
The philosophy of life in the family of Taigong Qi in the "Chronicle of History"

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The philosophy of life in the family of Taigong Qi in the "Chronicle of History"

The earliest impression of Jiang Taigong comes from the deeds of Jiang Ziya in the TV series "List of Fengshen Gods". Helping Western Zhou to eliminate Yin Shang and stabilize the world, there is a saying: "Jiang Taigong fishes, and the willing one is hooked", which adds to Jiang Taigong's infinite wisdom and mysterious color.

Taigong Jiang was also the Taigong of Qi, and this family was as lively as the other princes. Professor Tang Gawen of Tsinghua University said: "Greek philosophers mainly consider the relationship between man and matter, Indian philosophers mainly consider the relationship between man and God, and Chinese philosophers mainly consider the relationship between man and man." Chinese like to study people, people and people's relationships, which is one of the major features. The examination of history is left to historians, let us simply look at the Philosophy of Life of The Qi Family recorded in the "Records of History".

Thinking of danger in times of peace, we must be vigilant at all times

In mythology, Jiang Taigong sealed the gods, and in history, king Wu sat firmly in the country and then divided the princes. Taigong Jiang was enfeoffed at The Qi state of Yingqiu, in present-day Linzi, Shandong. At that time, when Jiang Taigong went to his own fiefdom to take office, he lived and stayed while walking, and the speed was very slow. Once, in a hotel, the owner of the museum said: "I heard that the timing is rare and easy, and this guest sleeps so comfortably, I am afraid that he did not go to the feudal country to take up his post." After hearing this, Taigong dressed all night and went on the road, and arrived in the country of Qi at dawn. Just as Lai Hou came to attack with his troops, he wanted to compete with Taigong for the camp hill. Yingqiu is adjacent to laiguo. The Lai people were of the Yi tribe, taking advantage of the shang rebellion and the Zhou Dynasty had just settled down, unable to pacify the distant places, so they competed with Taigong for land.

Even if it is already safe, people in the jianghu can not relax a little. Think of danger in times of peace and take precautions so as not to be taken advantage of by others to cause trouble. On the other hand, Jiang Ziya, a heavy hero who assisted the Western Zhou Dynasty, must have been a news figure among the people of the Western Zhou Dynasty, and a person of high moral standing. The owner's kind reminder can be seen that Jiang Taigong is deeply loved by the people, and there are many people who support and support it.

The philosophy of life in the family of Taigong Qi in the "Chronicle of History"

When things go well, pay attention to making friends, and have the strength of the Zhengqing nobles. As the son of a monarch, although he lived in a favorable environment, in his daily life, he needed to unite a prestigious and powerful minister, as well as an influential minister in the country.

When Princess Qi Xiang was in power, she drunkenly killed Lu Huangong, who was not good at management and killed improperly. The brothers, fearing that something would happen to themselves, had their own plans. The younger brother Gongzi went to the State of Lu to avoid disaster, and another younger brother, Gongzi Xiaobai, rushed to the State of Ju. Later, Duke Xiang of Qi died of civil unrest for various reasons, and Gongsun ignorantly usurped the throne of the State of Qi, and the State of Qi was in a dark period of extreme political instability.

Gongsun's ignorant ascension to the throne was not right, and he was unable to win the support of most of the Nobles of the State of Qi, and was eventually killed while playing in Yonglin. During the turmoil in the State of Qi, Gao Dai, the prime secretary of the State of Qi, obviously did not suffer any major impact, so he was able to actively plan and quickly pass the news of the chaos in the State of Qi to his son Xiao Bai, who had fled abroad, and finally returned to the State of Qi in advance. Bao Shuya followed Gongzi Xiaobai's side, and Gao Dai responded internally in the capital of the State of Qi, and finally supported Xiao Bai to successfully ascend to the throne, that is, the famous Spring and Autumn Overlord Qi Huan Duke in history.

At that time, the traffic was relatively backward, and it could only be transmitted by car and horse, and whoever got the information at the first time had the initiative. Gao Dai was a descendant of the Gong clan of Qi Guogen Zheng Miao Hong, whose ancestor was Gongzi Gao, the son of Duke Wen of Qi, because he was sealed in the highlands, and in ancient times, he used the fief as a surname, which was the origin of the Gao clan. The Gao family was a very prominent nobleman in the State of Qi, and also had a very important voice in the imperial court. Xiao Bai chose to befriend Gao Dai, and as an ambitious Prince of Qi, he had an extraordinary way of knowing people and dealing with the world and a long-term strategic vision.

Throughout the ancient and modern times, I can't help but sigh that the avenue is the same. Life encounters will not always be smooth, nor will they always be dark. Yin and yang interact, one after the other; yin and yang are round and lacking, and the ruler is short and long. Good times and bad times, with absolute sincerity, no shame.

The philosophy of life in the family of Taigong Qi in the "Chronicle of History"

Those with big ambitions do not count small things, and are good at making decisions. Qi Huangong is worthy of being the overlord of the Spring and Autumn Period, able to bend and stretch, listen to Guan Zhong's advice, give up small things, and achieve the great cause of spring and autumn.

In 681 BC, the State of Qi conquered the State of Lu, and the Lu army was about to fail. Duke Lu Zhuang requested that Sui Yi be sacrificed to make peace, and Huan Gong promised to make an alliance with the Lu people in Kedi. On the occasion of the oath, Cao Mo of the State of Lu abducted the Duke of Qi Huan with a dagger on the altar, saying: "Return the land that the State of Lu has occupied!" Huan Gong agreed. Cao Mo then threw away his dagger and returned to his position as a courtier facing north. Huan Gong regretted that he wanted not to return the occupied territory of the State of Lu and kill Cao Mo, it seems that Huan Gong was also a little careful! However, Huan Gong's thinking will take a 180-degree turn.

At this time, Guan Zhong said: "If you agree to the demands of others when you are kidnapped, and then you break your promise and kill others, you are satisfied with a small and cheerful thing of your own, but you have lost your faith among the princes, and you have lost the support of the people of the world, and you cannot do this." Duke Huan then returned all the territory lost by Cao Mo's three defeats to the State of Lu. When the princes heard about this, they all thought that the State of Qi was trustworthy and generous and was willing to submit to it. In 679 BC, the princes and the Duke of Qi Heng allied in Zhendi, and the Duke of Qi Huan became the overlord of the princes of the world.

How big is the heart, how big is the cause, how big the territory is. Throughout history, many big figures have narrowed their minds, or cared for face, or coveted selfish desires, which have finally led to failure. Perhaps the wise counselors of the time advised that without correct judgment and decision-making, things could not have been accomplished. Therefore, as in the later Liu Bang, as long as he can become an emperor, others can be sacrificed, and it is also necessary to have a good mind and tolerance.

The philosophy of life in the family of Taigong Qi in the "Chronicle of History"

Knowing the other, there is a degree of progress and retreat. The "Records of History" mentions an inconspicuous small country in the family of Prince Qi, only a few words, but it shows this person's wisdom and alertness.

In 706 BC, Beirong attacked the State of Qi. When the State of Qi encountered foreign enemies, Prince Zheng guo came to help rescue the State of Qi. Successfully defeat the enemy. In gratitude, The Duke of Qi planned to marry the princess to him. Prince Zheng Guo suddenly said: "Zheng is a small country, Qi is a big country, I am not worthy." Therefore, he refused the kindness of Qi Gonggong.

During the Spring and Autumn Period, it was common for small countries to form ties with large countries for their own interests in order to increase foreign aid or stabilize their own forces. In power struggles, the help of the great powers because of their marital relationships is also important. Why would Prince Zheng guo refuse the kindness of the State of Qi? The reason for this is probably not that he is modest, feeling that he is a small country and not worthy of a big country, but a very important reason is probably that wen Jiang, the daughter of Qi Gong, is not very famous.

In the "Records of History", it is mentioned in the later text of the Qi Taigong family that Wen Jiang Xu was matched with The Prince of Zhengguo, and after being rejected, he married the Duke of Lu Huan. Once, when Wen Jiang and Duke Huan of Lu were in the State of Qi, they had an affair with their brother, the later Duke Xiang of Qi. After this matter was known to Lu Huangong, he was very angry. It is estimated that he scolded Wen Jiang, and Wen Jiang told his brother. After Qi Xianggong drunk Lu Huangong, he had lu Huangong murdered.

Seeing the story of Lu Huangong, you can understand the reason why Prince Zheng Guo did not marry Wen Jiang. The prince of a small country, marrying a princess of a big country, can realize his political ambitions. However, a woman's style must be correct, and if the family style and upbringing are not good, it is not only useless, but also harmful. It is very reasonable to look at the "door to door pair" from ancient times, and from this point of view, Prince Zheng Guo is a judgmental and far-sighted successor. Although the "Chronicle of History" only uses a few thirty words to describe this event, this wise and courageous young man jumped on the paper.

The philosophy of life in the family of Taigong Qi in the "Chronicle of History"

"With history as a mirror, we can know the rise and fall; with people as a mirror, we can see the gains and losses."

There is no doubt that the biological world is profit-seeking and avoiding harm. From other people's stories, how to see that someone has bypassed the stone, someone has been tripped by the stone, and some people will learn to go around the stone instead of being tripped over again. But in real life, history is strikingly similar, and things happen over and over again. There are those who have successfully crossed the river, and there are also tragedies that have recurred, but the times are different.

No matter what, life is like time, constantly moving forward. The taste is like a person drinking water. May everyone be able to wear armor and face the road or the bend; without armor, we will make a leather coat and face the sea of people.

A little look at "Qi Taigong Family", a little bit of feeling, welcome to participate and point out.

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