
Side note of the 80th anniversary of the "Red Army in Dayi" historical symposium

author:Sichuan News Network
Side note of the 80th anniversary of the "Red Army in Dayi" historical symposium
Side note of the 80th anniversary of the "Red Army in Dayi" historical symposium

Chengdu, 26 May (Sichuan News Network) -- Under the setting sun, Li Zhuyan, a former cadre of the Transportation Department of the Chengdu Military Region and chairman of the board of directors of the First Village of Huashuiwan Hot Spring, stood at tangwangba, the site of the Red Army's battle, and was holding Chen Yijun, the operational staff officer of Xu Xiangqian, commander-in-chief of the Four Fronts Army, and Chen Yijun, the son of Chen Mingyi, former deputy commander of the Chengdu Military Region, following the winding cars of the Xiling Highway, marking the successful conclusion of the "Red Army dayi" historical forum.

Bring together the first village

In order to commemorate the immortal legendary chapter performed here by the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army 80 years ago. The Sichuan Provincial Tourism Association, the Party History Research Office of the Chengdu Municipal Cpc Committee and other units began on May 19 to hold a historical forum on the "Red Army in Dayi" in the first village of Huashuiwan Hot Spring in Dayi.

On the same day, more than 300 people from all over the motherland gathered at huashuiwan hot spring village under the snowy mountains of Xiling.

At the forum, the deputies participated in a series of commemorative activities, such as watching documentaries on the history of the Red Army's battles, listening to and telling traditional stories of the Red Army, visiting the sites of the Red Army's operations, and hanging the tombs of the red army martyrs.

Side note of the 80th anniversary of the "Red Army in Dayi" historical symposium
Side note of the 80th anniversary of the "Red Army in Dayi" historical symposium

The Xiling Snow Mountain, written by the poet Saint Du Fu, has long been famous in the world, but the deeds of the Red Army fighting here and establishing the Soviet government 80 years ago have added a bit of mystery to the Xiling Snow Mountain.

Li Zhuyan, who was born in the military, once worked in the theater organs and had a deep Red Army complex, he gave up the prosperous life of the metropolis, came to this red land, and established the red patriotism education base in the first village of Huashuiwan Hot Spring.

In order to hold this commemorative activity of the "Red Army in Dayi", Li Zhuyan invested more than 1 million yuan for the symposium exhibition, food and accommodation for representatives, transportation and other expenses. He told the participants that Hengshan Gang and Tangwangba are the places where the Red Army fought, and that the renovation of the tomb of the Red Army's Unknown Soldier and the installation of a flat display plaque at the memorial site in front of the tomb have been completed; the initial conditions have been met at the reception desk of the Qiu family, a villager who rescued and buried the Red Army; the sites, signs, and explanations of the Jianzi Mountain, the Pot Bottom Tai, the Walnut Ping Battlefield, and the Bunker Trenches are also being gradually improved; and the follow-up work of the "Red Army Road" signs along the way -- such as the huashuiwan junction, the Xiling Town junction, and the Hengshan Gang road junction -- is being perfected in consultation with the relevant government departments.

Li Zhuyan also briefed the deputies that the first village of Huashuiwan Hot Spring is gradually adding historical materials on the "Red Army fighting in Dayi" with the cooperation of the Sichuan Provincial and Municipal Party History Offices and other departments, and establishing key revolutionary traditional education bases at the provincial and municipal levels. Based on the Jianchuan Museum, the former residence of Yuelai Che Yaoxian, the Xiling Hengshan Gang and the first village tourist spot of Huashuiwan, it has become the first batch of Dayi one-route 'revolutionary traditional education tourism reception unit'.

Review the traditions of the Red Army

On the same day, the deputies attending the forum first reviewed the fighting style of the Red Army in that year.

Side note of the 80th anniversary of the "Red Army in Dayi" historical symposium
Side note of the 80th anniversary of the "Red Army in Dayi" historical symposium

"The majestic Hengshan Gang, the Hot Springs in Xiling, the Red Army came to my house, ate the rice and vegetable chaff and the gong sounded, the Red Army wanted to fight, and in order to investigate the suffering, men and women were busy delivering food." This song collected at the Huashuiwan Hot Spring First Village Hotel is still circulating in the Xiling area today.

General Zheng Daoguang, who was the political commissar of the Red Army Division and former deputy director of the Political Department of the Chengdu Military Region, recalled the history of the Red Army at the forum, talked about the spirit of the Long March, and improvised a poem:

The Red Army is not afraid of expeditions,

Thousands of rivers and mountains are just waiting for idleness.

Retrace the Long March today,

History is back in front of you.

Heroic and good at winning battles,

The party points the way and the faith is strong.

Inheriting the past and opening up the Chinese dream,

Two hundred years are set to be realized.

Because of the background of General Zheng Daoguangtie as the political commissar of the Red Army Division, coupled with his wonderful speeches and high-level poetry on the spot, he won endless applause.

Wang Hengfeng, former vice governor of Sichuan Province, General Peng Manshan of the former Chengdu Military Region, General Li Ming, and other veteran leaders made wonderful speeches. The founding generals led their descendants Yu Ang, Tan Lin, Tiantian, and others, as well as the families of the martyr Che Yaoxian; Fan Jianchuan of the China Jianchuan Museum; responsible persons of the party history research offices of provinces, cities, and counties; and representatives of news media inside and outside the military spoke at the forum afterward.

Lieutenant General Xu Xiaoyan, the son of Marshal Xu Qianqian, sent a congratulatory letter, "I am glad to learn that the Red Army Dayi Forum was held in huashuiwan first village on May 19, and I would like to express my warm congratulations on behalf of the whole family!" At the glorious moment of commemorating the 80th anniversary of the victory of the Red Army's Long March, we recall history, remember the martyrs, and pay high tribute to the 400 martyrs who were buried in Dayi in that magnificent revolutionary war! ”

Chen Yijun, son of Chen Mingyi, the operational staff officer of Xu Xiangqian, commander-in-chief of the Red Fourth Front, recalled the history of "General Qin Jiwei and General Chen Mingyi went to the Snow Mountain Huashui Bay in Dayi Xiling to hang on the Battlefield of the Red Army"; the descendants of those who witnessed it told historical stories such as "the Red Army attacked the enemy's bunker at night" and "I gave Zhu Zong and Xu Zong cigarette leaves";

Major General Li Ming, former deputy political commissar of the Sichuan Provincial Military Region and president of the General Calligraphy and Painting Institute, wrote "The Spirit of the Red Army Is Immortal" on the spot and donated it to the first village. Colonel Yan Jiuru, political commissar of the Armed Forces Department of the Sichuan Provincial Military Region, painted "The Red Army Is Not Afraid of Expeditions and Difficulties."

The leaders, experts and scholars attending the meeting visited the "Red Army Battle Site in Dayi" and the historical photo exhibition of the Red Army's Long March at the Huashuiwan Hot Spring First Village Hotel.

In the first village of Huashuiwan Hot Spring, when I saw a group of male and female soldiers dressed in Red Army uniforms, the delegates attending the meeting seemed to be in a long and arduous journey. General Zheng Daoguang and General Li Ming took the lead in singing the "Red Army Suite Song": "Crossing the Mountain, the Road is Long..." Immediately: "Send the Red Army down the mountain, the autumn rain is gentle and the autumn wind is cold"; "Snowy, wild" and other majestic songs echoed over the first village. Many delegates were deeply moved by this moving scene, and some people's tears came out of their eyes. General Peng Manshan said excitedly that we should inspire us to do our own work well and forge ahead courageously in the new Long March to realize the Chinese dream by recalling the Red Army, singing the songs of the Red Army, speaking about the feelings of the Red Army, and praising the spirit of the Red Army."

History links

The Long March is an earth-shattering heroic epic of the Chinese nation and a great feat unparalleled in human history. The victory of the Long March was a victory under the correct leadership of the Party Central Committee with Mao Zedong at the core, a victory in the heroic struggle of the Red Army, and a victory in the great unity of the army and the people. During the Long March, the vast number of Red Army officers and men were not afraid of difficulties and sacrifices, overcame all kinds of difficulties and dangers, and created a great miracle in human history. The great Long March has forged the great spirit of the Long March. The spirit of the Long March is an important spiritual wealth in Chinese history.

In 1935, the Kuomintang built four pillboxes outside Wangchang in Dayi County, with the Octagonal Temple as the East Pillar, the NiushiBa as the South Pillar, the Wang Ancestral Hall as the West Pillar, and the Huguang Temple as the North Pillar. The second floor of the bunker is built of green bricks, with gun holes on all sides, and the walls around the top of the bunker can be seen and grenades can be thrown. There can be 30 or 40 people in the pillar, and in addition, mud mounds have been built at the Red Temple, Flying Sheep Shop, Zhangdianzi, and Eight Shops on the main road of Qiongda Highway. These bunkers are now dismantled and dismantled, and the collapse of the collapse is gone.

In October 1935, the Red Fourth Front crossed the Jiajin Mountain and launched an attack on Baoxing, Tianquan, Lushan and Dayi. The Red Fourth Front's Army Xu Marched forward to Hengshan Gang on the border between Dayi County and Lushan County to open up an important passage to "eat rice in Chengdu"

Hengshan Gang is in the embrace of Xiling Snow Mountain, when the citizens go to Xiling Snow Mountain Chaping Village, passing through Xiling Town to Dafeishui, a Shunshan Highway on the left stretches not far away, which is Hengshan Village under Hengshan Gang. Hengshan Gang was the dividing line between Dayi and Lushan, and it was also an important pass and strategic point for trade and commerce between Chengdu, Ya'an and Aba at that time.

On November 10, 1935, the Red Fourth Front attacked Dayi ShuangheChang in three ways, the first way straight up Hengshan Gang, the second road through Tangwangba Jiaoziping, and the third passing through Huajiazi. The Red Army's forwards approached Shuanghe Field and were blocked by the 28th Army of the Sichuan Army.

On December 8, 1935, the Sichuan Army launched an attack on the Red Army garrison, and the Red Army withdrew from the Qiuhe Dam under the unfavorable conditions of the snow and closed the mountains, from the Qiuhe Dam to the area of Hengshan Gang, Huajiazi and Tangwangba, shot down a Kuomintang fighter in the battle, and intercepted the enemy's support from the Jiuding Mountain.

At Hengshan Gang, the Red Army helped the masses to establish a Soviet government, renamed Hengshan Gang "Hong Shangang", and posted slogans everywhere such as "Down with the local tyrants and inferior gentry" and "Fight the rich and help the poor", and organized the masses to carry out struggles against Ding and grain distribution. The Red Army carried out revolutionary activities in Hengshangang, leaving behind touching stories such as "the Red Army needle medicine to save the baby", "the Red Army squad leader gave a treasure knife", "Xu Xiangqian came to Hengshan Gang" and so on.

In Hengshan Gang, local villager Qiu Chaoxian found the body of a sacrificial Red Army soldier after the Red Army left, he buried the Red Army soldier in the self-cultivated land behind the house, after liberation, the teachers and students of Hengshan Primary School erected a monument in front of the Red Army grave, which read: "The Tomb of the Red Army Martyrs."

Today, in the area of Xiling Snow Mountain and Hengshan Gang, many trenches dug by the Red Army during the war are still faintly recognizable, and the hengshan gang battlefield site where the Red Army fought bloodily has been named the patriotic education base of Dayi County in 1995.