
On the reversal of the poetic Tao Junyan, from "Grammatical Control" to "Grammatical Control"

author:But not in the same landscape

Guess the surname in the lonely flat sentence

Splendid civilization if you understand, poetry and song to the door red.

The riddle is in this poet's surname, but it is not in the same scene.

On the reversal of the poetic Tao Junyan, from "Grammatical Control" to "Grammatical Control"

Exterior view

Hello Doctor, I am "not together" (pen name is too long and troublesome, but "only in the same scene" is a surname mystery, the original surname, is there a shooting tiger general? )。

We are all fake Sven, and I guess my Dr. Tibetan poem was very popular a few days ago, so I also imitated the "friends" of the poetry society. Emulate this is a patent such as Er.

I, myself, "read" the Doctor's "Seven Absolute Arias with Thorny Roses (Outer One)". It can be seen that the doctor in the early years was a "law control", how to go through several years of tempering, but "suddenly woke up", in the end what happened to the law, or what you did with the law, how to hold a grudge, became a "control law"! The "Control Law" has been given to you from now on.

Sui my bold personality, there is no need for the doctor to exchange a concubine, I will send you together: an analysis of your two poems.

On the reversal of the poetic Tao Junyan, from "Grammatical Control" to "Grammatical Control"

Dr. Doctor, are you pulling on a bunch of empty lines and pulling so long in order to delay reading time? So many graphs, is it for traffic? Interesting? Cut you!


Seven AbsoluteS with Thorny Roses

仄仄平平仄仄,仄平仄仄仄平平。 (Rhyme)

Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping (Rhyme)

Flat and rhyming are in place, the standard seven absolute forms. There should be applause here, crackling, popping! This last sound is a slap in the face.

It was chaotic, and the saliva sprayed me all over.

(1) The independent court has a thorn in the body,

What does it mean that assassins are under siege? Not funny, the poetry Qicheng sentence after reading the zhiyi method is that I know that a rose is planted in the small courtyard.

But aside from the instructional words "independent court", does the description of "with thorns" depict beauty? It provoked goosebumps all over the body.

Seven absolutes is a modified version of the words and sentences of the five absolutes, how did the doctor make it up?

Hug Chu Han around the tattoo branches

How is it? The appearance and characteristics of roses are all there. Whether "around the tattoo branches" is much more elegant, "Chu Han" uses an allusion, referring to the wooden letter that buys beads and returns the tree, that is, embellished with roses. This describes the flower color as a jewel.

(2) Quietly and finely disperse the fragrance.

Quietly superimposed fine, colloquial around the tongue, vulgar, plus the word "scattered", more saliva. Fragrant, there is no more.

The empty court resembles a scattered bead

How is it? In the courtyard, here is the supplement for you. Beads, meaning beauty, beauty emitted of course is the aroma of people, why must be the aroma, because the "empty court" no one. Yes, around! Poetry is used to wrap around, around your heart, around your God. It's not like you and the "inhuman" are tongue-around.

(3) Wind, frost, snow and rain go by him,

Wind, frost, snow and rain, unadorned. By him to go? Well, so the colloquial language is also up to him. But what can such a bland sentence do? What can you elicit for the prickly flowers?

Meal creams are subject to rain and wind

How is it? Really feel and respond. This kind of transfer has an effect.

(4) Bitter, spicy, sour and sweet I would rather taste.

It turned out to be something that was resigned to it. Is this the poetry of the rose, the rose in the eyes of the doctor? Stabbed! Did you deliberately stab? Off-topic, poetry is powerless.

You have to deceive me again and again

How is it? This is the real "can be viewed from a distance and can not be blasphemed". This is the rose, and it is the meaning of what I want to express in my poem!

(5) Title: Rose. The word thorn is superfluous, who does not know?

Roses / but not in the same scene

Seven Absolutes Wing Thorny Roses / Poetry Junyan Early Original Gelug Square Dance

The independent court has thorns in its body

Quietly disperse the fragrance

Wind frost snow and rain go by him

Bittersweet and sour I'd rather taste it

The two poems are compared, and the judgment is made.

The problem is that the doctor at that time was "grammatical physics control", and he did not pay attention to his mind at all, full of words.

The blunt confrontation between the two is a manifestation of "physical control", and perhaps he is still complacent. But I have to ask: What is the point of that? What's so interesting? Therefore, it is better to have an uninteresting confrontation than nothing, and at this point, Jin Jun is right.

I declare again: Poetry is not ordinary speech, but heart-to-heart communication. Therefore, try to use Ya language as much as possible, walk your heart, not walk your mouth, let alone walk down your mouth. In the same way, the reader will be distracted.


Seven tricks

Servants are equal to each other, and the law of life and discipline consumes the mind.

How many pedantic people there are, everything will eventually be a cloud.

Two one, drama title. The opening sentence is full of fun, which will directly enter the poem of "Ping Ping Shu", which I got tired of playing a few years ago. By the way, visits are yours! Just kidding, kidding.

The problem is that after a few spring and autumn poems floating and sinking, the doctor probably choked on a lot of water. I choked on the same water, but it all remained in my stomach and became ink. But in the heart of the doctor, it is bitter water, not spitting unhappy, the "grid control" of that year complained about today's "control of the law".

Doctor, this "drama title" you still mean to mark "seven absolute"? And not to mention the flat, rhyming is wrong, even if Bo Qishi is a new rhyme, it is also wrong!

Should not be marked "seven absolute", the standard "gas absolute"!

Forget it, you've "controlled the law" anyway. However, the level of the Doctor of Literature is actually not as good as that of my pawn Bai Ding, and I think that the "Seven LianZai" of the believers and peddlers will be more dramatic and sound than the Doctor's "absolute breath".

(1) 仄仄平平仄仄平,

After picking up people's teeth, do not comment.

(2) Raw and critical lattice law consumes the mind.

It was the doctor himself who was "raw cutting", and I sent you "horse for concubine" yesterday. If you don't understand, you can find a "non-human" to study together. Chinese culture may not be something that you, a doctor of literature, can understand (the difference between culture and literature is related to poetry, and I have the heart to talk about it later). The "poetry king" in Beijing should understand, and the "haitang master" is even more out of the question.

(3) how many pedantic people there are,

At the end of the previous paragraph, it is your own pedantry. So many people can understand and you don't understand. Isn't you pedantic who is pedantic? I choke into the ink and you choke into the bitter water, who do you blame? Who is pedantic?

(4) Everything ends up in a cloud.

Sick sentence! Doctor, please ask your primary school Chinese teacher to correct this sentence, and don't cry to death.

Understand that you want to say empty, empty like floating clouds, floating clouds scattered by themselves.

But you have defined "one piece"! Not two or half, but "one piece". i.e. "Yes".

It all comes down. Not a sick sentence, what is it, an anti-sentence?

The so-called near Zhu is red, and near ink is black. I saved you three times and twice, and you were not moved. Look at you, two days after the "inhuman" ass, what are you inhaling? I won't say that word, and the headline won't let me.

Seven Absolute Drama Gifts / But not in the same scene

Servants are equal, and they hate ignorance.

But see the green shirts, everything is floating and falling day by day.

On the reversal of the poetic Tao Junyan, from "Grammatical Control" to "Grammatical Control"

Through the window, photographed in Hu Xueyan's former residence

On the reversal of the poetic Tao Junyan, from "Grammatical Control" to "Grammatical Control"
