
Oolong tea classification encyclopedia, like the basic knowledge of oolong to get started (collection)

author:Geography of Tea Sources in China

Oolong tea, also known as green tea, was created in the Ming and Qing dynasties. Anxi tea farmers on the basis of green tea method developed into oolong tea method, first introduced to northern Fujian, Guangdong, and then introduced to Taiwan, in Japan oolong tea is also very popular.

The tea maker of oolong tea is definitely the most respectable "craftsman" in the tea industry. The combination of different varieties of fire and different processes has made the wonderful and diverse notes of oolong tea "perfume" conquer a group of old tea customers. So, how many varieties of craftsmanship are there? Today, we can rationalize the origin, form and degree of fermentation.

1 by origin //

➤ Minnan oolong tea

Oolong tea classification encyclopedia, like the basic knowledge of oolong to get started (collection)

In addition to Tieguanyin, The Golden Guinon, Yongchun Buddha's Hand, and Southern Fujian Daffodil also belong to Southern Fujian Oolong.

"Tieguanyin" is both the name of the tea and the name of the tea plant variety, the shape of this tea is tightly knotted, some are shaped like a scale hook, some resemble dragonfly heads, because caffeine evaporates with the water, forming a layer of white frost on the surface, called "sand green frost". After brewing, the aroma is fragrant, full of raw incense, and the bottom of the throat is sweet, which can be called seven bubbles with residual fragrance.

➤ Northern Fujian oolong tea

Oolong tea classification encyclopedia, like the basic knowledge of oolong to get started (collection)

The most important thing in Northern Fujian Oolong is Wuyi Rock Tea. Wuyi Mountain has a wide variety of tea plants, in addition to the five famous bushes, Wuyi cinnamon, Wuyi daffodils, there are also many fine products, and the selection and breeding of excellent varieties of a single plant is called Wuyi mingcong, the other can be called Wuyi strange species, can also be called Wuyi vegetable tea. Da Hong Pao is the best quality and most famous of Wuyi Rock Tea.

Wuyi rock tea has a fat and uniform appearance, tight knots and curls, lustrous color, and frog skin-like bubbles on the back of the leaves. The color is sand green brown yellow, the leaf base, leaf margin vermilion or red dots, the center is dark green. Drink this tea, the aroma is strong, the leaves are rich, the fresh slip is sweet, and it has a special "rock rhyme".

➤ Guangdong oolong tea

Oolong tea classification encyclopedia, like the basic knowledge of oolong to get started (collection)

Guangdong oolong is famous for single bushes, the most famous is the phoenix single bush, in addition to the Lingtou single bush, Shiguping oolong and phoenix daffodils, as for the rest are called phoenix wave dish.

Oolong tea classification encyclopedia, like the basic knowledge of oolong to get started (collection)

Phoenix single bush is produced in Chaozhou City, Guangdong Province, Phoenix Mountain area, tea shape is strong, leaf color light yellow with slight green, soup color yellow bright lining green, high aroma, many brewing, aftertaste is not scattered, sweet taste is particularly present. Among them, there are many types of fragrances, and the ten major fragrance types are the most prominent.

➤ Taiwanese oolong tea

Oolong tea classification encyclopedia, like the basic knowledge of oolong to get started (collection)

Taiwan oolong tea was introduced to Taiwan from Fujian in the Qing Dynasty, which is mainly divided into two types, one is baozhong tea, and the most famous is Wenshan baoshi. The other is Taiwanese oolong tea, pekoe oolong, frozen top oolong are famous in the world.

Oolong tea classification encyclopedia, like the basic knowledge of oolong to get started (collection)

Of course, there are varieties such as Jinxuan, Jade Jade, Muli TieGuanyin, etc., and most of the others can be called Taiwan alpine oolong tea.

2 By Pattern //

The appearance of oolong tea mainly includes strips, granular shapes and other forms, as well as some other special shapes.

➤ Cord-shaped oolong tea

Common ones are Wenshan Bao species, Wuyi rock tea, phoenix single bush and so on.

➤ Granular oolong tea

Common ones are Tieguanyin, Frozen Top Oolong and so on.

➤ Bunch shaped oolong tea

Octagonal Pavilion Dragon Whisker Tea is a tea bundled into bunches.

➤ Clump type oolong tea

Zhangping Daffodil is a pressed tea in oolong tea.

Oolong tea classification encyclopedia, like the basic knowledge of oolong to get started (collection)

3 By degree of fermentation //

Depending on the degree of fermentation, oolong tea can generally be divided into light fermented tea (about 10%-25%), moderately fermented tea (about 25%-50%), and heavy fermented tea (about 50%-70%).

➤ Lightly fermented oolong tea

Oolong tea classification encyclopedia, like the basic knowledge of oolong to get started (collection)

Mildly fermented oolong tea is represented by Wenshan Baozhong tea and fragrant Tieguanyin. The degree of fermentation of Wenshan Baozhong tea is the lightest among oolong teas, about 8%-10%. The roasting is also light, which is closer to green tea in comparison, and is unique among oolong teas.

The fragrant Tieguanyin is a popular light fermented oolong tea with a fermentation degree of 15%-20%. "Clear soup green water" is the representative feature of the fragrant Tieguanyin.

Compared with the traditional "green leaf red edged" oolong tea in Fujian, the "fragrant" oolong tea has obvious "three green" characteristics: that is, dry tea green, soup color green, leaf bottom green. After brewing, the aroma is fragrant and lasting, the tea soup is bright and bottomed, the entrance is raw, the throat is sweet and smooth, the charm is strong, and the tender fragrance is sweet.

➤ Moderately fermented oolong tea

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The fermentation degree of "fragrant" oolong tea produced by traditional crafts is generally heavier, which belongs to moderate fermentation, mainly representing the traditional production method of Tieguanyin, Wuyi Rock Tea, Northern Fujian Daffodil and Guangdong Phoenix Single Cong.

For example, northern Fujian Oolong, its appearance is thick and tight, the color is blue-brown and oily, commonly known as "Baoguang". The soup color is dark orange yellow or orange red, showing golden circles, the leaf bottom is thick and soft, the flower and fruit aroma is rich and long, and the taste is rich and sweet. Generally, its fermentation degree can be as high as about 50%.

➤ Heavily fermented oolong tea

Oolong tea classification encyclopedia, like the basic knowledge of oolong to get started (collection)

▲ Oriental beauty

Heavily fermented oolong tea, non-pekoe oolong tea. Pekoe oolong, also known as Oriental Beauty, is a unique famous tea in Taiwan, is the heaviest degree of fermentation in oolong tea, the general fermentation degree of 60%, some even to 80%.

Its appearance is full of branches and leaves, the white is revealed, the soup is amber in color, with honey or ripe fruit aromas, and the taste is sweet and mellow.

Are you a "fan" of oolong tea? What kind of oolong do you usually like to drink? ( ̄ ︶  ̄)

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