
【Health】Many cancers are "provincial"! These 6 habits are too hurtful, and many people have them!

author:Guangdong Health Information

It was learned from the epidemic prevention and control team of the Guangdong Provincial New Crown Pneumonia Prevention and Control Command Office that according to the current situation of the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in the province, our province has adjusted the epidemic prevention and control measures such as the negative nucleic acid certificate in the province. Details→ [Heavy] From now on, the policy of leaving Guangdong has changed!

Nowadays, the incidence of cancer is gradually increasing, and countless fresh lives are taken away every year, which is a veritable "health killer". Many people are very confused: why does cancer come and go, so that people are not prepared at all?

In fact, "freezing three feet is not a day's work", and the occurrence of cancer is also a cumulative process. In addition to genes, some poor lifestyle habits can also cause cancer, especially closely related to the words "province" and "lazy"!

【Health】Many cancers are "provincial"! These 6 habits are too hurtful, and many people have them!

1 Power saving: Cooking is not willing to open the hood

Now almost every home has installed a range hood, but some elderly people who are accustomed to saving are always worried that it costs electricity, and can not be opened when cooking.

【Health】Many cancers are "provincial"! These 6 habits are too hurtful, and many people have them!

However, the properties of edible oil will change at high temperatures, and a large number of harmful substances can be produced, such as:

◎At 130 °C, unsaturated fats begin to decompose, and possible carcinogens such as benzopyrene and dinitrophenol (dnp) will gradually form;

◎At 150 ° C, "acrolein" will be produced, which will irritate the eyes, nose, throat and other parts, resulting in dry eyes, dry throat, chest tightness, dizziness, vomiting and other uncomfortable symptoms;

◎Above 200 °C will produce strong toxic substances such as nitrogen oxides, long-term excessive inhalation will affect the respiratory system, may cause nasopharyngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, emphysema and so on.

The data shows that people who have been exposed to oil fumes for a long time have a 2 to 3 times higher risk of lung cancer than ordinary people! This is also an important reason for the high incidence of lung cancer in women.

【Health】Many cancers are "provincial"! These 6 habits are too hurtful, and many people have them!

【Suggestion】: Before opening the fire, you should open the hood, wait for a few minutes after cooking and then turn it off; the hood is more recommended to suck down, the suction is strong, and it can suck away the fumes and reduce the harm.

2 Save money: vegetables and fruits are not willing to lose,

Everyday items are reluctant to change

1 Fruits and vegetables rot, may breed "carcinogenic factors"

Peanuts, corn, apples... A lot of food is bought and put away and spoiled. At this time, there are always many people who choose to cut off the rotten and moldy parts and continue to eat in order to save food, but is this really safe? Beware that a large number of "carcinogens" have been produced!

For example, peanuts, corn and other starchy foods spoiled, may breed Aspergillus aflatoma, long-term consumption, can lead to DNA changes, induce liver cancer; and apples, bananas and other fruits rot, mostly caused by microbial infection such as Streptomyces, penicillium extension, light may cause metabolic dysfunction, kidney edema, heavy damage to nerves, breathing, urinary system, and even lead to liver cancer.

【Health】Many cancers are "provincial"! These 6 habits are too hurtful, and many people have them!

What's more, the lethality of these germs is often greater than visible to the naked eye, and when the rot reaches a certain range, the whole fruit may have been "toxic".


◎Peanuts, corn, beans and other foods with high starch content should be dried and sealed for storage, and can be made into dehumidification packs with peppercorns + dried kelp, which helps to prevent moths and mildew. Once the food has mildew, it is best to discard the whole package.

◎ Fruit as fresh as possible, buy and eat now, if rotten, even if it seems to have little impact, it is best not to eat.

2 Daily necessities that are not replaced may become a "breeding ground for germs"

In order to save money, some people often use cutting boards and bamboo chopsticks in the kitchen for several years. As everyone knows, it is this inconspicuous place, and it is easy to hide dirt and grime!

After the cutting board is used for a long time, there are often more knife marks on it, and bamboo chopsticks often crack after long-term use, which is easy to hide food residues and lead to mold, which may produce carcinogens - aflatoxin, and even with eating and ingestion, increase the risk of liver cancer, esophageal cancer, stomach cancer, colorectal cancer, ovarian cancer and other cancers.

【Health】Many cancers are "provincial"! These 6 habits are too hurtful, and many people have them!

In addition, the kitchen environment is often relatively humid, especially in the rainy season, wooden cutting boards and chopsticks are easy to breed mold, so it is important to replace them in time.

Cutting board, chopsticks should be replaced after half a year of use, if there is already a moldy situation, be sure to throw away, do not continue to use; in the use of cutting board should also pay attention to, raw food and cooked food cut separately, and to regular disinfection.

3 Provincial dishes: Overnight dishes are not willing to be dumped

Chinese residents, especially some rural people, have the habit of eating overnight dishes. Meals that cannot be eaten, continue to eat on the second and third day, and never throw them away until they are spoiled. In fact, this kind of "saving" is also easy to make the body "suffer".

On the one hand, overnight dishes will not only lose a lot of nutrients, but also easy to breed bacteria, for people with weak gastrointestinal function, easy to diarrhea after eating; on the other hand, overnight dishes are placed for too long, will produce nitrites, when it enters the stomach, it will react with proteins to produce nitrosamines with carcinogenic effects, long-term consumption may lead to cell mutations, inducing stomach cancer.

【Health】Many cancers are "provincial"! These 6 habits are too hurtful, and many people have them!

Uneaten dishes should be sealed and refrigerated in time and eaten within 27 hours, but it is more recommended to eat them fresh; and leftover meals must be heated at high temperatures before eating.

4 Lazy to exercise: If you can sit, you don't stand

Many people usually either sit in the office for a long time, or rest in bed at home; once in a while, they can also take a car and never walk, and implement the concept of "lying down without sitting, sitting without standing" to the end. As everyone knows, this "lazy method" will quietly bury the risk of cancer.

Studies have found that sedentary people have an increased risk of bowel cancer by about 44%! Sedentary will affect poor blood circulation, poor blood circulation and directly lead to slower peristalsis of the intestine, as well as toxic metabolites transported downward and discharged from the body for a longer time, over the years will increase the risk of enteritis, and even bowel cancer.

【Health】Many cancers are "provincial"! These 6 habits are too hurtful, and many people have them!

Sedentary people are more likely to be abdominally obese. If a large amount of fat is deposited in the liver, it will slowly evolve into a fatty liver, which will not only affect the detoxification function of the liver, further increase the risk of liver fibrosis, liver cancer, etc., but also easily cause the body's immunity to decline and increase the risk of a variety of diseases.

◎Stand up and move every 1 hour of sitting, hook your toes, tiptoe, or massage your knees to promote blood circulation;

◎ Insist on 30 to 40 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise every day (that is, maintain exercise heart rate = (220-age) * 50% ~ (220-age) * 70%), which can fully mobilize brown fat, burn white fat, and help control fat loss.

5 Too lazy to eat breakfast: Lack of energy in the body

Breakfast is a very important meal of the day, and about 30% of the daily energy needed by the human body comes from breakfast. However, many students and office workers often skip breakfast in order to sleep more on weekdays; even on weekends, they often sleep until noon and eat breakfast directly with lunch. Over time, the body will "rebel."

First of all, long-term non-eating of breakfast will lead to malnutrition, prone to dizziness, fatigue, fainting and other symptoms of hypoglycemia;

Secondly, the endocrine system such as the thyroid gland will be out of balance, and the body's immunity will also decline, increasing the risk of constipation, gastritis, gallstones and other diseases. After a long-term follow-up survey of 7,000 people at the University of Erlangen in Germany, it was found that 40% of them were accustomed to skipping breakfast, which was an average of 2.5 years less than the life expectancy of others!

【Health】Many cancers are "provincial"! These 6 habits are too hurtful, and many people have them!

【Suggestion】: Be sure to eat breakfast on time every day, and the time is best not to be later than 9:30; breakfast must also be nutritious, try to eat 3 types of food: starch staple foods such as buns, eggs, milk and other high-quality protein, 1-2 kinds of fresh vegetables and fruits to ensure balanced nutrition.

6 Lazy to get a physical exam: Missing the earliest detection period of cancer

1/3 of cancer actually has the hope of cure, as long as you find it early. But in our country, many people lack early screening awareness, are too lazy to go to the hospital, are too lazy to check the physical examination, ignore the cancer signals on the body, miss the best treatment time, and force it to "drag" into an incurable disease!

In the case of colorectal cancer, for example, the five-year average survival rate for early bowel cancer is as high as more than 90%, while the survival rate in advanced stage is only 14%. Therefore, it is very important to establish a sense of regular physical examination, especially for high-risk groups, to pay attention to cancer screening, early detection, early diagnosis and treatment.

【Health】Many cancers are "provincial"! These 6 habits are too hurtful, and many people have them!

◎ Breast cancer screening: In general, young women can do breast ultrasound examination; after the age of 40, it is best to have a molybdenum scan every 1-2 years.

◎ Gastric cancer screening: It is recommended that ordinary people do the first gastroscopy at the age of 40, and do it every two years after everything is normal; high-risk groups with underlying diseases or family history should have a gastroscopy every year.

◎ Lung cancer screening: people over 50 years old should do a low-dose spiral CT once a year to help detect lung cancer early; people with a family history of lung cancer and people who smoke for a long time are high-risk groups of lung cancer, and it is recommended to start examination early.

◎ Colorectal cancer screening: The general population recommends an anorectal examination every year after the age of 50; and people with familial polyposis, people with inflammatory bowel disease, and people with poor diet are high-risk groups, and it is recommended to advance to 30 years old and undergo colonoscopy every year.

◎ Liver cancer screening: people with chronic hepatitis history, family history, as well as diabetes, obesity, alcoholism are high-risk groups of liver cancer, it is recommended to do a color ultrasound every six months, while drawing blood to test alpha-fetoprotein, check liver function to assess liver status.

Source: btv I am a big doctor official micro, health circle

Editor: Xie Yunning

Editor-in-charge: Chen Guangtai

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【Health】Many cancers are "provincial"! These 6 habits are too hurtful, and many people have them!