
Sun Liren and Qi Xueqi: Famous anti-Japanese generals who came out of Tsinghua Garden

author:Frog in the woods

At the beginning of December 1941, the strength of the 6 regiments of the Taxation Police Corps under the Ministry of Finance of the Nationalist Government was divided into 3 regiments and reorganized into the 38th Division of the New National Revolutionary Army, with Sun Liren as the division commander and Qi Xueqi as the deputy division commander and director of the Political Training Office, under the jurisdiction of the 112th Regiment, 113th Regiment and 114th Regiment, which were under the jurisdiction of Zhang Yi's 66th Army.

Sun Liren and Qi Xueqi: Famous anti-Japanese generals who came out of Tsinghua Garden

Sun Liren

Previously, the Taxation Police Corps had participated in the famous "Battle of Songhu" and the "Battle of Wuhan", and after these two bloody battles with the Japanese army, the Taxation Police Corps also suffered heavy casualties and was withdrawn to changsha for repair and reorganization.

Sun Liren and Qi Xueqi were classmates of the Tsinghua School in Beijing, and they were also classmates of Liang Sicheng, Gu Yuxuan, Wu Wenzao, Liang Shiqiu, Shi Jiajiong, and others who were more familiar with them.

Sun Liren and Qi Xueqi: Famous anti-Japanese generals who came out of Tsinghua Garden

Sun Liren (author) discussed issues with Tsinghua students

In January 1928, Song Ziwen became the Minister of Finance of the National Government in Nanjing, and in order to be able to carry out anti-smuggling taxation more effectively and ensure the fiscal revenue of the Nationalist Government, in the winter of 1930, the General Regiment of the Taxation Police of the Ministry of Finance was established in Haizhou, Jiangsu Province, thus creating a well-trained anti-smuggling police force.

There are five regiments under the General Regiment of Taxation and Police, each of which commands three battalions and has more than 5,000 combatants, and together with the troops directly under the regiment, the total number of people is more than 30,000, which is equivalent to the establishment of a regular army, and the source of military expenses is the annual amortization of the salt tax surplus borrowed by the Eight-Nation Bank Regiment.

The first commander of the Taxation Police Corps was Wen Yingxing, the second commander-in-chief was Wang Geng, who was also Lu Xiaoman's ex-husband, Wen Yingxing and Wang Geng both graduated from the United States Military Academy at West Point, Song Ziwen in order to facilitate the control of the Taxation Police Corps, extended several military students to the United States as the regimental first-level supervisors, and Sun Liren was selected as the commander of the Fourth Regiment of the Taxation Police Corps in 1932, and Qi Xueqi was transferred to the Taxation Police Corps as chief of staff in 1938, and the two Tsinghua classmates came together again after many years.

Sun Liren and Qi Xueqi: Famous anti-Japanese generals who came out of Tsinghua Garden

Qi Xueqi

On December 7, 1941, under the planning of Commander Isoroku Yamamoto, the Japanese Combined Fleet, led by Tadaichi Minamimoto, sneaked into Pearl Harbor, the base of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, leading to the outbreak of the Pacific War, while the Southern Army group under the command of the Commander-in-Chief of the Japanese Southern Army, Shouichi Terauchi, attacked and occupied the Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Guam, Hong Kong, Singapore, Indonesia, solomon Islands, Burma and other countries and regions.

On December 23, 1941, China and the United Kingdom signed the "Agreement on mutual defense of the Burma Road", and three days later concluded the Sino-British military alliance, and the Chongqing Nationalist Government simultaneously formed the Chinese Expeditionary Force, which was formed by Du Yuming's Fifth Army, Gan Lichu's Sixth Army and Zhang Yi's Sixty-sixth Army, with a total of more than 100,000 people in 9 divisions, to ensure the smooth and safe passage of the Burma Road, because at that time the Burma Road was the only channel for the international community to transport aid to China.

Sun Liren and Qi Xueqi: Famous anti-Japanese generals who came out of Tsinghua Garden

Yunnan Burma Transport Line

In early January 1942, the Japanese 55th And 33rd Division attacked Burma from Thailand and on 8 March captured the Burmese capital, Rangoon, and then divided the troops into three routes, one of which attacked Nyan Jangyong with two companies of the 33rd Division and more than 7,000 troops, in an attempt to occupy the Nyan Jangchang oil field and refinery, and cut off the retreat route of the Anglo-Burmese Infantry Division and the 7th Armored Brigade stationed at Nyan Anh Jang.

The Anglo-Burmese army, which had already suffered a heavy blow from the Japanese army and was demoralized, was now running out of food and ammunition, and had to face a high temperature of more than 40 degrees, and the situation was more serious that the water source on which the British army depended had been completely controlled and cut off by the Japanese army, and the Anglo-Burmese army was on the verge of total collapse, and at this time, the 100,000 Chinese Expeditionary Force gathered in the Sino-Burmese border area went to Burma to support the British army in its war against Japan.

Sun Liren and Qi Xueqi: Famous anti-Japanese generals who came out of Tsinghua Garden

The Chinese Expeditionary Force marched to Burma

At 11:00 a.m. on April 17, 1942, Lieutenant General William Slime, then commander of the First Army of the Anglo-Burmese Army, personally issued a warrant requesting reinforcements from Liu Fangwu, commander of the 113th Regiment of the new Thirty-eighth Division of the Chinese Expeditionary Force closest to Ren'anqiang, which read: "To Colonel Liu Fangwu, commander of the 113th Regiment: I hereby send your officers to lead all of your regiment by car to the Pingqianghe area, where you will meet Brigadier General Antis, and he will cooperate with you with all chariots." Your mission is to attack and destroy the enemy on both sides of the highway about two miles north of the Flat Wall River. ”

Sun Liren and Qi Xueqi: Famous anti-Japanese generals who came out of Tsinghua Garden

Liu Fangwu, commander of the 113th Regiment

After obtaining the consent of the division commander Sun Liren, Liu Fangwu immediately led less than one regiment of troops to the aid of Ren'an Qiang, and launched a fierce attack on the Japanese positions in the early morning of the 18th, the Japanese army did not expect to be attacked so fiercely by the Chinese army, despite three days and nights of desperate resistance, but in the end the 113 regiment annihilated more than 1,000 people, the rest of the Japanese army was forced to abandon the corpses and retreat, all the officers and men of the 113 regiment with the cooperation of the Anglo-Burmese artillery and armored vehicles to achieve the great victory of Ren'an Qiang.

Liu Fangwu led the 113th Regiment to annihilate more than 1,000 Japanese troops with less than 1,000 troops, and repelled several times the Japanese army, and also rescued the Anglo-Burmese army that was nearly 7 times larger than himself, creating a miracle in the history of the War of Resistance Against Japan, which was the first victory won by the Chinese Expeditionary Force after entering Burma, which was also the first victory achieved by the Chinese army in a foreign land since the middle of the Qing Dynasty, and its international influence was comparable to the ping-shaped Guanda Victory created by the 115th Division of the Eighteenth Army.

Sun Liren and Qi Xueqi: Famous anti-Japanese generals who came out of Tsinghua Garden

Newspaper coverage of the year

The great victory of Ren'an Qiang immediately caused a sensation in the whole world, making soldiers from all over the world look at Chinese soldiers with great admiration, especially some British and American military generals, and also made them re-understand the important role played by China and the Chinese army in the world anti-fascist war, and thus increased military assistance to China. British officials even called the escape of 7,000 Anglo-Burmese troops at Nhan Anchan "the Dunkirk Miracle of Asia".

On January 11, 1943, the Chinese Government, the British Government and the United States Government signed the Treaty on the Abolition of Britain's Extraterritorial Jurisdiction in China and Its Related Privileges" and the "Treaty on The Cancellation of the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction of the United States in China and the Handling of Related Issues" in Chongqing and Washington, respectively, officially announcing the abolition of the privileges of Britain and the United States in China. In particular, the major international impact brought about by the Chinese army's victory in Ren'anqiang is inseparable.

After the great victory of Ren'an Qiang, Qi Xueqi went to Kasa to command the battle on the orders of Du Yuming, commander of the Fifth Army, and then served as a liaison work at the Headquarters of the Fifth Army, and since then he has acted with the Fifth Army headquarters and lost contact with the newly organized Thirty-eighth Division, Qi Xueqi met more than a dozen wounded soldiers of the new Thirty-eighth Division on the way to retreat and took them in to retreat together, but lost contact with the Fifth Army, these people encountered the Japanese army on the way to retreat, after a fierce battle, Qi Xueqi was captured due to serious injuries and coma, and the Japanese army saw that he was a senior officer. Simply bandage it and send it to the rear for treatment.

Sun Liren and Qi Xueqi: Famous anti-Japanese generals who came out of Tsinghua Garden

When Qi Xueqi woke up from his coma, he refused to change his medicine and eat in order to die quickly, and angrily rebuked the commander of the Japanese brigade who came to persuade him to surrender: "Chinese soldiers, can not be humiliated, shoot quickly, do not say more." "Even taking advantage of the fact that the other side was not ready to snatch the sabre and kill himself, he was sent by the Japanese army to the Yangon prisoner of war concentration camp for hard labor, where prisoners of war were held in China, the United States, Britain, India, the Netherlands, Burma and other nationalities prisoners of war, Qi Xueqi often used Chinese and English to preach the stories of loyal and courageous people in history, encouraging everyone to adhere to the belief that the Allies would win and welcome the arrival of the day of victory.

After the news of Qi Xueqi's capture was learned by the Wang puppet government, the puppet army minister Ye Peng and others made a special trip to Burma to persuade them to surrender, but they were severely reprimanded and scolded by Qi Xueqi, Ye Peng and others stirred up dissension among prisoners of war, and Qi Xueqi was finally seriously injured by several ethnic scum on the night of May 9, 1945, and died on the night of May 13, at this time only three months before Japan surrendered, and Qi Xueqi was also the second general to die in Burma after Dai Anlan, commander of the 200th Division.

Sun Liren, on the other hand, resisted the orders of his superior, Du Yuming, led the officers and men of the division to fight and retreat, and after nine bloody battles, finally retreated to Ramga, India, where he received American training, equipment, and reorganization from Lieutenant General Stilwell, then chief of staff of the Chinese theater.

Sun Liren and Qi Xueqi: Famous anti-Japanese generals who came out of Tsinghua Garden

The Chinese Expeditionary Force crossed the river to attack the Japanese

In October 1943, the Chinese army stationed in India began to counterattack the north of Burma, and the newly formed Thirty-eighth Division with new American equipment pounced on the Hukang River Valley like a fierce tiger, successively conquering Xinpingyang, Yubang, Taibaijia, Mengguan, and Varuban, and engaged in head-to-head confrontation with the Eighteenth Division, known as the "King of Jungle Combat", inflicting great casualties and annihilation on the Japanese army, and winning honor for the Chinese soldiers.

In December 1943, after Chiang Kai-shek and Soong Mei-ling participated in the "Cairo Conference" in Egypt, on their way back to India, they made a special trip to the Ramga U.S. Military Training Base to visit and inspect the Chinese troops stationed in India, and watched the military training of the troops, which was the best equipped, well-trained, and most effective unit in China at that time.

Sun Liren and Qi Xueqi: Famous anti-Japanese generals who came out of Tsinghua Garden

The Chinese troops stationed in India lined up for inspection

In March 1944, the Chinese army stationed in India launched a new round of counter-offensive against the Japanese army in Burma, taking advantage of the victory to launch an attack on the Menggong River Valley and occupy the Bushan Tianjian, after occupying Myitkyina, the Chinese army in India was repaired and expanded, and Sun Liren served as the commander of the newly organized First Army, under the command of the newly organized 38th Division, the newly organized 30th Division and the 50th Division.

In October 1944, the newly formed First Army attacked south along the road from Myitkyina to Bamo, and successively conquered Bamo and Nankan. At the beginning of 1945, it jointly conquered Mangyou in China with the Chinese Expeditionary Force in West Yunnan and opened the Burma Road.

Sun Liren and Qi Xueqi: Famous anti-Japanese generals who came out of Tsinghua Garden

After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Sun Liren led the newly organized First Army to garrison Guangzhou, and Qi Xueqi was praised by the Nationalist government and posthumously awarded the rank of lieutenant general of the army, his remains were airlifted to his hometown of Changsha, Hunan, and buried in Yuelu Mountain, with the passage of time, Qi Xueqi was little known, 1989 was the second year that Sun Liren regained his freedom, he did not forget his old classmate and old comrade-in-arms Qi Xueqi, sent people to find the Qi Xueqi cemetery for worship, but the Qi Xueqi cemetery fell into disrepair and was dilapidated. No one knows what kind of person Qi Xueqi really is?

Sun Liren and Qi Xueqi: Famous anti-Japanese generals who came out of Tsinghua Garden

Inscription written by Sun Liren

Sun Liren raised 6,000 US dollars for the repair of Qi Xueqi's tomb, and personally wrote the "Rebuilding the Tomb of General Qi Xueqi" and engraved it on the tombstone, so as to remember this anti-Japanese hero and show it to future generations.

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