
Battle of Guanjia'an: Okazaki Brigade of 500 people, why did our army's 8 regiments, more than 2,000 people did not win? The Significance of the Hundred Regiments War at a crucial moment must be concluded with heavy losses in the Battle of Guanjia'an

author:Knife white eyebrows
Battle of Guanjia'an: Okazaki Brigade of 500 people, why did our army's 8 regiments, more than 2,000 people did not win? The Significance of the Hundred Regiments War at a crucial moment must be concluded with heavy losses in the Battle of Guanjia'an

Only the battlefield is dead for the country, why should Ma Ge wrap the body back.

Looking at China's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the Chinese army's combat effectiveness, weapons and equipment, and combat capability were all inferior to those of the Japanese army, and at that time the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression was still victorious, and the biggest reason was that the Chinese soldiers were tenacious and unremitting in their fighting spirit.

The Hundred Regiments War played a key role in China's War of Resistance Against Japan, but during the campaign, the Chinese army was not bound to win every battle, and in the Battle of Guanjia'an, the Chinese soldiers suffered great setbacks, and it was the experience gained in this battle that gave the Chinese army a new direction.

In 1940, in order to combat the arrogance of the Japanese Kou and the "sweeping" behavior of the Japanese Kou, the Chinese army launched a life-and-death struggle with the Japanese army in north China. This battle is the famous Battle of the Hundred Regiments.

Battle of Guanjia'an: Okazaki Brigade of 500 people, why did our army's 8 regiments, more than 2,000 people did not win? The Significance of the Hundred Regiments War at a crucial moment must be concluded with heavy losses in the Battle of Guanjia'an

The Battle of the Hundred Regiments was the most important battle in the history of the War of Resistance Against Japan, and this battle fought a bloody Chinese and the determination to Chinese resist Japan.

In this battle, the story of the Chinese army winning more with less has always been talked about.

During the campaign, the number of Communist regiments participated in 105 battles, and the number of participants reached 400,000.

The Chinese army fought a total of 1824 battles, large and small. The Japanese suffered 20,645 casualties, more than 5,000 puppet troops, and the Eighth Route Army suffered 17,000 casualties and poisoned more than 20,000 people.

Battle of Guanjia'an: Okazaki Brigade of 500 people, why did our army's 8 regiments, more than 2,000 people did not win? The Significance of the Hundred Regiments War at a crucial moment must be concluded with heavy losses in the Battle of Guanjia'an

Throughout the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the weapons and equipment of the Chinese army were far inferior to those of the Japanese Kou. In particular, the communist troops fighting behind enemy lines used weapons mostly to collect weapons and equipment produced by the Japanese army, puppet troops, and their own factories.

In combat, the weapons used by the Chinese Communist Party can be called pitiful compared to the sophisticated Japanese weapons. This also leads to the fact that TV dramas often appear to be extremely happy when Communist soldiers capture Japanese artillery and guns.

Weapons are sometimes the lives of warriors, and being able to collect good weapons means that casualties are reduced and the chance of victory increases, so how can people be unhappy? However, after all, the seizure was a minority, and most of the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army still fought in various battles, relying on their tenacious will and the spirit of not being afraid of death.

The so-called victory or defeat is a common thing for soldiers, Chinese soldiers are more often not as brave as in TV dramas, and blood and sacrifice on the battlefield are commonplace. The strings of numbers we see now are all living lives.

Battle of Guanjia'an: Okazaki Brigade of 500 people, why did our army's 8 regiments, more than 2,000 people did not win? The Significance of the Hundred Regiments War at a crucial moment must be concluded with heavy losses in the Battle of Guanjia'an

After the first two stages of the Hundred Regiments War, our army achieved good results, but it also completely annoyed the Japanese. They began to sweep wildly in north China, burning and looting without evil.

Adhering to the principle of preferring to kill by mistake, the villages were burned, the fields were destroyed, and the people were killed.

What is even more heinous is that in addition to the frenzied massacres of the Japanese army, there were also puppet troops, who were not only familiar with the terrain and terrain, but also had a very good understanding of the situation of the masses; they played tricks for the tiger and took the opportunity to act recklessly among the masses of the people, which once had a tremendous impact on the base areas of the Communist Party of China.

The Japanese army was menacing and invincible in combat, and our army adopted the strategy of fighting while retreating. At that time, a beautiful battle to annihilate the enemy was urgently needed to shock the enemy and boost morale. Coincidentally, near the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army, where Peng Dehuai was located, there was a Japanese soldier of about 500 people, and this unit was the famous Okazaki Brigade.

Battle of Guanjia'an: Okazaki Brigade of 500 people, why did our army's 8 regiments, more than 2,000 people did not win? The Significance of the Hundred Regiments War at a crucial moment must be concluded with heavy losses in the Battle of Guanjia'an

Although the okazaki brigade is small in number, it has a complete range of troops and a strong ability to fight individually. Although the number was small, it was also equipped with three guns and 300 shells.

In fact, in the later battles, the Communists also found that the commander of this force was very capable.

Just by spotting mortars during the battle, this unit confirmed that it had entered the main encirclement of the Eighth Route Army. Finding that there was no chance of victory, he immediately decided to abandon his position. During the escape, the unit called on the surrounding Japanese troops and built a very complete military fortification in only four hours.

And such a commander, each soldier has excellent individual combat ability, which is exactly what the Chinese army at that time lacked. But the Japanese soldiers did not know that they had touched the headquarters of the Communist army, and even the arsenal of the Communist army was not far away.

Battle of Guanjia'an: Okazaki Brigade of 500 people, why did our army's 8 regiments, more than 2,000 people did not win? The Significance of the Hundred Regiments War at a crucial moment must be concluded with heavy losses in the Battle of Guanjia'an

Yes, there was another important reason for the real start of the battle at GuanJia'an, that is, the establishment of an arsenal at the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army. The importance of this arsenal, which is the arsenal of weapons for almost all communist armies in North China, is self-evident.

When he learned that the Japanese soldiers were already near the arsenal, Peng Dehuai could not help but worry in his heart. When the enemy was counterattacked by our 25th Army, he began to flee wildly.

Peng Dehuai ordered that this Japanese army must be taken down and that the tiger could not be returned to the mountains.

However, this Japanese army is too strong in combat capability and its weapons are advanced. When they fled to Guanjia'an, the pursuing Communist forces did not stop, and the local terrain was very suitable for combat, and the decision was made immediately to build fortifications in the local area to wait for reinforcements.

Battle of Guanjia'an: Okazaki Brigade of 500 people, why did our army's 8 regiments, more than 2,000 people did not win? The Significance of the Hundred Regiments War at a crucial moment must be concluded with heavy losses in the Battle of Guanjia'an

Guanjia'an is a high terrain, and there is only a 30 cm wide path leading to the top, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack. In order to completely annihilate this unit, the troops of the Eighth Route Army could only continuously launch general offensives. In the fierce battle, the Eighth Route Army suffered very heavy losses.

In the Battle of Guanjia'an, although the Chinese army was large in number, the other side occupied an excellent terrain. There were also very good fortifications, so the front could only be pushed forward with difficulty.

The Japanese knew that at this time, they could only wait for reinforcements.

After continuous general offensives, our army has taken every step very difficult. Soon, Japanese reinforcements arrived, and they sent bombers to bomb indiscriminately above the battle, while Japanese reinforcements continued to arrive.

The Battle of Guan Jia'an was later adapted from the TV series "Bright Sword" and made into a film and television drama, but in fact, the Battle of Guan Jia'an at that time was far more tragic than that presented in the TV series.

Battle of Guanjia'an: Okazaki Brigade of 500 people, why did our army's 8 regiments, more than 2,000 people did not win? The Significance of the Hundred Regiments War at a crucial moment must be concluded with heavy losses in the Battle of Guanjia'an

Our army suffered more than 2,000 casualties, while the Japanese army suffered no more than 100 casualties.

In desperation, Peng Dehuai could only order to retain his strength and withdraw from the battle. This battle also made Peng Dehuai lament in the years that followed that it was one of the most defeated battles. After the battle was completely over, Peng Dehuai personally inspected the battlefield situation at that time and restored the combat situation at that time.

From this battle, our army absorbed the combat methods of the Japanese army and the construction of fortifications at that time. Defeat is not terrible, but the smartest thing about the Chinese military is that it can sum up its experience and fight again next time.

Battle of Guanjia'an: Okazaki Brigade of 500 people, why did our army's 8 regiments, more than 2,000 people did not win? The Significance of the Hundred Regiments War at a crucial moment must be concluded with heavy losses in the Battle of Guanjia'an

Most of the soldiers in the Communist army come from the masses who have not undergone professional training, and the so-called veterans are also slowly accumulating experience through continuous fighting, and it is the consistent practice of the Communist Party of China to learn to fight in battle and learn from the enemy, so even if it fails, it is never discouraged.

It is precisely with this spirit of continuous learning, coupled with the courage to not be afraid of sacrifice in every battle, that China was able to drive out the invaders. Only then can the Chinese nation stand tall on the world stage in modern society.

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