
Watch out! Eating this seasonal fruit can get sick, and Hangzhou is on the market in large quantities!

author:Hangzhou release

At present, it is the season when a large number of lychees are listed, and people who like lychees have a good mouth, and some people "eat 1 kilogram of lychees a day, dizzy and weak into the hospital"... What is the truth? Take a look.

Can delicious lychees still make people sick?

Watch out! Eating this seasonal fruit can get sick, and Hangzhou is on the market in large quantities!

Lychees are sweet and delicious, and the taste is tempting, and it is inevitable that people will eat two more. However, when a large amount of lychee is consumed at one time on an empty stomach, it may trigger a hypoglycemic reaction, with dizziness, fatigue, palpitation, pale face, dizziness, fainting and other symptoms of hypoglycemia, and in severe cases, there will be severe conditions such as cold limbs, fine pulse, decreased blood pressure, convulsions, dyspnea, and decreased blood pressure. This is what we often call "lychee disease".

But lychees are so sweet, why does it cause hypoglycemia?

Watch out! Eating this seasonal fruit can get sick, and Hangzhou is on the market in large quantities!

One is

Lychee contains a lot of fructose, stimulates the secretion of insulin, and easily triggers hypoglycemia. When people are on an empty stomach, their blood sugar is at a low level. At this time, a large amount of lychee is eaten, and the fructose will be converted into a large amount of glucose in a short period of time, stimulating the secretion of insulin, resulting in a decrease in blood sugar.

Second, litchi seeds contain hypoglycin a (hypoglycin-a) and α-methylenecyclopropyl glycine ( α - (methylenecyclopropyl) glycine, mcpg), which inhibit normal fat oxidation and gluconeogenesis, exacerbate hypoglycemia in the fasting period at night, and destroy the body's self-protection mechanism, resulting in severe hypoglycemic reactions and explosive encephalopathy attacks. And because the content of these two types of substances in immature lychees is significantly higher, eating immature lychees is more likely to get sick.

Can you still eat lychees? What should I do if I have "lychee disease"?

First of all, it is necessary to control the amount of consumption, and do not eat too much at a time. According to the "Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents", 200 to 350 grams of fruit should be eaten every day, so it is recommended that normal adults should not exceed 10-15 pills at a time, and young children, weak eaters and diabetics should take 3-5 pills each time.

Watch out! Eating this seasonal fruit can get sick, and Hangzhou is on the market in large quantities!

Secondly, the time to eat is exquisite: do not eat lychees on an empty stomach, hungry for a long time and before breakfast, let alone take lychees as a meal. Be careful not to eat unripe lychees.

Third, when suffering from tonsillitis, laryngitis, constipation and diabetes, lychees should be eaten with caution. Adults generally drink sugar water will alleviate, severe cases should be timely medical treatment. Relatively speaking, adults have better blood sugar regulation ability, and the elderly and children are relatively poor, so the disease develops quickly and symptoms appear relatively quickly. If the child's symptoms are serious, he should be sent to the hospital for treatment in time.

Pay attention to eating these fruits in the summer!

In early summer, seasonal fruits such as bayberry and lychee are the same, but some fruits are the same as lychees, and eating the wrong thing is likely to get "fruit disease":


Watch out! Eating this seasonal fruit can get sick, and Hangzhou is on the market in large quantities!

Bayberry is a fruit with a relatively high organic acid content. People with indigestion, excessive stomach acid, and gastroesophageal reflux, such as eating too much bayberry at a time, not only cannot achieve the effect of "antidiarrhea", but also stimulate the stomach and intestines, making people "diarrhea". At the same time, people with toothache should not eat more, and pregnant women should also be properly controlled.


Bayberry is relatively intolerant to storage, easy to deteriorate, has an alcohol smell, should be placed in the shade of gout, it is best to put it in the refrigerator. When consuming bayberry, it is best to soak it in salt water for 10-20 minutes.

Bayberry nucleus is relatively hard, can not be absorbed by the human body, if swallowed too much at one time, it is easy to accumulate in the stomach and intestines, causing intestinal obstruction, especially in people with gastrointestinal underlying diseases, swallowing a large number of bayberry nuclei is easy to cause bleeding, perforation, intestinal obstruction and other conditions.


Watch out! Eating this seasonal fruit can get sick, and Hangzhou is on the market in large quantities!

Some people will experience allergy symptoms such as itchy skin and flushing after eating pineapple. This is because pineapple contains two main sensitizing substances: bromelain and glycosides, and allergic reactions may occur after eating some allergic constitutions. If you are allergic to this, you may have abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, itching and other allergic symptoms within 1 to 2 hours, especially in children with poor immune development and delicate skin, which is more likely to cause allergies.

Soak in salt water before eating pineapple to break down allergic substances and reduce the occurrence of allergic reactions. Cooking pineapple is also a method (taste will be affected). People who have confirmed allergies to pineapple should not consume it. If fainting occurs, it should be sent to the hospital in time, and mild allergies should be taken orally with anti-allergic drugs under the guidance of a doctor.


Watch out! Eating this seasonal fruit can get sick, and Hangzhou is on the market in large quantities!

Mango contains fruit acids, amino acids, proteins, urushiol, kaduphenol and the aldehyde acid of immature mango are all potential allergens that can irritate the mucous membranes of the skin and cause allergies. Some people after eating or touching mango, will have red lips, swollen and numb, itchy and burning throat, rash on the face and limbs, which can be accompanied by slight edema, and some people will also have abdominal pain, diarrhea, etc., which is often called mango disease.

People who are allergic to mangoes can try cutting the mango into small pieces and taking it directly into the mouth to avoid touching the skin of the lips or beating it with a blender to make mango juice and suck it with a straw. If allergic symptoms occur, stop eating immediately, see a doctor in time, and avoid washing and scalding with hot water and soap, and avoid eating irritating foods.

Source/Municipal Health Commission