
One scene 丨 roadside electric vehicle fire police cameo firefighter

author:Beiqing hot spot

On the morning of October 24, near the Lishuiqiao subway station in Beijing, an electric vehicle on the side of the road caught fire and was quickly extinguished by the patrol police to avoid causing a bigger fire.

One scene 丨 roadside electric vehicle fire police cameo firefighter

At 9:00 a.m. on the 24th, Yao Fugang, a police officer at the Datun Station Police Station of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau Bus Corps, and Liu Zheng, an auxiliary police officer, patrolled at the C entrance of Lishuiqiao South Station on Metro Line 5, and found that a puff of green smoke was wafting from the bicycle parking place on the side of the road.

In order to prevent more serious damage from affecting other surrounding vehicles, Yao Fugang immediately went forward to transfer the burning electric vehicle to an open place, and arranged for auxiliary police officer Liu Zheng to return to the police room to call for support and get a fire extinguisher.

Five minutes later, police officers Liu Dong, auxiliary police officers Liu Zheng and Dong Mingli rushed to the scene with fire extinguishers to quickly extinguish the fire.

After careful inspection by the police, the preliminary judgment of the electric vehicle fire cause is caused by the aging short circuit of the line, fortunately found in time, the fire did not spread to the battery, but at this time the pedals, saddles and other components of the electric vehicle have been completely burned.

When the police were about to find the owner of the electric car, Mr. Wu, who claimed to be the owner of the car, hurried out of the station. Mr. Wu said that the electric car was purchased 5 years ago and has been used for a long time, because he could not find the purchase invoice, so he has been using a temporary license plate.

Subsequently, Liu Dong took the owner of the car back to the police office for criticism and education, and Mr. Wu said that he would definitely correct it in the future.

When parting, Mr. Wu said: "If the police do not find out in time, causing a battery explosion, the consequences are unimaginable, and I will pay attention to the safe use of electric vehicles in the future." ”

Text/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Dong Zhenjie

Edit/White Dragon

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