
Aunt Susan, who touched hundreds of millions of Chinese ten years ago, also suffered from diabetes and which celebrities were recruited

author:Physical and mental health consultant

In the past 30 years, European and American countries have been typical representatives of high-carbon diets, and this diet model has been exported to all parts of the world through the global trading system (such as industrial food, chain fast food and movies), bringing about a global outbreak of chronic diseases represented by diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is the most common type of diabetes. In the United States, more than 26 million people have this type of diabetes, and 7 million people are unaware. Usually, the disease is mostly associated with obesity. And these representatives of European and American culture are also one of the victims, such as the movie and television stars we are familiar with, who have changed their lives because of diabetes:

Susan Boyle (April 1961–)

Aunt Susan, who touched hundreds of millions of Chinese ten years ago, also suffered from diabetes and which celebrities were recruited

Aunt Susan

In April 2009, after appearing on the British Talent Show, the Scottish female singer became the focus of attention, that is, the inspirational figure we Chinese know in previous years - Aunt Susan, who came to adulthood at the age of 48 and inspired countless young Chinese people more than a decade ago. But Aunt Susan was recently diagnosed with diabetes, and her doctors advised her to lose weight. She listened to the experts and now lost nearly 30 pounds, which looks completely different! She no longer eats sugary foods like candy and cakes every day and now walks 2 miles regularly, which is definitely a huge change! I wish Aunt Susan good health and peace.

Alec Baldwin (April 1958 –)

Aunt Susan, who touched hundreds of millions of Chinese ten years ago, also suffered from diabetes and which celebrities were recruited

Alec. Baldwin

Representative works: "Hunting Red October", "The Gold Worshipers", "I Am a Comedy Maniac", "Notting Hill", "Pearl Harbor". The evergreen of the film industry, Alec Baldwin, seems to be active in Hollywood forever. When he was young, he was handsome and handsome, and after entering middle age, his body was blessed. The veteran actor, after being diagnosed with prediabetes, turned to a weight loss plan, revealing on social media that he "avoids eating sugar and starch and dairy products, so it's basically a low-carb paleo diet." The star has managed to lose more than 30 pounds.

Tom Hanks (July 1956 -)

Aunt Susan, who touched hundreds of millions of Chinese ten years ago, also suffered from diabetes and which celebrities were recruited

Oscar-winning tom. Hanks

Fans around the world are familiar with the classic line "Life is like chocolate, you never know what the next one tastes" in "Forrest Gump". However, Tom Hanks, who plays Forrest Gump, is unlikely to indulge in chocolate tasting. Tom Hanks often undergoes weight changes, and he's a dedicated actor willing to do whatever it takes to find a role. The role he wants to play can quickly gain 30 pounds of weight, but he can also play the role that requires him to lose 50 pounds.

In 1992, he gained 30 pounds (about 27 pounds) to play the baseball coach Jimmy Dugan in "Pink League".

In 1993, he lost 26 pounds (about 24 pounds) to the AIDS patient in "The Philadelphia Story".

In 1994, filming of Forrest Gump began, and he returned to his normal weight.

In 2000, when filming "The Rest of the Desert Island", he weighed 225 pounds (about 204 pounds) in the first half of the film for the role, and in the second half of the film, he lost 170 pounds (about 154 pounds), that is, in just a few months, he lost a total of 55 pounds (about 50 pounds).

Later, in 2004, his weight soared again for filming "Happiness Terminal", and he began to maintain the image of a fat uncle with a wide heart until he was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

In 2013, after he was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, it prompted him to say he would no longer be in the role where he needed weight fluctuations. The star said he needs to keep plenty of water, vegetables, low-carbs and eat fish. It seems that only illness will make people cherish their health.

Paula Dean (january 1947 –)

Aunt Susan, who touched hundreds of millions of Chinese ten years ago, also suffered from diabetes and which celebrities were recruited

Cooking Queen Paula

In 2012, paula Deen, the "cooking queen" of television, was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and has always been good at cooking high-fat and high-sugar foods. "When your signature dish is a hamburger sandwiched between donuts and you've been gleefully selling these things, you know you have type 2 diabetes... If nothing else, it's too bad," commented celebrity chef Anthony Bodern. Paula Dean decided to begin her weight loss journey, which later lost about 35 pounds. She revealed her secret, "I was hooked on smoothies. Before starting the day, she must eat a healthy breakfast smoothie.

Randy Jackson

Aunt Susan, who touched hundreds of millions of Chinese ten years ago, also suffered from diabetes and which celebrities were recruited

American idol Randy. Jackson

As the younger brother of superstar Mike Jackson, American idol Randy Jackson released an album and founded his own record label. After being diagnosed with diabetes and high blood pressure in 2008, Randy Jackson got to know him. He needs to make a change. Jackson said that even though his father was diabetic, he never imagined it would happen to him.

Through gastric bypass surgery, he lost nearly 100 pounds. Through a healthy diet and daily exercise, he maintained his weight and his diabetes was brought under control.

Epasha Merckson (September 1952 -)

Aunt Susan, who touched hundreds of millions of Chinese ten years ago, also suffered from diabetes and which celebrities were recruited

Epasha Merckson

The Emmy award-winning actress has received numerous high-profile accolades for her work, including the Emmy, Golden Globe, Screen Actors Guild Award, four NAACP Image Awards, two Obi Awards and two Tony Award nominations. In her off-screen life, Merckson was both a diabetic and an advocate. She encourages others to achieve their blood sugar goals.

Although she has a family history of type 2 diabetes, "my diagnosis is a reminder," she announced in 2016, "I knew I had to start making serious changes to my lifestyle to control my health, which included choosing more nutritious foods and brisk walking." ”

Mike Huckabee (born August 1955)

Aunt Susan, who touched hundreds of millions of Chinese ten years ago, also suffered from diabetes and which celebrities were recruited

Mike Huckabee

The former presidential candidate (who later switched to pro-Trump) and Fox News host made headlines in 2004: Arkansas's then-governor (known as "wide body") managed to lose 105 pounds.

He revealed that he was diagnosed with diabetes after waking up one morning in 2003. He told people that the death of his friend, former Governor Frank White, inspired him to stay healthy.

Huckabee has now reduced its total daily food intake from 3,000 calories to 1,600 calories. Just two years later, he has completed several marathons, and now he announces that he has reversed all of his diabetes symptoms.

Patti Rabelle (may 1944 –)

Aunt Susan, who touched hundreds of millions of Chinese ten years ago, also suffered from diabetes and which celebrities were recruited

Patti Rabel, a music superstar in the 80s and 90s

Patty Rabel, a Grammy Award winner known as an American soul singer, did not know she had type 2 diabetes until she passed out on stage in 1994. "I was obsessed with fried chicken and pasta," she told People in 2008.

Rabeel is no stranger to the complications of diabetes: her mother had her leg amputated and her uncle was already blind. So, she immediately changed her cooking habits and released three cookbooks that included diabetic recipes.

The outbreak of diabetes, largely to blame the U.S. Department of Agriculture, in the 80s to the United States and even the world to promote high-carb and low-fat diet model, resulting in a significant increase in obesity rates and diabetes prevalence, and now in the new crown epidemic, severe patients are almost all people with chronic underlying diseases. Hopefully, more people will wake up and change their eating patterns to avoid more tragedies.