
Wada Mitsuji passed away from throat cancer What are the early symptoms of throat cancer?

author:99 Health Net
Wada Mitsuji passed away from throat cancer What are the early symptoms of throat cancer?

【Koji Wada passed away from throat cancer】

Anime singer Koji Wada, who sang the theme song for the national anime Digimon and became popular, died of throat cancer on the 3rd at the age of 42.

Born in 1974, Wada made his debut in 1999 with the "Digimon" theme song "butter-fly", but soon after his debut, he stopped his activities due to the discovery of laryngeal cancer, returned after a year of recuperation, and experienced a recurrence of cancer in 2011 and stopped being active again.

In October 2013, Wada updated his blog to say that he would make a comeback again, and his spirit of actively receiving treatment and returning to the stage many times touched his fans, and he was called "Immortal Butterfly Anime Singer" in the fan base.

After The death of Koji Wada, the funeral will be a small funeral attended only by relatives according to the wishes of the family members, and a farewell party will be held in late April when fans can also come to pay their respects, and the specific time will be announced on the official website of Kōji Wada.

Further reading: What are the early symptoms of laryngeal cancer? How to prevent it?

The detection of early symptoms of cancer is important. So, how to detect laryngeal cancer early?

1. Paresthesias in the throat

A feeling of foreign body, urgency, or discomfort in swallowing is an early symptom of supraglottic laryngeal cancer. However, the initial symptoms of this type of cancer are often not obvious. A history can be traced back for several months. Therefore, if a foreign body sensation occurs in the pharynx, you should see a doctor in time to find laryngeal lesions early.

2. Hoarseness

Experts say hoarseness is the earliest sign of laryngeal cancer. Laryngeal cancer is a tumor that grows on the vocal cords, and even if it is small, it can cause hoarseness. Adults who have an unexplained hoarseness that lasts for more than two weeks should have a meticulous laryngeal examination and should not be taken lightly. This hoarseness may sometimes have some relief, but it will always be present.

3. Cough or cough up sputum with blood

Irritating cough due to subglottic tumor irritation, or blood in sputum. Early patients often have laryngeal discomfort. Some patients may focus on lung disease and delay diagnosis. Therefore, in the event of coughing sputum with blood should also be examined larynx.

Laryngeal cancer is more common in middle-aged and elderly men, the incidence in urban areas is higher than in rural areas, and air pollution is higher. Depending on the known causes and triggers, laryngeal cancer can be prevented by:

1. Non-smoking. Smoking directly damages organs and forms laryngeal cancer. The older the smoking, the higher the incidence. The nicotine in smoke, coal tar and the benzopyrene it produces are all carcinogens.

2. Do not drink alcohol. Long-term heavy alcohol consumption makes the throat congested and edematous, and leads to malnutrition and low immune function, laying the foundation for the formation of cancer.

3. Stay away from chemical carcinogens. Chemical carcinogens associated with laryngeal cancer include sulfur dioxide, chromium, arsenic and so on. The living and production environment is polluted by air pollution, inhalation of the above harmful gases and dust, will damage the throat, must be well protected.

4. Pay attention to precancerous lesions. Laryngeal leukoplakia is a precancerous lesion of laryngeal cancer, it is the vocal cord mucosal epithelial keratosis is poor, the white plaque that appears on the mucous membrane is a pathological change caused by upper respiratory tract infection, smoking, harmful gas stimulation, excessive use of sound, etc., which is closely related to the formation of laryngeal cancer and must be actively prevented. There are also laryngeal keratosis, chronic hypertrophic laryngitis, papillomas, etc., which must be closely observed and actively prevented.

5. Prevent the harm of poor eating habits. Some people do not distinguish between winter and summer, three friends and four friends often eat hot pot together, spicy hot stimulation continuously, but also non-stop smoking, drinking, not only on the throat, but also on the eyes, trachea, lungs, esophagus, stomach, etc. are harmful, both cause diseases, but also worsen to form cancer.

6. Be cautious in contact with radiation. Radiation is a carcinogen, when multiple or large doses of the neck to be examined or treated, it is necessary to protect it from damage, otherwise it will create conditions for the formation of laryngeal cancer. Radiological examinations should be minimized. In addition, it is necessary to continuously improve the body's immune function, attach importance to oral hygiene and prevent respiratory diseases, and avoid viral and bacterial infections; Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, some studies have confirmed that the vitamin C, carotene, vegetarian, etc. contained in it can reduce the incidence of laryngeal cancer.