
Liu Yan, member of the Shandong Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference: Thinking about problems from the perspective of the masses, building an intelligent assembly line that "does a good job at one time."

author:People's Daily News
Liu Yan, member of the Shandong Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference: Thinking about problems from the perspective of the masses, building an intelligent assembly line that "does a good job at one time."

Liu Yan

On the afternoon of February 15, the second session of the 12th CPPCC Shandong Provincial Committee held a speech at the conference, and 14 members made speeches on the themes of new and old kinetic energy conversion, rural revitalization, construction of a strong marine province, promotion of excellent traditional culture, and education reform. Liu Yan, member of the Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, vice chairman of the Jinan Municipal Committee of the China Democratic National Construction Association, and inspector of the Economic and Technological Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, said in his speech that since Shandong launched the "one-time good" reform, the sense of gain of the masses has been significantly improved, but there are still some pain points and blockages. It is recommended to take the initiative to think in empathy, think more from the perspective of the masses, implement process reengineering, and build a "one-chain processing" assembly line.

Liu Yan said that in June last year, Shandong Province launched the reform of "doing a good job at once" for government services, and the service efficiency and the sense of gain of the masses were significantly improved. However, there are still some pain points and blockages, especially the examination and approval matters that require multi-departmental and cross-regional cooperation, and some cannot be "done well at one time", and enterprises and the masses are still more troublesome. One is that there is a deviation in the understanding of "one thing". The document stipulates that "doing a good job at one time" means "completing it once and satisfying the masses", mainly based on the standard of doing "one thing" well. However, how to understand this "one thing", there are differences between enterprises, the masses and government departments. For example, applying for an enterprise and registering a newborn is "one thing" in the eyes of enterprises and the masses, and it is hoped that it can be done at a window. But in practice, many places may have to run through the windows of several departments, queue up again and again, submit materials, for each department, it is a good job at once, but for enterprises and the masses, "one thing" is divided into "many things". The second is to waste time in long lines. We've all had this experience, and there are some things in life that require me to go before the workday. After taking leave to the office hall, I found that there were many people, and after taking the number, I found that I went to the morning and had been lined up until noon or even afternoon. But when it's really your turn to do the business, it's about 5 minutes. "5 minutes to run errands, queue up for a morning". Third, the work style of individual staff members is unrealistic and the quality is not high. "The door is good, the face is good", but sometimes things are not easy to handle, the problem of insufficient manpower and unfamiliar business of individual clerks still exists. Some service hall staff did not arrive at the end of the work time to suspend business in advance, saying that they were preparing for the shuttle bus. Some even have ties with intermediaries, illegally occupying call number resources, leaving "special channels". Fourth, the allocation of resources in the service window is not reasonable enough. The government affairs comprehensive service hall was built quickly, but in general, there were still problems of insufficient windows and personnel. At the same time, due to the different nature of business, some windows have a lot of queues, and some windows have few.

Liu Yan believes that the root cause of the above problems is mainly that the key link of coordinated handling has not been done well. To "do a good job at once", the examination and approval involving multiple departments must be "accepted in one window". Behind this "one window" is the integration and reengineering of departmental functions, breaking up the original process and recreating the new process, rather than a simple physical patchwork.

To this end, Liu Yan suggested that we should take the initiative to think in a different position and think about problems from the perspective of the masses. The purpose of our work is to serve the people, but the reality may not really be able to think from the perspective of the masses. In the eyes of the masses, all departments are governments, and in order to do "one thing", we have found several departments and done them several times. Comrades of the department should put themselves in the shoes of the masses, elevate the awareness of the department to the awareness of the government, put their own department in the chain of government services, familiarize themselves with the work process, receive the masses to do "the first question is responsible" and "one mouth clear", and inform where to go beyond the authority of their duties, do not care about themselves and hang high.

Secondly, it is recommended to implement process reengineering and build a "one-chain processing" assembly line. To break through the difficulty of collaborative processing, it is fundamentally necessary to establish a government service assembly line that is as efficient as the industrial automation assembly line. But this assembly line should be running data, not the masses. Gathering the service windows and letting the masses run one by one is no longer suitable for the needs of the development of the situation. We should implement the time node requirements of Shandong Province's "one-time good" reform, combine institutional reform, optimize and integrate matters scattered in different departments into one process, and achieve "one-chain handling" of related matters. Some places and departments explore the comprehensive teller system, no matter what the business, by the front desk reception of the comprehensive teller once accepted, material review and processing to the background internal operation, enterprises and the masses only need to go to the window according to the required time to get the certificate, greatly facilitating the masses.

At the same time, it is recommended to break down information islands and achieve the goal of "one network communication office". The reform of "doing a good job at once" aims to serve the convenience of the people, which is reflected in the work of "letting data run more roads and letting the masses run less errands.". In addition to changing concepts and reengineering processes, it is also necessary to give play to the role of the Internet to solve the problems of incompatibility and data sharing of the original multi-departmental business systems. Relying on the newly established Big Data Bureau, accelerate the promotion of "Internet + government services", clean up and integrate decentralized and independent government affairs information systems, and implement one external and one network communication office. Government services are handled online, which not only solves the problem of long queues and wasted time, but also monitors the quality and efficiency of each link, so as to achieve no dead ends in responsibility, full transparency of services, and zero rent-seeking of power. (Fan Sisi)

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