
Douban 9.2 "Father and Daughter": Separately, it is a compulsory topic in life 01, parting is always caught off guard 02, separation is a compulsory course in life 03, and striving to grow up with hope

author:Dusty movies

Released in 2001, Father and Daughter tells the story of a little girl and her father who ride a bicycle to the lake, the father hugs his daughter and then sets on a boat and sails away, after which the girl comes to the lake every day to wait for her father to return, but does not wait.

With the passage of time, the little girl grew into an adult, married and had children, and finally became an old woman, but she still went to the lake to wait for her father to return.

Douban 9.2 "Father and Daughter": Separately, it is a compulsory topic in life 01, parting is always caught off guard 02, separation is a compulsory course in life 03, and striving to grow up with hope

The first time I watched this short film, I didn't know what the film was trying to say, was it the story of a father abandoning his daughter?

Until after repeated watching, it was instantly understood that the father stepped on the boat and sailed into the distance, which meant death. It made me think of my late grandfather, who, like the little girl in the short film, had been waiting for him to come back, as if death were just a trip to a distant place alone.

It wasn't until I grew up that I understood that they were compulsory subjects in life. We have people we love, and there are people who are reluctant to leave, but there are always people who are like the father in the short film, reluctant to leave but helplessly step on the boat. And what we have to do, in addition to spiritual waiting, is to live a good life.

Douban 9.2 "Father and Daughter": Separately, it is a compulsory topic in life 01, parting is always caught off guard 02, separation is a compulsory course in life 03, and striving to grow up with hope

At the beginning of the story, a father and daughter come from afar on bicycles, crossing the flat land, across the hillside, until they come to a stop at the lake.

The father hugged his daughter for a moment, and then slowly walked to the lake, he watched the lake in front of him turn back to pick up the girl, and then he never looked back and paddled away from the land in a small boat.

The little girl anxiously looked at her father who was gradually disappearing, and had no choice but to ride back the same way. Every day after that, the girl rode to the lake and waited until the sun went down before going back. In the intervening time, the girl grew up, and whether it was windy or rainy, she pedaled her bike forward with all her might.

Douban 9.2 "Father and Daughter": Separately, it is a compulsory topic in life 01, parting is always caught off guard 02, separation is a compulsory course in life 03, and striving to grow up with hope

After that, the girl began to fall in love, she no longer rode the car fast, but sat in the seat of her boyfriend's car, and the car moved at a uniform speed. As time passed, the girl got married and had children, and she and her husband began to ride their bikes with their children to the lake

The children were playing by the lake, but the girl did not dare to move forward, she stood on the high hillside, looking forward with concern. This move shows that her father's departure had a great impact on her, until she grew up, got married and had children, and she still remembered that her father left from here when she was a child.

In fact, after watching it a few times, I found that the lake represents the end of life, and my father paddled away in a boat, which meant that he could never come back. But the little girl didn't know where she had gone, and she still longed for her father to come back one day.

Parting, sometimes always so caught off guard, when you're not ready, it takes away the person you're closest to. Seeing the scene of the father turning back to hug his daughter before leaving, I know that my father is also reluctant to leave, reluctant to his daughter, but the years are merciless.

Douban 9.2 "Father and Daughter": Separately, it is a compulsory topic in life 01, parting is always caught off guard 02, separation is a compulsory course in life 03, and striving to grow up with hope

We are experiencing all kinds of separations all our lives, leaving home at school, leaving home at work, dying of relatives, etc. When things happen, many people may not be able to accept it, but after slowing down, think about it carefully, separation is a compulsory course in life.

We will learn from it to cherish, how to live, if to love the people we care about in our hearts.

The little girl in the short film gradually grows up, and when she enters middle age, she also begins to think about the direction of her father's departure. Gradually, the girl became a person, and she rode slower and slower.

Until the end, the body of the body can only push the car slowly forward, when she came to the lake, the bicycle can no longer support, the girl's repeated actions to help the car is also indicative that she is reluctant to leave, want to help the car, slow down the speed of leaving.

Douban 9.2 "Father and Daughter": Separately, it is a compulsory topic in life 01, parting is always caught off guard 02, separation is a compulsory course in life 03, and striving to grow up with hope

When the girl could no longer lift the car, she walked toward the lake, which had dried up, and she went deep into the reeds, lay down in a wooden boat half-hidden in the sand, shrunk her body into a ball, and began to wait for something.

Life is like a wheel that never stops moving forward, never stopping. The father is gone, the daughter begins to grow, and life begins to pass. When the daughter leaves, her children will grow up as they did when she was a child.

Therefore, when facing separation, don't be too sad, it is just a compulsory course in life, so that people can understand life and cherish time. With separation, there will be a reunion, just like at the end of the film, the girl and the father hug each other tightly, and life meets again in this way.

Douban 9.2 "Father and Daughter": Separately, it is a compulsory topic in life 01, parting is always caught off guard 02, separation is a compulsory course in life 03, and striving to grow up with hope

After her father left, the girl came to the lake every day, and what has been supporting her may be faith and hope.

Rain or shine, across the hillside, the wheels rolling through the shadows, the girl is on the way to and from the lake, gradually growing.

It is with this belief and hope for the future that supports the girl to continue to walk, meet the person she loves, and life does not stop.

I think that there are many people in real life who, when they encounter this situation, will be immersed in sadness for a long time and cannot extricate themselves. I used to be like this, but as I got older and more experienced, I understood that sadness was not the best solution.

The girls in the short film have not only come to the lake themselves, but also come with friends, lovers and children. In my opinion, this kind of scene design is very good, which means that the girl starts a new life and puts her thoughts in her heart.

The best way to treat time is to live seriously and leave no regrets. Only by embracing hope can we strive to grow.

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