
Squeezed Out Jiang Taigong? Read "The Family of Qi Taigong"

author:Dongge reads history books

Qi Taigong, surnamed Lü, ziya, that is, Jiang Ziya, also known as Taigong Wang, Lü Shang, is a very legendary mythological archetype, whether in legends, in novels, folk beliefs, or in history is the founding hero of the Zhou Dynasty.

Squeezed Out Jiang Taigong? Read "The Family of Qi Taigong"

Jiang Taigong fishing

Due to the difference of opinions, Tai Shi Gong could not distinguish between true and false, so the "History" listed several different theories one by one: fishing by the WeiShui River, this statement is consistent with folklore, but there are no bizarre details such as "straight hooks"; in the imperial song, seeing the cruelty of King Wen, he switched to King Wen; when King Wen was detained, King Wen's ministers Shan Yisheng and Hong Yaosu recruited Taigong, and then the three of them worked together to rescue King Wen, and after King Wen returned, he entrusted Him with the heavy responsibility of Taigong.

Of course, this controversy did not affect the final outcome, no matter what, Taigong eventually became King Wen's taishi. In the later period of King Wen, he always planned for him to overthrow Yin Shang, and after King Wu succeeded to the throne, he became the "Father of Shi Shang", assisting King Wu in completing the great cause of destroying Shang.

It is reasonable to say that this kind of meritorious figure should continue to assist the King of Zhou in governing the world after the establishment of the Zhou Dynasty, but surprisingly, after being divided into princes, he immediately went to his fief camp hill and quickly left the power center of the country.

At the same time, King Wu of Zhou's younger brothers Zhou Gongdan and Zhao Gongyi were also divided into Lu and Yan, respectively, but only let their heirs take the country, and he remained in Zongzhou to assist King Wu.

In the well-known novel "Fengshen Yanyi", King Wu's explanation is that Taigong is old and inconvenient to stay in Zong zhou, saying: "Because of the old age of xiang father, there are many industrious people in the royal family, and they want to make xiang father return to the country to enjoy the blessings of well-being, and no longer work for his father, and he is here to work hard." "But is that really the case?

First of all, let's talk about the blessing of well-being. The "Qi Taigong Family" says that "Lai Hou came to cut and fought with the camp hill." Camp Hill Bianlai. The Lai people, Yi Ye, and Zhou Chuding, failed to gather far away, and fought with the Taigong for the country. This means that taigong has not yet settled down, and has begun to fight with a group of Lai people in Dongyi, which is really not to say that he is enjoying his old age in peace.

Speaking of this "old age", according to the "Fengshen Yanyi", Jiang Ziya came down from the Kunlun Mountain at the age of seventy-two, and after many years of conquest, it was estimated that he was almost a hundred years old, and indeed he was old.

However, in the history books, when King Wu was cutting the silk in the eleventh year, he mentioned that "Shi Shang's father led the animals", and in the previous nine years, there were also records of "Shi Shang's father left cane Huang Yu, right bai Xu swore an oath", and all kinds of actions really did not look like a dying old man.

Squeezed Out Jiang Taigong? Read "The Family of Qi Taigong"

King Wu cuts the silk

Moreover, taking a step back, even if he is old, he still has such energy and can still fight with the Lai people after he has become a country, and he should be able to do the work of assisting the King of Wu.

There is a very suspicious record in the "Qi Taigong Family", here, what is Tai Shigong implying?

The east is the country, and the road is late. The anti-traveler said: "When I hear it, it is rare and easy to lose." The guest sleeps very peacefully, and the non-national one is also. "Too public to hear, to walk in the night, to plough the country."

Looking at Taigong's performance, it seems that there are some emotions, and he does not want to return to China quickly, is he really excluded? This "contrarian traveler" is also suspicious, as if someone has been sent to urge him.

Huainanzi. In the Qi Folk Training, there is a dialogue between Taigong and Zhou Gong on how to govern the country, although it may be fabricated by later generations, it can still be seen that Taigong and Zhou Gong have huge differences in the concept of governing the country.

Xi Taigongwang and Zhou Gongdan were enthroned and met. Taigong asked Zhou Gongyue, "Why rule Lu?" Zhou Gongyue: "Respect and respect." Tai Gong said, "Lu has been weak ever since." Zhou Gong asked Tai Gong, "How can we rule Qi?" Tai Gong said: "Meritorious service." Zhou Gong said, "There will be kings who rob and kill in the hereafter." "Thereafter, Qi Ri was great, and as for the hegemony, it was replaced by the Tian clan in the twenty-fourth dynasty, and Lu Ri was cut down and died by the thirty-second. - "Huainan Zi" ● Volume XI Qi Customs

Taigong developed industry and commerce, fish and salt, etc. in the State of Qi, simplifying etiquette, respecting the wise, and respecting military achievements; while the Zhou Gong promoted "ruling the country with virtue" in the world, paying attention to "matching the country with virtue", "respecting morality and protecting the people", "Mingde prudent punishment", and "making rituals and making music" (excerpted from Zhao Zhuangdao's article "Zhou Gong's Governing Philosophy and Its Influence");

"Taigong to Qi, zhizheng, because of its customs, simple etiquette, through the industry and commerce, it is the benefit of fish and salt, and the people return to Qi, Qi is a big country."

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