
Cone bugs spread "new AIDS"? Fujian Disease Control: There are no cases in China... In summer, you should be more vigilant against these 3 species of insects!

author:Fujian Health News

Recently, guangzhou cd-operative WeChat public account released an article titled "Vigilance! The article on the spread of "new AIDS" by this insect circulated on the Internet

It is pointed out that as a vector of american trypanosomiasis, the transmission of american trypanosomiasis causes irreversible harm to human health

It can even be life-threatening, known as the "new aids"

Cone bugs spread "new AIDS"? Fujian Disease Control: There are no cases in China... In summer, you should be more vigilant against these 3 species of insects!

(▲Cone bugs from nymphs to adults)

As soon as this article came out,

It has attracted the attention of many citizens.

Do cone bugs also exist in Fujian?

Does it cause widespread infection with Trypanosomiasis of the Americas?

This newspaper's special provincial disease control experts responded——

The disease is less likely to cause secondary transmission and outbreaks,

Citizens need not panic.

Well, except for the cone bugs

What other insects need to be wary of in summer?

【Special invitation of this newspaper】

Xie Hanguo, Chief Technician, Department of Parasitic Disease Control, Fujian Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention

What is American trypanosomiasis?

Trypanosomiasis of the Americas is a zoonotic parasitic disease that is mainly endemic in 18 countries in Central and South America, especially in remote areas of Latin America, and is a "neglected tropical disease".

The World Health Organization estimates that there are about 10 million people infected worldwide, and more than 25 million people are at high risk.

How is American trypanosomiasis transmitted?

Trypanosomiasis is transmitted mainly through the feces of trypanosomiasis infected with Trypanosoma cruzi, but can also be caused incidentally through contaminated food, blood transfusions, longitudinal transmission, organ transplantation or laboratory.

Have cone bugs ever appeared in Fujian?

Xie Hanguo introduced that as early as 2016, the Fujian Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, as one of the 10 cooperative units, participated in this research in the project of the national key research and development plan "Dynamic Distribution and Resource Library Construction of Invasive Vector Organisms and Their Pathogens Related to Important Tropical Diseases" declared by the Institute for The Prevention and Control of Parasitic Diseases of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and the investigation and research of Trypanosoma-Cone Bug of the Americas is one of the main contents of the project.

At present, no cases of Trypanosoma americanis have been found in China, and trypanosomiasis has been found in four provinces of Guangdong, Hainan, Fujian and Guangxi, but no trypanosomiasis pathogen has been detected.

"There are similar vector organisms in the country." Xie Hanguo said that there are many types of cone bugs, of which the Large Circle Bug, the Harassing Cone Bug and the Long Red Hunt Bug are the main vectors of transmission in the tropical region of the Americas, however, the red-banded cone bug found in China is not the main vector of Trypanosomiasis of the Americas.

Cone bugs spread "new AIDS"? Fujian Disease Control: There are no cases in China... In summer, you should be more vigilant against these 3 species of insects!

(Cone bug head like a cone)

Does the disease cause secondary transmission?

According to Xie Hanguo's analysis, Trypanosomiasis of the Americas is mainly distributed in the Americas, and the epidemic of the disease is more serious in the poor areas of the Americas, especially in Latin America, and China is a non-endemic area and not the natural source of the disease;

Due to the current increase in human flow logistics, there is a risk of Trypanosomiasis and its vector organisms importing into China, but there are no relevant reports of the import of Trypanosoma Americana and major vectors into China;

China has not found the main vectors of Trypanosoma americana, The Great Roundworm, the Harassing Trypanos bug and the Long Red Hunting Bug, and there has been no research on whether the existing vector species (Trypanossis erythematis) can infect Trypanosoma americanis. Therefore, the possibility of the disease causing secondary transmission and outbreaks is not high, and the public does not need to panic.

Reminder: Risks cannot be ruled out

At present, due to the increase in international exchanges, the risk of imported or returned personnel from abroad being primary cases cannot be ruled out, and he suggested that relevant departments such as tourism and commerce and large employing units should establish an effective risk communication and coordination mechanism and provide health education and consulting services to personnel traveling to and from Latin America.

Suspected imported cases of Trypanosomiasis and imported trypanosomiasis should be reported in a timely manner, and specimens should be sent to the Parasitic Disease Control Department (Institute) of the Disease Control Department for identification and testing.

Be wary of diseases transmitted by these insect bites in summer

Summer high temperature and humid heat, mosquito breeding, of which blood-sucking midges, ticks, cryptoptera, etc. are common insects in summer, these insects usually spread pathogens through biting blood-sucking, experts remind that the public needs to strengthen prevention.

Beware of blood-sucking midges

Cone bugs spread "new AIDS"? Fujian Disease Control: There are no cases in China... In summer, you should be more vigilant against these 3 species of insects!

The vampire midge, commonly known as the ink mosquito and small bite, is a small insect. It is often active in places with mountain forests or lush vegetation, and communities with better greenery are usually more common. Vampire midges are more active before sunrise and after sunset.

➤ Symptoms:

After a person is bitten by a vampire midge, there will be intense burning pain, forming a red band around the bite site, and some people will also cause an allergic reaction, with a fierce itching sensation. These midge species, which suck the blood of humans and animals, not only sting and suck blood, but also transmit a variety of diseases.

✦ Recommendations:

1. The public can arrange screen windows or screen doors with mesh holes of less than 3/4 mm at doors and windows to prevent blood-sucking midges from drilling into the house.

2. When going out, you can apply repellent to exposed skin and spray repellent or cypermethrin insecticide on clothing.

Beware of ticks

Cone bugs spread "new AIDS"? Fujian Disease Control: There are no cases in China... In summer, you should be more vigilant against these 3 species of insects!

Ticks, also known as ticks or ticks. It generally prefers to inhabit places such as warm and moist meadows, bushes and forests. In recent years, ticks have also been found in parks and new development zones in many cities.

Ticks are painless when they bite humans and animals, so they are not easy to detect. Once bitten by a tick, there will be edema, inflammation and other reactions in the skin wound, and even ulcers will form, which can cause paralysis in severe cases.

1. When traveling or working in the wilderness, citizens should wear light-colored clothes, appropriately apply repellent to exposed skin, and try to avoid sitting on the grass.

2. If you find ticks on your body or find that you are bitten by ticks, do not pat, you should use sticks or other tools to remove ticks, or use forceps to pull out ticks, and clean the wound, apply steroid cream, and seek medical attention immediately if the symptoms are serious.

Beware of cryptoptera

Cone bugs spread "new AIDS"? Fujian Disease Control: There are no cases in China... In summer, you should be more vigilant against these 3 species of insects!

Cryptoptera is a small black mosquito-shaped flying insect, the poisonous cryptoptera is widely distributed, commonly found in temperate areas on the banks of rivers, rivers, fields and vegetable gardens, etc., during the day in the dark and damp places, at night in the light of the flight. May to August is the high incidence of the disease, the worm body contains toxins in all segments, with strong acidity.

"If cryptoptera falls on the skin and is slapped, it will release a large amount of strong acidic toxin to irritate the skin, resulting in inflammation." Xie Hanguo said that if you see a small bug staying on your face, you must not slap it with your hands, and the correct way to do it is to fall to the ground and stomp to death with your feet.

1. Citizens should do a good job in prevention work, do a good job in environmental hygiene, remove weeds, install screen doors and windows, and turn off the lights when sleeping.

2. If you encounter cryptoptera corroding the skin, do not panic too much. If a rash has appeared, it can be immediately cleansed with alkaline soap, soap, etc., coated with calamine lotion, or can be mashed with purslane and applied to the affected area. At the same time, in order to speed up the healing and prevent skin infections, you should go to the hospital in time.

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Fujian Health Daily reporter: Zhang Hongpeng

Edit: Xiaofeng