
What does the king glory Cai Wenji's line mean What does Cai Wenji's line monologue mean analysis

author:Strait Net

The meaning of the king glory Cai Wenji's lines was finally revealed after Lan went online, many people were speculating about the meaning of Cai Wenji's lines before, this time they finally knew that it was related to Lan, and the meaning of Cai Wenji's lines will be specifically introduced below, including the relationship between Cai Wenji and Lan, and those who are interested can take a look.

What does the king glory Cai Wenji's line mean What does Cai Wenji's line monologue mean analysis

King Glory Cai Wenji's line monologue meaning analysis

Cai Wenji's lines

1. The beautiful girl who flies on the battlefield, the big active q~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

2, ~ left three circles, right three circles, twist a twist, turn a turn..... People are also Lolita control ~.

3, how big the heart is, how exciting the stage is

4, the male god is Lord Mengde, the favorite pet is Adian, and the dream is to raise an alpaca

5, be a fanatical and wayward witch, bring home a handsome boyfriend ~ ~

6) Adults are evil, terrible, and liaring creatures

7, don't bully me, will make you cry yo ~ ~ ~ ~

8, the baby is not happy, the baby has a small mood

9, tease ~ ~ you ~ ~ play

10. La-la-

11. The legendary brainwashing song!

12, people play, fight cheers ~ ~

13, sadistic, healthier ~

14, the appearance is not enough and disobedient, tell your parents yo!

15, uh ~ the girl's heart is broken

What does the king glory Cai Wenji's line mean What does Cai Wenji's line monologue mean analysis

As we all know, Cai Wenji is a small talker in the game, and among the many heroes of the glory of the king, Cai Wenji is also a hero with more dubbing lines. I don't know if everyone noticed, There is a sentence in Cai Wenji's line: "Be a fanatical and wayward witch, bring your handsome boyfriend home", many players even including You Xiaoyu himself, did not find the problem in this line, until the announcement of the new hero Lan cg animation, only to find that the person Cai Wenji wants to bring home is not a boyfriend, but a "Lan friend".

Until now, Cai Wenji's official CP has finally been officially announced, not Cao Cao as we imagined, nor the pet Ah Dian, but the handsome Wei Du assassin Lan. Then there will be more questions here, as a Wei Du assassin, why would Lan assassinate Cai Wenji of the same camp? And in the cg animation, we can also see that in order to protect Cai Wenji, Lan also met with the military master Sima Yi and the person who adopted him, Cao Cao? Here we have to start from the heroic world view of the king's glory Hongda.

What does the king glory Cai Wenji's line mean What does Cai Wenji's line monologue mean analysis

Contradictory assassinations

First of all, we have to determine the relationship that Lan himself belongs to the assassins cultivated by Cao Cao, and Cai Wenji is Cao Cao's adopted righteous daughter, and Cao Cao sent Lan to assassinate Cai Wenji, which is originally a very contradictory plot, but what we have to see is that in the background plot of the glory of the king, Cao Cao played a big chess game, in order to end the situation of the three worlds, Cao Cao killed the Cai clan who was proficient in magic, and Cai Wenji was the only survivor in the family, and then Cao Cao told the young Cai Wenji that the murderer was Zhuge Liang who was far away in the Shu kingdom. Since then, Cai Wenji has fully trusted Cao Cao, and even considered him to be his own "male god lord".

What does the king glory Cai Wenji's line mean What does Cai Wenji's line monologue mean analysis

In order to obtain the weapons of mass destruction left by the ancients, Cao Cao began to deceive Cai Wenji, and Zhuge Liang also became a veritable "back pot man", at the same time Cao Cao has always believed that Cai Wenji has the key to open the ancient ruins, but he cannot deceive this key, taking into account the big lie he had previously told To Cai Wenji, so he sent his assassin Lan to act instead of himself, but Cao Cao completely miscalculated this time, because Lan, who was loyal to him, had emotional fluctuations in this operation.

What does the king glory Cai Wenji's line mean What does Cai Wenji's line monologue mean analysis

Emotionless lan

As a natural assassin, Lan has never had his own time, numbness and assassination compiled the first half of his life, so at the beginning of the cg animation, Lan zi dialogue has a sentence: "It rains again, I don't know why, every time I carry out a mission, it will rain", a short sentence highlights Lan's lonely state of mind, no relatives and friends and freedom, all he has is obedience and endless killing, which also lays the groundwork for his assassination of Cai Wenji to protect Cai Wenji.

What does the king glory Cai Wenji's line mean What does Cai Wenji's line monologue mean analysis

Ripples of emotion

When the two were stranded on a desert island, Lan woke up to find that it was Cai Wenji who saved himself, and he put down the short blade in his hand for the first time, originally Cai Wenji saved himself, and he let Go Of Cai Wenji, it can be said that the two people were evened, but from the moment he put down the blade, Lan was no longer the cold-blooded killer. As the master of the water, Lan said that this is an isolated island, and he couldn't walk for a while and a half, and then even caught fish with Cai Wenji, picked fruit, built a wooden house and watched meteors, which was clearly the feeling of the official CP, in fact, at this time, Lan had been completely impressed by the naïve Cai Wenji.

What does the king glory Cai Wenji's line mean What does Cai Wenji's line monologue mean analysis

Later, Cao Cao took Sima Yi and the soldiers to find here, after seeing That Cai Wenji was in danger, Lan actually fought with Sima Yi and Cao Cao, and even later blocked Cao Cao's blade for Cai Wenji, from here we can already see that Lan likes Cai Wenji, a naïve little cute sister, so at this time Lan sacrificed for love?

What does the king glory Cai Wenji's line mean What does Cai Wenji's line monologue mean analysis

Lan finally gained a new journey

Here we find lan's backstory, which says that "Lan escaped with the protective shell of life Cai Wenji, he turned his back on his former self, broke away from Cao Cao and Wei Ying, and finally became himself again, and started his new journey." Moreover, in the relationship diagram of the glory of the king, Cai Wenji confessed that Lan was an older brother, and Lan also became a person with endless troubles in Sima Yi's mouth because of his betrayal of Wei Ying, so the ending is that Lan not only did not die, but had his own freedom.

What does the king glory Cai Wenji's line mean What does Cai Wenji's line monologue mean analysis

In addition, the introduction of Lan's camp in the game is also a feature, his label in the camp turned out to be Wu Guo, and the identity is marked with the former Wei Capital Killer, so Lan, who is in a desperate situation in the cg animation, should be rescued by the Wu Guo camp, protecting his beloved, but also out of the control of Cao Cao and Wei Ying, Lan truly became a free person, and will no longer experience that eternal loneliness.

Source: Game Bird

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