages or private messages will be repeated】

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