
Qiu Xiang's real name is Lin Nu'er, at least twenty years older than Tang Bohu? (1) Family decline (2) Tang Bohu's origin of Qiu Xiang (3) Qiu Xiang's real name is Lin Nu'er

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Text/Jun's Remembrance

Qiu Xiang's real name is Lin Nu'er, at least twenty years older than Tang Bohu? (1) Family decline (2) Tang Bohu's origin of Qiu Xiang (3) Qiu Xiang's real name is Lin Nu'er

Tang Bohu, also known as Tang Yin, a Ming Dynasty man, claimed to be the first talented man in Jiangnan, he was erudite and knowledgeable, and could be described as proficient in poetry and painting.

Tang Bohu gave everyone the impression that the family was rich and elegant, and he also staged a wonderful drama of "Tang Bohu dotting autumn incense".

So, is "Tang Bohu DotIng Autumn Fragrance" a real thing, or is it a beautiful folklore?

Qiu Xiang's real name is Lin Nu'er, at least twenty years older than Tang Bohu? (1) Family decline (2) Tang Bohu's origin of Qiu Xiang (3) Qiu Xiang's real name is Lin Nu'er

Tang Bohu was born in a family of merchants, intelligent and studious since childhood, but his life can be described as a fateful fate, his parents and sister died one after another when he was twenty years old, and his family's wealth has since declined, fortunately, he has been able to study hard with the support of his friends.

Kung Fu paid off, and at the age of twenty-nine, he took part in the township examination and won the first place with excellent results, that is, Xie Yuan, and the folk called Tang Bohu Tang Xieyuan.

Tang Bohu entered Beijing at the age of thirty to participate in the examination, and fate once again tricked him, and he was implicated in the fraud of the scientific expedition for no reason, and from then on he was discouraged and vowed not to step into his career again.

When he was frustrated in life, his wife was a woman who hated poverty and loved the rich, and seeing that Tang Bohu had no hope for the future, he proposed separation, and the husband and wife turned against each other.

At the time when Tang Bohu was most desperate, Shen Jiuniang, a famous prostitute in Suzhou, appeared, although she came from the land of fireworks, she also longed for true love, and admired Tang Bohu's talent very much.

But the heavens did not go according to people's wishes, and soon, Shen Jiuniang also passed away, and Tang Bohu was devastated and vowed not to continue the string from now on.

Qiu Xiang's real name is Lin Nu'er, at least twenty years older than Tang Bohu? (1) Family decline (2) Tang Bohu's origin of Qiu Xiang (3) Qiu Xiang's real name is Lin Nu'er

The story of "Tang Bohu Dots Qiu Xiang" first came from the Ming Dynasty Wang Tongji's novel "Ear Talk", but the protagonist of the story is not Tang Bohu but Suzhou Talent Chen Yuanchao, who has a debauched personality and a gentlemanly personality, and happens to meet Qiu Xiang unexpectedly.

Qiu Xiang inadvertently smiled at Chen Gongzi, so he secretly had feelings, which produced the story of Chen Yuanchao's Qiu Xiang, but in Feng Menglong's hands, it became the familiar "Tang Xieyuan YiXiao Marriage".

The change of the protagonist of this story actually has a profound social background, Tang Bohu lives in a period of rapid economic development, and Suzhou is precisely a gathering place of various economies and cultures, the economic foundation determines the superstructure, and the economic prosperity is reflected in the corresponding performance in culture.

The middle and lower classes of intellectuals at that time had a strong rebellious mind, they expected spiritual freedom, anti-tradition of thought, unfettered etiquette, and they needed a person who could guide them spiritually, and such a person must have rebellious thoughts.

And Tang Bohu itself has these characteristics, so various literary and artistic works have interpreted some informal, libertine-shaped skeleton images into the story of Tang Bohu.

Qiu Xiang's real name is Lin Nu'er, at least twenty years older than Tang Bohu? (1) Family decline (2) Tang Bohu's origin of Qiu Xiang (3) Qiu Xiang's real name is Lin Nu'er

So qiu xiang, this woman, is there really someone in history? Who is Qiu Xiang? Qiu Xiang lived in the middle of the Ming Dynasty, but her age was at least twenty years older than Tang Bohu, and it was really unimaginable that something would happen between the two of them!

Qiu Xiang's real name is Lin Nu'er, and she is a famous prostitute in Jinling.

According to the Ming Dynasty's "History of Painting", Qiu Xiang learned to paint shi Tingzhi and Wang Yuanfu, and the pen was the clearest.

One is a Jiangnan talent, the other is a famous prostitute in Jiangnan, if two people have such a story of "pointing autumn incense", then its explosiveness and influence can be seen!

Another person who had contact with Qiu Xiang actually had some relationship with Tang Bohu, and this person was Shen Zhou, Tang Bohu's painting teacher.

According to the "Jinling Trivia", Qiu Xiang once studied painting with Shen Zhou, as evidenced by poetry: Linjiang Immortal Title Lin Nu'er (i.e. Qiu Xiang) Landscape Painting: Dance rhymes and songs are folded, and Dan Qing left fang name.

In fact, this poem also has an ambiguous component, which means that the past has become a cloud of smoke and dissipated in front of each other's eyes, and even if they say goodbye, they can't see my grievances.

Whether it is Chen Yuanchao's transformation into Tang Bohu in the novel, or Feng Menglong's "Tang Xieyuan's Smile and Marriage", people expect to transmit a positive energy through a young man with a rebellious spirit like Tang Bohu.

Warn people to fight for their ideals, bravely pursue freedom and love, pursue individual liberation, and pursue a regret-free life.

Qiu Xiang's real name is Lin Nu'er, at least twenty years older than Tang Bohu? (1) Family decline (2) Tang Bohu's origin of Qiu Xiang (3) Qiu Xiang's real name is Lin Nu'er

【Author's Profile】Jun Zhiyi, a lover of literature and history.


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