
How did the festival of Easter come about and what is its significance?

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Taiwan's Guangfu Festival, referred to as "Guangfu Festival" and "Guangfu Day", is celebrated on October 25 every year and is a festival to commemorate Taiwan's liberation from Japanese colonial rule. After the Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese War, Japan colonized Taiwan. After Japan's defeat and surrender in World War II, on October 25, 1945, the Chinese government held a ceremony in Taipei City for the surrender of Taiwan Province in the Chinese Theater of Operations to Japan. In August of the following year, the Office of the Chief Executive of Taiwan Province issued an order to commemorate October 25 as "Taiwan's Restoration Day".

How did the festival of Easter come about and what is its significance?

When Taiwan was restored, Taiwan residents put up a welcome banner

On December 9, 1941, the Chinese government issued the Proclamation of the Government of the Republic of China declaring war on Japan: "It is announced that all treaties, agreements, and contracts between China and Japan, both Chinese and foreign, shall be abolished." "As a result, the Treaty of Maguan has been abrogated, and China demands that Japan return Taiwan. In 1943, the heads of government of China, the United States, and Britain held an international conference in Cairo to discuss the joint war plan against Japan and the settlement of the Far East problem. At the meeting, the Chinese government demanded that after the war, Japan must return taiwan, a Chinese territory it occupied. The Cairo Declaration adopted by the conference clearly stipulates that "the territory stolen by Japan from China, such as Manchuria, Taiwan, and the Penghu Islands, shall be returned to China." The Potsdam Proclamation, which was subsequently signed, reaffirmed this. This confirmed, in the form of an international treaty, that Taiwan (including the Penghu Islands) was part of China's territory. The representative of China solemnly announced that Taiwan and the Penghu Archipelago have officially re-entered China's territory with immediate effect. Suddenly, the applause, singing, and cheers at the venue converged into a sea of joy; the whole island of Taiwan was filled with gongs and drums, lanterns were displayed, lion dances were played, and people celebrated Taiwan's return to the embrace of the motherland with great excitement. Since the signing of the "Maguan Treaty", the people of Taiwan have finally come to an end from 50 years of colonial rule by Japanese imperialism.  

Ceremony of surrender

How did the festival of Easter come about and what is its significance?

Taiwan's restoration

Chiang Kai-shek in the Chinese theater recaptured Taiwan according to law and accepted the surrender of the Japanese army in Taiwan.

On October 25, 1945, japan's surrender ceremony in Taiwan in the Pacific Theater was held at 10:00 a.m. at Taipei Public Hall. The surrender was the Governor's Office of Taiwan under the Empire of Japan, while Chen Yi was demoted on behalf of the Supreme Commander of the Chinese Theater. On the same day, the Office of the Chief Executive of Taiwan Province was officially opened, and the office was located in the former Taipei City Office (the site of the current "Executive Yuan").  

The main participants are

Representatives of the National Government: Chen Yi, Ge Jing'en, Ke Yuanfen, Huang Chaoqin, You Mijian, Song Feiru, Li Wanju

Taiwan representatives: Lin Xiantang, Chen Qi, Huang Ronglao, Lin Maosheng

Japan National Team: Toshikichi Ando, Haruki Hiyama

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