
Shangqiu Ningling Aid Station: A young woman was rescued, described as Xu Han (sound), 1 meter 6 high

author:Headlines looking for people

What's New: Good news! After feedback from the rescue station, the rescued person has found his family with the help of the rescue station, please rest assured that the well-wishers who pay attention to this matter are assured! In order to protect the privacy of the parties, their names, photos and other information are hereby withdrawn.

Recipient number: 2019032901

Recipient gender: Female

Recipient age: 25

Mental and intellectual status: Other

Characteristics of the recipients: 1 meter 6 high, weighing 60 kilograms, wearing black cotton clothes, blue jeans, suspected mental disorder, Qiao Lou police station sent to my station

Received assistance time: 2019-03-29

Location: Wuzhuang, Qiaolou Township, Ningling County, Shangqiu City, Henan Province

Contact: Shangqiu Ningling Rescue Station

Contact number: 18037758866,

Additional Information:

Shangqiu Ningling Aid Station: A young woman was rescued, described as Xu Han (sound), 1 meter 6 high

Headline search is a free public welfare project for the whole country, dedicated to helping all kinds of families to find the lost, its principle is to find information in the pop-up window near the missing place of the lost person, with the help of the huge number of headline users, greatly improve the probability of possible witnesses to help find people. Past successful cases have confirmed that the accurate geographical pop-up window of the headline search has a higher success rate for people with low mobility such as the elderly and mental disorders who have lost in a short period of time.

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Shangqiu Ningling Aid Station: A young woman was rescued, described as Xu Han (sound), 1 meter 6 high

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